I am returning back to the torture house

I am returning back to the torture house aka High School...jk XD I don't think school is that much of a torture but I just want on more week, just one more, but anyways I'm kind of happy because I'll see my friends after such a long time. I went to school and got my textbooks, gosh they are freaking heavy! I also got my classes and I don't like the order they are in.


2nd: ALGEBRA 2

3rd: ENGLISH 2

4th: SPANISH 2


6th: ADVISORY!!! (not a class)

WHY WHY WHY did I have to get history in the morning plus it's AP, that's a freaking advanced class I got placed in.

Well bye bye for now


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AeriPark #1
omg I'm taking the same classes as you but they're all honors except spanish jesus but you only have 6 periods!? we have 8;-;
Hey I had AP history as my first class in sophomore year haha
squishies #3
im going back in a few weeks and i still haven't brought any supplied yet OTL
omg my first day back to school was today and i couldn't even find my friends! D: I have gym in the morning. UGH
I've been in High School for a month now and being a freshman you get targeted by the Others in Pep. meetings

Also teachers expect you to be sooo much better during freshman year...but hey I have 6 classes too
At least u only have 6. I have like 8 bcuz I'm going to a magnet CTA. ohmygeez, my sleeping schedule still isn't set
exo_baozi #7
lol i started school last week with my sis ;_;
ugh, school starts tomorrow for me. I actually wanted to go back to school in the summer, but since school is starting i'm like, 'omfg, I can't handle this crap anymore.' i'm on my last year of middle school, and I just feel like everyone on aff is so much older than me!~ ;o; why?! that's just not fair at all. *-*