XOXO: Girlfriend Rental.com :: appllication form :: Moon Hyunae


xoxo:girlfriend rental

username: BlowingBubbles

activeness: 9/10

what should i call you: DeeDee



Moon Hyunae


name: Moon Hyunae

date of birth / age: September 12, 1993 / 19

ethnicity: Korean

birthplace: Seoul, Korea

hometown: Seoul, Korea

height; 165 cm

weight: 50 kg

language: Korean

personality: Hyunae is the typical girly-girl. It's really hard to find her without a smile on her face. She's really polite and hard-working. She tries her best to be nice to people and be a good role-model to those around her. She gets embarressed easily and is shy around new people.She stutters a bit and stumbles over her words. She gets frustrated easily under pressure and won't hesitate to voice her opinion. Hyunae is a tad bit clumsy, which leads her into many interesting situations. Only to add to her clumsy nature, she is a complete scardey-cat and a coward. Going to a haunted house would be the most cruelest thing to do to her. Hyunae is very patient and soft-hearted. When around her co-workers, she is very talkative and out-going since she is comfortable around them. She loves hanging out with them and is always smiling. Shes very affectionate (especially towards cute things) and is very clingy to her close friends. Hyunae is a bit uptight and strict towards the younger workers but she means no harm. She just doesn't them to get into trouble or hurt themselves.She's a worry-wart. Hyunae is very serious about her job and tries her best to be the best girlfriend to her client. She doesn't want to disappoint them.

background: Hyunae comes from a middle class family that owns a ramen shop in downtown Seoul. She lived her older brother and her parents. She has had a happy life ever since she was little. In school, she wasn't picked on nor was she popular. Everybody mostly just labeled her as the "nice girl in the back of the class" Hyunae doesn't have much dating experience but she does know the basics (the internet is a amazing search engine). She mostly spent her  school days studying so she can get into a good college but the tuitions were high. She needed another job than working part-time at her families restaurant. So she sees a flyer for XOXO and decides to apply there. She knew it probably wasn't the best choice for her shyness, but she needs the money for her dream college. She applied and was accepted. During her time in the company, she has grown close to the staff and sees them as another family, and learned that studying isn't the most important thing in the world.

ulzzang name: Byeon Seo Eun

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Gallery

back-up ulzzang name: Park Min Ju

1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | Gallery


  • Tea
  • Sweets
  • Frilly Clothing
  • Smiling
  • Fantasy Novels
  • Hugs
  • Headbands
  • Jokes
  • Cute things
  • Purple


  • Platform Heels
  • Mean People
  • Embarrassing Situations
  • Spicy Foods
  • Exercise
  • Crowded areas
  • Being yelled at
  • Annoying people
  • Bitter Tea
  • Cheaters
  • Being Used


  • Taking Selcas
  • Playing videogames
  • Cooking


  • Rocks back and forth on her heels when standing still for too long
  • Twirls her ands when nervous


  • Laughs at jokes that aren't funny
  • Pro-gamer
  • Screams and Running away when guys are shirtless
  • Has two full bookshelves of videogames
  • Her family owns a ramen shop (Spicy Noodle)
  • Takes midnight strolls in the park
  • at cooking 
  • Never had a boyfriend (before she joined XOXO)
  • favorite color is purple
  • eats ramen like its her religion
  • ​her room is full of plushies

best friend: sweet innocent guy

how you guys interact each other: Hyunae is closest to her since they are so alike. She treats her like a younger sister (even if she may be older than her). She loves talking to her and cracking jokes together. She always asks her to try her cooking which the latter always declines in fear of getting food poisoning. Hyunae always goes to her and tells her her problems if she has any. Hyunae is very clingy to her and is always hanging off her arm when they are together.









client: Virtual Guy / Do Kyungsoo (D.O) 

occupation: Pro-gamer/ Works at a gaming store/ Computer Nerd

personality: Kyungsoo is not as shy as he looks. Hes very out-going and funny guy. If hes not playing on his computer/xbox/ps3. Kyungsoo gets very into his games and doesn't like to be disturbed. Hes loud and obnoxious when playing and swears up a storm when he loses. Not only that, he flirts with girls he meets online. Soon, he gets tired of that, and turns to XOXO for a real girlfriend so he can get away from the virtual love life that he has gotten bored with. Hes not expeienced in dating, but with how many people hes dated online, how hard can it be? 

how you guys interact: When they first started, Hyunae was very nervous to say in the least. It wasn't her first client, but probably the best looking one by far. She was a bit awkward at first, but managed to do all the things required with little to no problems. That was until she developed feelings and is always tripping (not on purpose) and she gets a little dazed if he gets too close. But she won't let her feelings get in the way of doing her job right! Kyungsoo, on the other hand, is always embaressing Hyunae intentially and non-intentially all the time. Whether it be from a peck on the cheek in a crowded shopping mall or holding his hand in front of his friends. He doesn't take this dating all to seriously, but enjoys the reactions from Hyunae. Over time, he develops feelings for her, but tries to deny them.

back-up client: Kai 

rival / love rival: Kim Himchan

occupation: Part-Time cook at her family resturant

personality: Himchan is a bubbly and sweet guy. He acts like a older brother to Hyunae and is a bit overly-affectionate. Hes a bit of a diva, and doesn't take no from anyone. Hes really over-protective and won't hesitate to kick someone if they hurt his friends. 

reason of rivalty: Himchan likes to cling to Hyunae, which some people (kyungsoo) mistake as  him having feelings for her

how you guys interact:  Himchan likes to cling to Hyunae much like her clinging to her close friends. He always hugs her and calls her adorable. Hyunae always laughs and hugs him back since they are friends. That's not weird, right? Hyunae can't keep a smile off her face when around him, and laughs at whatever he does. She gets a little uncomfortable if he clings or hugs her for a bit too long.

back-up rival: Sandeul

chosen plotline: Virtual Guy

why you want to join into xoxo? I want to join XOXO so I can earn more to get into my dream college. Also, I think it would be a great opportunity to get to know people and learn how to interact with other people besides my family. XOXO seems like the best place to do that.

occupation when you're not taken: Waitress at my families restaurant.

suggestion: Don't overwork yourself ^^

comment: My brain is fried TT^TT

scene request: Everybody bonding | Hyunae and Kyungsoo go on a date to a arcade | Kyungsoo gets jealous of Himchan | Hyunae beats Kyungsoo at videogames and he gets mad | Hyunnie cries to her friend about her growing feelings for her client




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