She hasn't even debuted yet, and she's already my Bias .-.

She dances like Kai in exo... OTL
and her name is Lalice ! Main Dancer of the upcoming YG group 'PINK PUNK'
Honestly, I don't like the group's name, but oh well I gotta get use to it.
Really love her moves! Watch it!! :DD







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EXOTICsumin #1
Her dance is AMAZING... can I get her full profile??
btw i heard that she already left YG.. D..O
yinyin21 #2
Oh, where did you get the pink punk group name from? First time i come across that group name kkkkk
,not to menton she kinda looks like him, don't you agree? it's like she's his little sister :)
sujukat #4
she's the girl from thailand right?
OMG *__* cool!
I'm a YG stan so I'll love every group the entertainment produces. They have a taste for real talents.
woah o.o i am speechless @-@
omg her front walk and chinese get up :O speechless