A random question

I kept on thinking people are so delighted with these pairings, handsome boys doing skinship with each other but whenever it's the normal people doing this, let's say gay couples for examples do these things, we tend to be disapprove or even disgusted by these acts?  Have you ever thought of this before? Please I really want to think your thoughts about this.


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Well, the concept of personal space differ across cultures. With straight guys like kpop artists, they do it either for fanservice or like I said, its in their culture to openly display such brotherly affection. Besides, they are straight, no malice, which is the opposite with gays -guys who love guys. It is still considered taboo in some cultures and it can't be helped that their pdas could be seen by people as...you know...sorry for the word: repulsive. That's what I think.
To be honest, before EunHae, I find gay couples really uncomfortable. But right now, as I've got to be in this world of bromance and boys being cuddly cuddly and such, and then the fan fictions of course, I realize that though they belong on the same gender, it doesn't matter. They love each other and if they were brave enough to follow their hearts and be with the person they truly love. You fall inlove with the person, not with the gender. I basically think that homoual couples shares a love that is more genuine and special than het ones. In fact, whenever I see two very close boys along the street, I wonder if they're together, lol XDDD

I've said this before, Kpop really made me realize and broaden my mind on so many things. Before I'm just open with gay people, but not gay relationships. Now I'm very fine with both :) I support all kinds of love!! ^^