Pain over my body.... T^T

Great. This is just great. T^T

My hands bleeded and now they are all swollen T____T"

Well... not all of it ._. just the index finger and the pinkies on both of my hands.


Luckily I could still type with just three fingers, although I'm not used to it -,-"


There was a competition in our school, and that is Tug of War.

Well, my class got the second place after our hard work ^^ kekeke.

But the side effect is, our hands were swollen, burning and bleeding. Some of us got our hands' skin peel off.

Mentally, we're okay. But physically, our hands aren't.

And besides that my hands got hurt, my legs got hurt too. I could barely walk, now. o.O the computer was near my room and I have a chair that has wheels (not a wheel chair), so I just swayed off with my chair. Kekeke ^^

I guess I could walk to school tomorrow if I got enough rest with my legs. But really, it hurts when I got home. And I checked out that the inner ankles of my foot were bleeding. It didn't hurt at school before! T^T

But my waist hurts too, though o.O OMG I think my whole body might be in pain little by little O___O

I hope I could update with only three fingers on ._. I'll be hiatus about a week on the day after tomorrow, so I'm trying my best to update till Friday.


See ya! <3


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I hope you get better soon! :)
Yeah me too.
And with that sacrifices, we still can't be the first ._.
Hope your fingers heal well :DDD Get well, nae chingu ^^
Get well sooon! :(
Hope you are fine soon~! :D