

okay, hello everyone. I'm ladysquid.

I'm not really 'new' in AFF - I've went to this site for numerous times before I created this account. I've read things from here a lot and somehow I want to try to write too, since I'm still a girl searching for her own passion. ^^

If you happened to saw it, I just posted the first chapter of my first K-pop fanfiction, For His Freedom. Somehow it didn't appear when you search for it in the Google Custom Search box :( .

I hope my story will not become a disappointment and will entertain people, especially AFF readers, in a positive way. And I'm sorry too if there are any mistakes or negative points - it is my first fanfiction here, i'm still a newbie in this site so please bear with me. ^^

You can expect more updates from me soon.


See ya~



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