Embarrassing moment

Okay so today I got paid and bought probably 20 pairs of new under wear. It was on sale so I was like why not. But these underwear were those frilly ones, like the ones you find at Victoria secret. anyways as I finish paying I left the shops and the shop started alarming. Igot chased by a worker who told me I come back, so I did. When I came back he said he wanted to check my bag just in case. But I really didn't want him to check my bag, I mean it was full of underwear hahah by the way did I tell you the guy was amazingly hot. Anyways before I could say anything he took the bag from me and started inspecting it. The whole time I was looking away face palming myself because the bag had nothin but frilly underwear. I didn't want him to think te wrong way. It was already Embareasing trying to find which ones to buy, I was so embareas that I had to go through a self serve because I was to embaress to be served an now someone is going through my bag. When I was clear the guy just gave my bg back telling me everything is fine an he winked at me!!!! arghhhhh I'm so embaress 


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He winked?!?! Kekeke~ xD Those embarrassing moments make funny memories :)
faye_lee #2
Well, we all have our fair shares of embarassing moments XD
belsoo #3
anyway that doesn't turn out to be bad
But it's pretty embarrassing cause
He's a Guy and it's private things for girls
Cause it's you know undies
Or maybe it turns out to be bad
first it is embarrassing for you then second
he winked at you. He maybe is a ert
Thinking about things about you
Since he had seen what you bought
Or maybe I'm just over exaggerating things
But good thing he is some hot Guy.
So not bad
Hahhaa its funny, awww he winked at you ;);)
Lizzy_501 #5
HE.WINKED.AT.YOU. OMG you must have feel so out of place. XD even when i'm reading this i feel like digging a hole and die in it.
That is really funny haha
Awwww shooot, that's embarrassing, if I were you, I would have been blushing like crazy and then I would shove the bag into someone else's hands just to avoid the moment. And you said the employee was hot, too, and that just makes it worse.

This one time, I went to a department store to buy bras and it had those magnetic tags on them. I bought like 6 of them and when I went to the check-out, for some reason the magnetic-tag-remover thing wasn't working. So the cashier called the manager over and the manager was a hot guy too and he basically handled all the bras for like another 10 minutes before he went to the back room and just got new ones for me, omg, I was embarrassed, too.