Random Stuff/Rant ok ok

So so, my fic is officially back to its hiatus state, and this time it's for real (meaning I'll go back to school life and have to ignore it for a while). Just...don't unsubscribe it =u=. You'll miss a lot of fantastic stuff if you do~~! *lol* But really, just don't. You'll break my poor kokoro if you do :P /shot


ASDFGHJKL; was the progress too slow tho? ;;;u;;; and ugh I think it's not descriptive enough like how I wanted it to be, but nvrmnd *sulks*


But anw anw, omg Pacific Rim: Man, Machine, and Monsters artbook is already out!


asdfoinc09wjnamsocowmqoi09qbc0qinwowjcqp'  they got blueprints of Jaegers and original Kaiju designs like asdf Guillermo del Toro can u not. QuQ y u must torture me with all these gorgeousness like i just.... *flips table*


It's quite cheap in amazon; around 20 US$ or sumthin. But it's so friggin expensive in Indonesia, like IDR 500k for that gorgeous book. I'm gunna cry like ugh why is amazon not near Indonesia I could have bought it for 20$ wtf wtf *smashes keyboard* *HULK SMASH*


...........I think I just have to sell of my Kurosuji and Shakugan no Shana's artbooks, and then I can get the munni and buy that dead-gorgeous book unf *dies* or buy it with the munni that I earned from redbubble.... OuO


Now shoo away! xDD /jkiloveyouguys /shot


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