"사랑해요" 말하는 방법 (Ways to Say "I Love You") form


AFF Username:Kpopaddictus95

Link to Your Profile: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/57533

Character Name:Kim Seorin

Nationality:Half Filipino Half Korean




Personality: I’m Nichkhun’s not so ideal type of girl. I’m loud at times and I change my mood easily. I am often seen as a rebel because I usually talk back.

 I’m a little bit Eccentic just like my brothers, I also have a 4D personality, I can sometimes act sarcastic if I hate or if I’m really annoyed. I’m a bit childlike or childish but I sometimes act mature. I’m sociable ,approachable and friendly, I’m a little bit Bipolar, I change moods but I’m trying to suppress it. I’m very protective to my friends and brother. I’m witty like my brothers & humorous. I’m also good at both verbal & non verbal fights. I’m also good at sports. I act a bit girly but not too much. I also do aegyo if I want something.

I also have flaws of my own. I tend to talk back to the person who annoys me or if I’m not interested in something I tend to glare and smirk. When I’m serious I usually glare at someone. I also tend to rebel if I don’t like any idea or if I really want something and I don’t get it I usually use a little bit of Aegyo and a bunch of brutal ways (like the way Taemin does), I also have anger management issues and sometimes when I look at the mirror I end up admiring myself.

most of the time I tend to act mature even though I’m just 16, I tend to get too much responsibilities but I try my best to handle it, I’m also a workaholic and I really love cosplaying when I have time off in my sleeve. I never cry in front of my friends and family, I just cry all by myself and tries to act as if everything is ok, but my wall can be broken if TJ(my brother) is the one who is comforting me. I always smile even though I’m hurt but smirk when I’m being too sarcastic. If I’m on a mall I tend to loosen up and forget everything especially when I go shopping and eat Chocolate ice cream.

When I’m in love, I usually tend to day dream a lot, and sing some love songs that I composed for that person.i usually tend to get shy and conscious around my crush but when I feel comfortable I act like I always do, but a little bit crazier.

But the truth is I’m just masking my weak side, I don’t want to see someone looking down on me. I’m actually kind, caring, sweet & responsible, I act cute if I’m in front of my friends..and family.


·         Music

·         Shopping

·         Chocolates

·         Shoes

·         Clothes

·         Jewelries/ accessories

·         Cars

·         Friends

·         Performing

·         Blue, silver & Black

·         Sports

·         Cellphone

·         Laptop

·         Smiling &Smirking

·         Movies

·         Anime

·          cosplaying

·          Caramel Frosts

·         Cakes (preferably mango & chocolate)

·         Dogs!!!! (especially the Furry ones)

·         Taking pictures &selcas



·         Rude people

·         ·        Ignorant

·         ·        Selfish people

·         ·        cheaters

·         ·        Fake friends

·         ·        Playboys

·         ·        Girls who wear too much make up and almost look like clowns

·         ·        Flirts



·         Singing

·         Dancing

·         Playing the piano, violin, & guitar

·         Acting

·         Acrobats

·         Acting like a rebel

·         Playing soccer , basketball,& lawn tennis

·         Cosplaying

·         Random Dancing

·         photography

Family Background:

It was in the year 1983 when my mom met my dad, well you can really say that they fell love at first sight with each other. *well that’s what my parents told me*

They married at the year 1987, my mom already knew that my dad had a family back in Korea, and that he has a son (heechul) but Heechul’s mother passed away after she gave birth to him. At the year 1989 my mom gave birth to my older brother (Tae joon) well he was born in Korea but my mom brought him to the Philippines so that he can learn Filipino culture & English there, My father pays us a visit 4 times per year. After 2 years my mom gave birth to me, their one and only daughter. I was born in the Philippines, and I was basically raised with both Filipino & Korean culture just like Tae joon.

            Me and TJ are inseparable, we have the same blood type, so basically we have the same attitude and outlooks in life, but at a young age he already started to take good care of me and spoil me at everything that I want. *I’m really amazed on how my mother handled 3 blood type AB children..hahaha*At the age of 6 I was scouted to be a young commercial model for a certain clothing line for kids along with TJ who was 8 years old by that time. After a year my mom decided to bring us back to Korea so that we can meet with my Half brother.

            When I was 7 years old we already live in Korea together with my father & half brother, it really took almost a year so that TJ & I can be close with Heechul because even though our personalities are quite the same we still have some differences. TJ is a little bit silent but once he’s hyper he can’t be stopped in what he is doing, but he is mindful with his actions & words, which is the complete opposite of Heechul, while I’m like the combination of my brothers, sometimes I can be as quiet as a pea, but mostly I’m as hyper as Heechul. But we settled & put our differences aside and started being close. And since then the three of us are quite inseparable.

Well my family is in the higher class/ wealthy if you are going to rank, so basically because of my Parents countless money my brothers & I had everything that we want.



·             http://www.fleshtival.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/cat-alodia.jpg

·         ·        http://fc09.deviantart.net/fs71/f/2010/257/f/0/into_the_woods_by_blackmage9-d2ypg7h.jpg

·         ·        http://www.fleshtival.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/04/Alodia-Gosiengfiao-cosplay5.jpg

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·         ·        http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_z8Qn_1KAM3g/TUx7VCLZxCI/AAAAAAAACUw/Nyv-nev_6IM/s400/alodia%2Bgosiengfiao%2Bpictures%2B1.jpg

·         ·       http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_z8Qn_1KAM3g/TUx8OJ51HcI/AAAAAAAACV4/hYkCCNoxmqM/s400/alodia%2Bgosiengfiao%2Bpictures%2B10.jpg

·         ·        http://wallpaperscrunch.com/thumbs/14/alodia-gosiengfiao-t3.jpg

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·         ·        http://t0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcSlZ8Beccep22AO3SBXH0o69gvfXGXA9YaobSU3i5DG_nwGtq12tGHi5QIbGA

·         http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6149/6196728559_c3a57d2711_m.jpg


·         ·        http://t1.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn:ANd9GcR83BI65LVDf9pbm5-5bhHj3dp90lkvAJDD3WAgYEfsCtiH63e2GGA_LPVRfA

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·         http://farm3.static.flickr.com/2474/5856463879_7430bcdc17.jpg

·         http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/190728_10150123635989699_713254698_6329652_8248175_n.jpg

·         http://a5.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-ash4/188977_10150102343229699_713254698_6140277_5219816_n.jpg

·         http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6121/6196728663_f7a2fb001d_m.jpg

·         http://4.bp.blogspot.com/-SaIKb7UlCFE/TbElITHmUnI/AAAAAAAAAJQ/zCf0H7eI9TY/s1600/Alodia+pics+%252815%2529.jpg

·         http://a6.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/28133_386131816746_152138396746_4377655_2308619_n.jpg

·         http://fsa.zedge.net/content/8/3/5/2/1-6321649-8352-t.jpg

·         http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/265686_10150232342189699_713254698_7063775_6783035_o.jpg

·         http://hphotos-snc6.fbcdn.net/265712_10150232342029699_713254698_7063772_5046446_o.jpg

·         http://media.tumblr.com/tumblr_llp55cAfWz1qbinnl.jpg


·         http://2.bp.blogspot.com/-JQIvUW4QTKw/TjTf8aHmu2I/AAAAAAAAGnU/uA9bEI6Fl_M/s1600/Alodia%2BPreview%2BBest%2BDressed%2BBall%2B2011%2B5.jpg




·         http://i2.listal.com/image/2234762/600full-alodia-gosiengfiao.jpg

·         http://a2.sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc1/8829_152141156746_152138396746_3142299_6789430_n.jpg


Reason you entered the school:

first reason: I was attracted to the school when I saw the drama Boys over flowers, and I really think that the school is a great place to do some photography.

Second: I was also intrigued by the teaching system because this is a well known school.

Third: I also like the freedom that I can see in the campus, I love looking at the clear sky and walking around in a big establishment.

Fourth: because my sisterhood/Friends are enrolled in this school too

Fifth: I want to experience something new in my life..

Partner: Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul

Suggest a Group name for your Sisterhood:SOUL SIRENS

my oldest brother is super junior’s Kim Heechul, and my older brother Kim Tae Joon (

I am also a model and cosplayer..:D


Goodluck in writing this fan fic..and I hope I get chosen..:))



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