
Honestly, I think that the older we become the more we realize how alone we are sometimes. That friends around us aren't who we thought them to be and that the relatives and family aren't who we knew them to be. It becomes quite depressing and such a sad thought some times. Our soon-to-be-in-laws will take our siblings away and make them into different people and we won't have relations with each other after. Other than our other halfs, who is there to stand with us if family turns away? 

A few thoughts of my own have started to spurt up after I started realizing that the people I know aren't who I thought them to be. I guess the more time you spend with a person, the more the more they'll start unveiling theirselves to you. The closer you are, the more dangerous it gets. 


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Yeah as we grow old we realized that there is more to it,than just pure a relationship, be it a family or a friend. And as you grow older and flipped that old pictures of your friend whom you promised that you will be best friend forever...and yet where are they now in your life ? You will smile but then you should know that there will be a lot more forthcoming...The difference between a friend and a family is that you can get rid of your friend in your life, but not family. Family are forever if not for at least one lifetime...You don't have to be alone as you grow older, in fact, it can be the opposite, just open up yourself to people,and you'll be surprise ,how they'll open up to you...
And if you ever find yourself all alone and in a crossroad....just remember me..My friends I keep for life..Miss you girl..
I agree with you...