It's More Than Just A Game | [Shim Nam Gil]












layout by: geekreader



Let me introduce myself

username: onesleven
what to call you: m
activeness: 8/10



This is who I am

name: shim nam gil 
birthday: november 17, 1996
age: 17
grade: junior
class: 2 - 4
height: 180cm
weight: 64kg

face claim: jang hyun jae
backup face claim: yo hwan




Here's a little more about me

favourite subject(s): english & history
disliked subject(s): mathematics - science
favourite place in school: garden under the big tree, nice place for fall asleep
ideal type: attentive - affectionate & honest
committee: a/n
likes: motorbike - bubble gum - wafer biscuit - autumn & arcade games
dislikes: chili - rain - flash light; from lightning or camera - travelling & cigarette
hobbies: online shopping - sleeping & play console games
habits: he blink twice more than usual if he lying - he cursing if he feel mad or upset
trivia: he and his brother once won throphy at tennis tournament in their town // he usually visit his brother grave at least 2-3 times in week but since he move out, he only visit him twice in month // he can spend a lot money if it comes for online shopping, he usually buy jacket, shoes, cap or tennis things // his favorite tennis player is andy murray // he like anything in blue color // he sleep with light turn on // he snacking if he nervous, he do that a lot before enter the games // he can chew bubble gum for entire day without even eat, he said it make him full already for some reason // he never talk about his brother to anyone except krystal and his parents and he will be mad or upset if someone mention him // he like giraffe, he think they cute // he drive motorcycle every where


personality: first impression if you meet him, is arrogant, bad boy and troublemaker. he will stare at you with one eyebrow lift up and give you smirk that can mean anything. he hard to approach because he like doing anything alone and he appreciate peace and balance. if he don't like something he will say it. if you make mistake regarding him, he will scold you until you get sick and he will remember it forever! if he  say he don't want do something  he won't even budge from his seat even eartquake come. and if he say he want punch your face, you better go right away cause boy trust me it's not threat,  even sometimes it sound harsh or rude he always say what's in his head or heart. he actually one of honest, blunt and straigt forward person, he just don't know how to deliver it in good words.

but beside all of that, nam gil is actually sensitive and insecure person. he got a lot hesitatant in his mind and sometimes lack confident when do something. he worry too much about being fail and disappointed people around him; make him stress a lot when actually nothing is need to worry about. he worry about how people see him and even though he seems not care about bad comment that people throw to him, it actually really hurt him. all in his head he just never show it in front of people and only save his problem for himself. he will be very loyal, warm and protective person if you patient enought to hang around him.


Personal relationships

best friend:
Krystal of f(x) | 17 | junior | 2-3 | affectionate - calm - laid back | they childhoodfriend. they parents friend to each other but krystal move away when she at 6 grade and meet again with nam gil at his new school. apparently nam gil parents hoping krystal can help him when deciding to put him in same school with her. | since little she someone who he comfort with. he enjoy being with her, they like brother and sister, she will scold him if he do bad or even smack and hit him and he do same to her, they really click to each other.

shin hyung jae | 18 | senior | 3-2 | a/n | after nam gil transfer at new school, he who give up on tennis saw hyung jae playing. the moment when he saw him play make him broke down and cry cause he remind him so much to his brother. he try approach nam gil when notice someone watching him, but nam gil just run away. they meet again when nam gil join the club. | wakward at first but then start warm to each other. hyung jae try be friend with him but nam gil stil bit awkward, at some point he want be close to hyung jae but afraid too since hyung jae remind him a lot of his brother.
bomi of a pink | 16 | freshmen | 1-3 | bubbly - prankster - loyal | she was the one who know about how nam gil use to be tennis player and since she was from same middle school with nam gil and admire him so much, she follow him around when she know he transfer to her school. | nam gil really can't stand her, they will bickering and argue a lot, but even though nam gil really harsh or rude to her she seems okay and even enjoy making him mad. but she will the first one to stand up if people talk bad about him. she actually really good friend, only if she can bit calm.

father | shim dong geun | 47 | 
 sport physician specialist  | observant - patient - family guy | nam gil father is good man, he try spend more time with his kid specially nam gil, more after his brother died. he try to make nam gil comforth enough to talk to him his problem, he treat his kid not only as kid but friend too, it's one of his way to be close to them.
mother | song hye jin | 46 | advertising | hard working - affectionate - lay back | she some one who give freedom to her child, support them and always be there when they need her. she spoiled nam gil a lot, and she not afraid to show it like kiss him in cheek or in front of his friend. while it's fun for her, nam gil always think it's embarrassing since he already grown up, so even though he look like he scold his mom a lot but he never really mean it, cause he love her so much.
brother | shim hye sung | 18 | dead.



Here's my story

background: shim nam gil born in family who love tennis. his father is specialist doctor for tennis player. his mother even though work as advertiser, she too love watching tennis. even his brother who only 1 years older than him is start play tennis. they all love tennis!
talking about his brother, they so close, they always do anything together, he will protect him and teach him anything good and bad. for nam gil his brother is his idol and whatever he do, he will follow including play tennis.
when he just got into high school, the coach try pairing them in men double and for moment they known as double trouble in court and very popular at the time. but that before some accident kill his brother. since then everything change, even he decide to quit play tennis cause it remind him so much of his brother. seeing how devastated their son because lost his only brother, make nam gil parents decide to leave for other town and school, hoping he can start a new. 

how i got into tennis: his brother who really love tennis talking a lot about it to him, he even try to teach him how to play it. at first nam gil not really interest, but seeing how his brother so into it, his brother spirit start engulf him and before he know, he love the game.



Falling in love with you

love interest: Goo Sun Young
birthday: june 4, 1995
age: 18
grade: senior
class: 3 -3
committee: student council secretary
ideal type: someone smart and sensible
favourtie subject(s): history, math, korean, english
disliked subject(s): social sciences
favourite place in school: tennis court

personality: a/n

how you met: tennis court. seeing how she practice under the sun, when every girl try hide from it yet she still run in court, make him admire her right away and want get to know her. she one of his reason to play tennis again. 

how you act around each other: he the one who always scold people and always want win in argue suddenly being quiet and flustered when talk to her. he can't really see her eyes and just do more act than talk when she is around.

backup love interest: tiffany hwang




Now let's get down to business

play style: single, serve and volleyer, data tennis, right-handed

speed: 4
power: 2
technique: 5
intelligence: 4
agility: 4
endurance: 2

extra: he use to play double but recently after his brother died, he choose to play single because for him there's no good partner beside his bother // he need wear glasses or cap everytime he play, his eyes is very sensotive with light, even sun light or camera flash can ruin his focus. 

weakness: he usually play offensive and quick by attacking his opponent blind spot or weakness and cause he know his power will be all use for run all around he need get the poin and end the game as soon as possible, he will be out energy if against someone who play counter pincher. and he never listen advice when he in court, he trust his instict than anyone else, so sometimes his coach frustrated cause he will do opposite what coach said. 
strength: he very quick to read the situation on court, he fast thinking and his instict is usually very accurate plus he very observant about how opponent playing. 




Hello and goodbye

comments: hai, english is not my first language so sorry for typo or grammatical error ^^; // pleae tell me if I need fix anything, and thanks for the help! :D
suggestions: a/n
scene requests: his first encounter with hyung jae and sunyoung - his bad boy act n school - his love story






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Hi, thanks for applying =D

Haha, it's alright if English is not your first language^^ Thanks for telling me, btw. Plus, it all made sense to me^^

Can I just say that I really like him? A bad boy, is it? He can drive a motorcycle? Illegally? Because I think the age to get a license in Korea is older than what he is, though I'm not too sure. Either way, it's fine with me. Can you just let me know if he does it illegally?

Other than that, I think everything is fine. I think the relationship with Hyung Jae and Sun Young is very cute^^ What happened with the brother is kinda sad, but it's not too much of a sob story, so it's perfectly fine =D

Just wondering, was he always like a 'bad boy' before or did that happen after his brother died? Not a fault in your app, but I'm just being curious =D

His stats are also really good, they balance out quite well. Since he stopped playing doubles, do you plan on him ever trying out doubles again?

Overall, I really like your app^^ Haha, thanks for applying for Sun Young. Thank you very much for applying =)