Strangers and Turning Points

It's a bit long, but I guess it's worth reading. :)


Strangers and Turning Points


Sometimes, we meet someone...And before we even know their name or where they're from, or how the they got into our lives, before all of that, you know...You know that sometime in the future, they're gonna mean something to you.


So, there's this guy. He's the son of my dad's super close friend. He's actually a second-year student from my dream college. The first time I saw him was when I went on a vacation in my homeland. Specifically, after a dinner-out. His dad, his little brother, my dad, my godmother, and I went out for dinner. It was kind of like a reunion too for them. He wasn't there 'cause of all the college stuff he had to do so it was just his dad and his lil bro. After that, they decided to go somewhere else, but I, and his bro got a little tired and sleepy already, so we were dropped off to their house. Then, I met him. That stranger. His dad, one of my godfathers, told me I could stay in his room. And so I did. And then I saw paradise. I looked around, and that's when I realized that he was studying in my dream college. He was in the College of Fine Arts and Design majoring in Advertising Arts. Sure, I heard of that before, but I didn't really care. Yet. It was there in his bedroom that made all my college and future goal thoughts upside-down. (We met several times again after that, though). Before the vacation, we were discussing of college tours so that I could check the places out and spot for my ideal course. My dream was to take Culinary Arts...I held onto that dream for...3 years, I guess? And then we've been having talks...Maybe I could go for Communication Arts since I think I'm confident with my English. And plus, I have the basics of Korean, so it was an advantage. But the moment I laid my eyes on his artworks, his paintings, sketches...Everything that looked so artistic that was made by his own hands, it made me realize...What if I become an artist instead? What if I take the same course as his? What if this was the life I was made for? I've been thinking of that up 'til now. Could this person possibly be my life's turning point? When I came back to Abu Dhabi, I tried to doodle on my sketch pad. They weren't that bad. And I was gaining confidence in it. That person just gave me an idea that could possibly be my future life in three, seven, ten years from now...


It's amazing. It's amazing how someone whom I completely have no idea who that was, just came into my life and as if by destiny, gave me the little faith in myself that could change my entire life.


And what's more amazing is, that person was a complete stranger that changed who I am right now and maybe change who I will be tomorrow.



Here's the question: Have you ever met a stranger who changed you in some way too? If so, please share it with me in the comments' section below. :)


Oh, and yeah...I kinda like this guy. I mean, he changed my perspective of college and life! Hahaha! Just a little. And he's kinda like my type too. But, it's not that serious. Just admiration since he's in the college of my dreams and is taking the course that I'm in love with right now. Anyway, whatevs. :D



--AJ. :*


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Hmm.. Nope haven't..