My Chatting Mate is an Idol? ❣ Twitter Attack ❣ Park Chom Yeon


AliceHwang1 | 9 | Alice or Lih


` Whoz That Girl

Character Name: Park Chom Yeon


  • Chomi - All call it that. It's kind of short for her name. 
  • Giant baby - Her friends call her that. The reason is because of his personality. They say she really looks like a baby. However, its height is quite high. Thus came the nickname. 
  • Chokshin - ( Chomi + Shikshin ) Her friends call her that, and sometimes her parents. It is a junction with Shikshin and Chomi. As she eats too much, her friends gave her this nickname. 

D.O.B: 28/10/1995 

Age: 17

Ethnicity: Korean

Birthplace | Hometown: Seoul, South Korea | Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean ( Native ) / English ( Semi-Fluent ) / Mandarin ( Basic ) / Japanese ( Basic )

` I'm a Barbie Girl, In Barbie World

Face-Claim: Da In

Links/Gallery: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 + Gallery~

Back-Up Face-Claim: Eun Gyeong

Links/Gallery: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 + Gallery

Appearance: Her appearance is a girl innocently enough, most people speak it. Her hair is long, and she loves them. Chomi hate to cut her hair short, so she always leave well satisfied and only cuts the tips when needed. Her eyes are small and many say they are very beautiful. The color is a dark brown. Her body is normal, as many girls around. She really does not care for the body, for Chomi, what really matters is what the person is inside and not outside.

Style: The style Chomi is just something elegant. Actually, she really loves to shop and always be in fashion even that does not seem much. Chomi likes to wear clothes that are going to leave elegant. Nothing too fancy or too simple. It's basically according to your mood and the weather / climate.

Links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11 | 12 | 13 | 14 | 15 | 16 | 17 | 18 | 19 

` Don't Judge a Person By It's Cover

Personality: Chomi is a very naive girl. For her, no one would want to do harm to someone, because of this, it can often be in danger, especially at school. Chomi is the kind of girl who thinks everyone is good, she never really knew how the world is real. But she does not have much fault. She grew up as a real princess of the family, always being protected by everyone around her. All who know, are always giving protection to her anyway. Therefore, she never learned to defend himself and never saw how the world is real, with violence and other things. But even she can believe everything that people speak (even if it's the dumbest thing) she never really believed that there are bad people on planet Earth.

The introverted girl who has many friends sets Chomi. But do not get me wrong, it's not that she does not like to talk or make new friends. The fact is that your shyness never let her meet new people. But she is happy that at least have some friends in her school. Well, true, are only three actually. The rest are those fake people who are walking close to her, because she is a rich girl. But as Chomi is a naive girl, she always believed that those people are her friends really. Her ingenuity never left believe that those are false friends, even her best friends have already said for the tenth time to she. Actually, Chomi not talk much with these "friends", are they going to talk to her, it makes her very happy. But just she is being deluded.

Chomi can be very cheerful at times, but this is only shown around your best friends or family. So many people say she is a girl too cold, as is almost never with a smile on her face. But it is because of her shyness same. When Chomi is glad she can be very funny and playful. She will be making jokes and making others have fun too. Even though this happens very few times, her parents and friends like to see her like that always. She also hates worrying others, or that they know their true feelings, so she will always keep all her problem for itself. And the worst is that she knows very well disguised, for their problems are always behind a shy smile, which is the maximum it gives. So for people, it is normal. Only who know her really well, know, but not always.

A very innocent girl. She can be very childish sometimes. But it is not like that no, bubbly and cheerful. And yes that sense who still believes in fairy tales, watch cartoons among other things. Chomi really hate people that try to get it out of your head, for her, this is very true and still dreams of finding her prince charming. Even Chomi not yet thinking about having a boyfriend, ( she first wants to concentrate on her studies ), but not it costs a little dreaming is not it? For in truth, she never fell for any boy, she thinks that no one will like her because of her personality. But many boys like her at her school, mainly because she is very beautiful. But when Chomi boots one thing in her head, it's pretty hard to take. She is a very stubborn girl, and will always insist the person to death. So how has a personality a bit too good, she will always get a person "wins" and admit she is wrong, even when not.

Chomi loves to eat, if leave she can eat for 4-5 people and not get fat easily. Therefore, she will always attack the food, even of their friends. But her not share, she really hates share her food with people, even if have many of them. The food always makes for a more joyful. If she has a little irritated, and she eat something, will always be better. Chomi not get angry easily, but there's always those times that her limit is full. When this happens, she will try her best not to show her anger. Chomi will always try to talk normally and calmly with the person. But if the person is difficult for her, Chomi will just ignore and leave. She hates to shout or get angry with someone, so she prefers to go out and pass of "coward," she does not care about it anyway.

Anyway, Chomi is a different girl. She really has a good heart.

Background: Chomi born and raised in Seoul. Being more specifically in Gangnam, one of the wealthiest neighborhoods of Seoul. Since small Chomi received everything she wanted, and be all the good and the best. Her parents never left that lacked nothing for her. But not for much, since her father owns a very large and famous company in Seoul, and her mother is a teacher in one of the best schools in Seoul. Her family is very wealthy and always gave everything for Chomi. She was the princess of the family, actually still is, but in short, her whole family has always protected her from everything, maybe that's why Chomi not believe that there are bad people.

As she grew older, her life seemed to improve even more, even though she earned everything he wanted, it never ceased her be spoiled. Honestly, she does not like people spoiled. Since small Chomi was shy. Because of that, when she entered the school, she could not make friends. Further they were all just kids, so therefore, they did not care money. So, two friends, it was even too much for her. This was changed when she entered the primary, not much has changed. But it could well more friends, only continues to shy little girl. Her childhood was normal for her, and like a dream for many girls. Anyway, she's always been a girl with few friends and it has continued ever since. But as she likes games, began to enter the twitter just for roleplaying. She is going through one of its bias, which is Seohyun. On twitter, she has many friends and she really likes it. Chomi feels different when she is there.


  • Biting lips.
  • Waking up in the night to eat food from the refrigerator.
  • Talking in her sleep.
  • Walking from one side to the other when she is nervous or anxious.
  • Fill her cheeks of air when she gets frustrated or bored.


  • Photography
  • Roleplaying
  • Drawing


  • Likes:
  • Eating
  • Twitter
  • Fairytale
  • Winter/Snow
  • School
  • Fashion
  • Orange Juice
  • Ice Cream
  • Candy
  • Butterfly
  • Keroro and Pororo
  • Music
  • Watch TV


  • Dislikes:
  • Spoiled people
  • Bossy people
  • Vegetable
  • Thunder
  • Fume
  • Alcohol
  • Dark
  • Lies

  • Fears:
  • Dark
  • Heigh
  • Clown
  • Death

  • Trivias:
  • Has a dog called Fairy.
  • Is allergic to shrimp so often go without eating Korean food, which usually has shrimp.
  • She always takes her camera to where she is, to take selcas and photos of several things like landscapes.
  • Like of bears, and always sleeps with a teddy bear, which she gave the name Chocobear, because he is brown.
  • What does she like to eat is burger. She can eat 2 hamburgers integers without getting full.
  • Love to listen music.
  • Can't cook very well. She has burned a water.
  • She is always taking her Iphone and her headphones when going out or traveling.
  • Not fattening easily.
  • Like to drink milk before bed.
  • She always goes shopping to buy new clothes
  • It may not look it, but she's a very strong girl.
  • She faithfully believes in fairy tales.
  • Still watch cartoons. Keroro and Pororo are their favorites. 

` Nothings Better Then You

Family Members: 

Mother | Park Min Hee | 45 | Teacher | Lovely, Protector, Funny,  Cool | 9

- Father | Park Eun Guk | 48 | Businessman | Protector, Friendly, Serious, Cool | 9


Lee Soo Mi ( Female ) | 18 | Student | Classmate Bestfriend | 10

- Kim Hwe Young ( Female ) | 17 | Student | Neighboring and classmate Besfriend | 10

- Choi Kyu Sok ( Male ) | 18 | Student | Classmate bestfriend | 10


- N/A

` One Shot To My Heart


Love Interest: Kim Jongin ( Kai )

Personality: Kai is a very playful boy, however, is also very shy to speak in public, so many times, he is still in his corner. He is very polite, but also can be very possessive and jealous too. Considered the iest of the group, he can not do very well aegyo, so when it does, is funnier than cute. Kai is not very talkative with strangers, but when he knows the person better, becomes a very fun and playful. He is polite with elders and treat everyone well. He loves playing twitter for roleplaying as Chomi. He roleplaying as himself, but most people do not really believe that Kai is real, but even he prefers it that way, since he will not have crazy fans behind him. Kai is a boy concentrate, which when is playing, want not to be disturbed. 

How You Treat Each-Other: Actually, Chomi never believed he was a k-idol true. For her, Kai was just a person like her who just roleplaying as idols. Therefore, she always acted normally with him, but as the two were always talking Chomi began to have a different feeling compared to him. As she does not know who he is, Chomi is always very curious. Either way, the two are always sending messages and talking to each other on twitter. Chomi always very polite and kind to him, as Kai is with her. But sometimes, he likes to annoy her, even if he can't see her angry face, he enjoys doing it. Kai even asked for her phone number, and how Chomi is all innocent, she gave. But actually, it is not found, because the only kpop group that she knows is Girls Generation, so do not even know how the voice of Kai. But anyway ... The two really enjoy the company of each other, even if only by internet.

 Back-Up Love Interest: Park Chanyeol

` Sorry Sorry

Love Rival: Xi Luhan

Personality: Luhan is a kid friendly and very friendly. He is always polite to everyone and treats others very well. He can be quite shy, so will get a little in your corner, not saying anything. But when you know better, it becomes really fun and playful. When he's with friends, it can be very childish, tell jokes and make many jokes. Like Kai, he really loves roleplaying, and as he does so. Kai knows Luhan roleplaying, as he knows about Kai. And Luhan also hates being embarrassed when playing for him, that's pretty cool. It really makes it fun, even if people do not believe that is true of Exo's Luhan.

How You Treat Each-Other: Kai and Luhan play enough with Chomi. Luhan always treated very well, as Chomi. She does not know that he is actually a k-idol and so always acted normally when talking to him. The two exchange messages and sometimes leaves Kai jealous since Chomi sometimes talk more with Luhan than with him. Luhan just laughs of Kai, jokingly of course. When Luhan found that Kai had her number, Luhan also asked and ended up winning too. Sometimes he changes his voice, only preucation, but she does not even know who they are

Back-Up Love Rival: Kim Joonmyun ( Suho )

` See No More

Comments/Suggestion: Sorry grammar errors, is that I am Brazilian and my English is not very good. Any error in the application can warn me I stand corrected. I hope you like me ^.^

Scene Request: I don't know if it's you that will create as they will find out, but I could make a suggestion?

Chomi will be seeing Music Core on your television when Exo presents. She sees that the k-idols that his two friends (Kai and Luhan) uses Twitter. Curious, Chomi watched the stage Growl of group and found the voice of Kai and Luhan very familiar. She is still not believing that they can be k-idols real then let it go. But when Kai calls her later that same day, she feels even more familiar and is even more curious. While talking with him, Chomi put the group's music on his computer and began to compare the voices. Was virtually the same as when you are singing, your voice changes a bit, but it was still noticeable. Chomi is surprised, but also very angry with them, especially with Kai, who was the first to know. After that day, Chomi started ignoring both on twitter. They were not understanding anything and kept trying to talk to her, but no answers. Kai decided to send a message by phone, but no answers. Then he tried to call. Chomi answered without seeing who was calling and he was. Kai wondered if something had happened to her, but Chomi not answer anything. For a second Kai thought she had hung up, but no. So he kept asking if she was there. When he tried to ask for the third time, Chomi cried on the phone to him never talk to her and that she had bared that he was a k-idol. She was a little surprised to have screamed, but Chomi was very upset. Kai was surprised she had bared and would defend himself but she hung up on him. A tear fell from eye Chomi, she was beginning to have different feelings for him, and then she finds out he is a k-idol. Days passed, Chomi or had more desire to not get in twitter, but one day she was bored and decided to come fast, just to see some news. Had more than 20 posts Kai apologizing and asking if they could meet somewhere. Chomi hates being wrong with someone, especially when the person apologizes. She is a poor girl, who can not stay long without forgiving someone, then hesitating a bit she accepted .... ( I do not if it can happen, so sorry for being very dreamy, lol )  

Password: remembertherainyday








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