Okay so yesterday I finished watching the last Harry Potter movie, and although I adored every bit of it, since of course I'm one of those Harry Potter nerds that have seen every single movie from the very beginning. I can't help but feel unsatisfied from the 19 years later ending. I mean I guess it's because I always felt that Harry and Hermoine should end up together... AM I the only one who feels this way!?!?!? I mean I got nothing against Ron or Ginny... It's just since the beginning movies... It always felt as if they would end up together... And I guess the ending made me... blech... I didn't like it... I mean I've heard of pairings like Hermoine&Draco/Harry&Draco... REALLY?! Out of all those... No! I guess it just my opinion or my wacked out mind, but Hermoine and Harry is the best Harry Potter pairing to me...


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incmplete #1
lol so wait--you haven't read any of the books and just watched the movies?! then maybe that's why you feel like you've been lead on lol! i think the film directors wanted to please all the shippers so they put in some hermione/harry moments in the film but really though it's been ron & hermione from the beginning!
i don't understand the ginny/harry though--and i'm not rooting for cho chang either; idk maybe they could've introduced another character? lol @your gif overload