YJK Entertainment Girl Group application

Application Form


Username: Kimjade
Profile Link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/1668


Name: Go Yoon Joo

 Nickname/Stage Name:공주 (gongju) = Princess


Birthplace: Seodaemun-gu Seoul, South Korea

 Birthdate: 09/21/1989
 Age: 23

Blood Type: O+





Strong willed and spirited Yoon Joo never lets the world get her down. She fights for everything she has and believes in. In this world there are askers, takers or money makers and she refuses to be part of those first two. Her pride maybe her downfall, but she’s also a closet romantic and would give almost anything to be swept off her feet by the right man. She works hard, studies even harder and never lets her friends down when they are down and out.

She will donate her last dollar to the poor if she happens to see their situation but she isn’t a pushover or naïve. She can argue her way out of anything and has been known to make even the most hardened lawyer break down into tears (her brothers best friend ^-^*teehee*). She is graceful and warm but she has a dark side when she drinks that no one wants to experience. She can become violent or extremely affectionate, but you will never know which it is until she has you in her grasp.

To her dongsaeng’s she is the ultimate big sister, but never the eomma. She hates cleaning and refuses to touch dirty dishes. She will however take care of anyone that needs a loving hand and she is good with children below the age of nine, after that she considers them little monsters.  She really likes attention from others as long as it is the good kind and she really strives to be a kind person even though she wants to be selfish sometimes. Her Brother says she has a princess complex and calls her 공주or 공주마마(gongju or gongju mama) all the time. (Princess or Your Highness)

She loves her family a lot and takes care of them, no matter what. She is very ambitious.


Persona: Unintentional Princess


Family History

Yoon Joo lived as a maid’s daughter all her life. She followed her Mother to work all the time as she grew up and fell in love with the young master of the house. He liked her and would play with her up until they reached the age of twelve, then he shunned her for his rich friends who made fun of her for being the helps daughter. But she never resented her Mother for her lot in life. She had her heart broken by the boy and never returned to his home again. She worked hard in school to make the top grade and graduated with a full scholarship to Ewha Womans University where she is currently studying at the Graduate School of Music in Modern Media.

She has also worked part time jobs all around Seoul and has rubbed elbows with many people that have given her connections in the entertainment world.

Her Father works as private security for the Blue House, under a security manager that Yoon Joo considers her second Father. She has even met the President of South Korea before through him. Because of that they hardly ever see their Father.

Her Brother has always been a free spirit and travels around the world living off rich women and his wealthy friends.

They are a simple family though and never flaunt their positions in life or their connections.


Father: Go Il Guk (47) Works security for the Blue House.

A smart man with a sharp wit, he is often seen making people laugh. He can be a hard man and tough when he must do his job, but he’s really a big teddy bear. Their Father/Daughter relationship is amusing to watch because they tease and gripe at each other like old friends. 

Mother: Song Eun Sung (45) Maid for a Chaebol family.

A hard working woman, she never let the absence of her husband defer her attempts to make their family flourish. She has never been ashamed of her status in life and has passed on her ethics and mind set to her daughter. Her son on the other hand, is a lost cause in her book.


Brother: Go Jung Min (27) Wanderer extraordinaire. 
 (↑ click↑ )

He is flighty only because he has too much life in him. He is creative, smart, and quick on his feet as well as in his mind. Likable and effervescent, he can never be in the same place twice and is always on the go. He doesn’t necessarily use women, they just like his looks and personality so much that they shower him with gifts, like trips to the Riviera and Paris, fine watches and brand name clothes.

“I can’t help it if they love me, it’s this face!” He says with a pained expression.

Yoon Joo’s reply, “...And he calls ME the princess.” *Scoff*


Background: She spent three years training at SM entertainment. Never thinking that she would make it that far, her family put a lot of pressure on her. She held her ground and showed them her passion for this dream and they relented. She trained under a harsh Seonbae but never regretted it for a moment because it gave her all the confidence and knowledge needed to make it in the entertainment industry. A year after no work and constantly being pushed aside for other less talented girls, Yoon Joo left that company when her contract was done and that’s when Kim Sagangnim found her and took her into her new company as the second official trainee.



•Looking at the stars

•Eating ramen cooked in the microwave

•her studies

•her Family


•Dirty dishes

•Rude people/bratty children



•Eating Live Squid




•Ballroom Dancing






•Taps her front teeth with her fingernail when nervous

•Pushes her hands through her hair when annoyed or frustrated

•Blinks rapidly when embarrassed or flustered

•Sniffs when affronted



•Favorite Food: Cheese sticks/melted mozzerella
•She has had many part-time jobs in the past and can do most anything
•Favorite Color: Deep Blue (like her birthstone)
•She is still angry at that rich boy she had a crush on years ago
•She loves kids up until they reach the age of nine and bacome bratty
•She has a puppy named Roth Bart that came from Jin-do Island
•She has never ridden a roller coaster or gone to an amusement park
•She has always worked hard to help her family out
•She can stay awake for 24 hours without becoming tired or impaired
•She can drive really well (like a professional driver)
•She has amazing concentration and learns quickly
•Can speak Korean, Japanese and English fluently
•Writes short stories for the daily press under a pseudonym


Lead Dancer + Sub-Vocal
Leader + Vocal (I only put this because I think my ulzzang looks older, anything can be changed to fit your story line) ^^
Lead Vocal

   ♥ Partners ♥
Nichkhun // Junsu // Chansung

Brother from another Mother:(click→) Kim Tae Won [28] Lawyer for the firm Ji sung Horizon (which are active on financings for infrastructure and commercial developments), and best friend of Yoon Joo’s brother Jung Min.
He is like a real Brother to Yoon Joo, in that he takes care of her when her actual brother is out of the country, which is often. He treats her like his little sister and takes her shopping and does stuff brothers are supposed to. People often confuse him as her real brother because of the care he shows her. But, secretly he has a small crush on his best friends little sister. He has tried to tell her for two years how he feels but she is oblivious to his mild attempts at broadening their relationship into something more.

(She basically has to be slapped in the face with someone’s feelings to recognize them).
His parents have been pushing him to get married soon. He is a very proficient lawyer as well.


Second Father Figure: Guk Nam Shin [51] Security Manager at the Blue House.
He is a distinguished man that really cares for Yoon Joo like his own children. He is a divorcee who lost his wife because of his work, but he found love again with a woman who works as a cook in the Blue House kitchens named Jang Seo Hee. He is very strict and efficient in his work. He protects the President when they leave the country on business. He likes to tease Tae Won about his crush on Yoon Joo, but he is fond of the younger man because he sees himself in the lad. He is keeping a health secret from them all though and struggling to make sure it doesn’t trouble anyone. He has a weak heart, and is currently undergoing medical treatment at the urge of the President himself.


Best Friend: Yang Seungho [25] Leader of MBLAQ
He is Yoon Joo's best friend and the person she can count on the most. She goes to him to talk about everything and he knows more about her than her own parents do. He is her support system, her Oppa and the best guy she knows. They are nearly inseparable when together and he is fiercely protective of her in the entertainment circle.


Rival: Jessica Jung [22]
The two have never been able to be friendly to each other. Yoon Joo thinks she is a stuck up Seonbae. Jessica is always rude on shows and to her personally, showing no regard for the hierarchy of Korean customs. That doesn’t sit well with the higher thinking Yoon Joo.


Extras: Fighting!!


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