It's More Than Just A Game | Hong Jun Hwan












layout by: geekreader



Let me introduce myself

what to call you: Anything is fine. Any thing from my username i guess.
activeness: 7



This is who I am

name: Hong Jun Hwan
birthday: February 13, 1995
age: 18
grade: Senior
class: 3 - 6
height: 180 cm
weight: 70 kg

face claim: Hong Hang Byul
backup face claim: Park Jae Hyun




Here's a little more about me

favourite subject(s): Physical education
disliked subject(s): Literature
favourite place in school: Gym, infirmary
ideal type: Free spirited, long hair
committee: Sports committee
likes: Sports, healthy foods, games 
dislikes: Reading, school, flirts
hobbies: Training, sleeping
habits: Covers his face with a book or a hat or puts a hood up when he sleeps
trivia: Likes to skip class and go to the infirmary to sleep, athletic


personality: Jun Hwan is a lazy guy when it comes to his education. He prefers to skip classes and either goes to the infirmary to sleep or to the gym/tennis court where he trains. He likes keeping himself fit and healthy. He is not particularly smart, but not stupid as well (in his studies). However, he can be quite slow when it comes to understanding people and easily misunderstands/misinterprets what people are saying. The only thing keeping him from quitting school is tennis. Jun Hwan is also someone who is competitive when it comes to sports. He hates to lose, but will accept whatever results he gets. If he loses a game, he would take it upon himself and train even harder.

Jun Hwan speaks in a very blunt manner, though he prefers to call it being honest. Because of this, he can be seen as rude, but he never means to. He is somewhat well known in the school for being the 'bad boy' and has quite a few friends who hang out with him, though none of them he considers close enough to be close friends. He just thinks of them as people he get along well with. He is somewhat naive, and usually falls for cute things and can thus be quite easily manipulated, but he doesn't like flirts. 


Personal relationships

best friend: N/A

friends: N/A

family: Father, mother, older sister



Here's my story

background: Jun Hwan had a relatively normal childhood. He grew up athletic, always involving himself in sports. This trait comes from his father who is a personal trainer at a gym. He has involved himself in many different sports, though he finds tennis to be the one which he enjoys most, and thus chose it as his main interest. He joined the school tennis club in his first year of high school and has been in it since. 

how i got into tennis: His father constantly brought him to different sports clubs to try out the different sports there were. He found tennis to be the most enjoyable one when he was 14. 



Falling in love with you

love interest: N/A
committee: (optional)
ideal type: (2-3 key traits. optional)
favourtie subject(s): (optional)
disliked subject(s): (optional)
favourite place in school: (optional)

personality: (1 para min, 3 para max. also state whether they play tennis or not)

how you met: (1 para. if not yet met and you want me to make it my own, leave blank)

how you act around each other: 

backup love interest:




Now let's get down to business

play style: Right handed, Singles, Offensive baseliner

speed: 4
power: 5
technique: 2
intelligence: 2
agility: 3
endurance: 4

extra: Can play doubles quite well

weakness: People with good technique, data tennis
strength: People that can't take power hits




Hello and goodbye

comments: hope you like him
scene requests: 






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Hello. Thanks for applying =)

I think personality is a bit short, but I get the gist of it. If you could add a little more detail to his personality, that would be great =)

Thanks for not giving him any friends (makes things much easier for me). I think it suits his character. Hehe a female applicant as the love interest? We'll have to see how that goes, but if there is no female that wants a male applicant, then I'll make up an OC for you, if that's alright. Or you can tell me who you want later if you're chosen.

So he is a power player? I think his skills makes sense, seeing as he is quite athletic. Overall, there's nothing much wrong, other than if you could add a little bit to his personality. Thanks for applying.