About Updates...

I've not updated for a few days, but I like, have no inspiration.

Or willpower.

At all.

To update anything

Seriously. Like, I want to, but once i get the word document up, i just can't be bothered writing.

Ugh, it's actually annoying. 

All I can say is that, by the 15th I'll have 'Friends With Benefits' and 'The TV Series' updated, don't worry.

But yeah, just in case you were wondering.



Now i'm even more bored.

But i'll just keep listening to BTOB's 'Wow' on repeat, and squeal over SuDo.

Anyone else realise D.O is actually rather mean? I LOVE IT. Omg.

See ya.



Tao's hair is ing black again.



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D.O is really sweet and fluffy at one point and then cold and mean e next point and then creppy...
I've actually realized that D.O isn't really what he seems to be, I love tao with black hair sooooo much!<3
Yes, BTOB's WOW is the best. omfg the dance is just ><
D.O is getting mean, i think he's Kris' yness and now Kris is getting cuter.. Tao in black hair is delicious XD
yeah D.O is really cruel to other members and its very cute! he's like baekhyun in some ways~ ugh makes me love him more, as if its even remotely possibe~
I know Tao is gorgeous with black hair
Take your time darling :3 sometimes I do the same thing >.> Hehe... I'd like to think of my baby sweet and innocent and partially a troll because of a little guy named ChenChen
I shall make you some of my special rice and bring it over ^^ You'll get out of it. Hwaiting!~ ♥
Me at the moment, I'm too obsessed with Assassin's Creed so I'm lazy lol XD
i know that feeling lol dont force yourself to update!

one more reason to love D.O <3
I love the comment below!!
/eehheeemmm, mah username LOL
DO has gotten with Chen and started trolling members.. lol :)