I'm not strong but I am thankful to all of you

People usually see my outer appearence and think I'm cold and strong. Well, Im the complete opposite. I love people without knowing them and I'm as soft as a marshmellow. My family knows some of that. People, everyone thinks I'm strong. I'm not strong, Im human. Just because It's hard for me to show how i feel doesnt mean Im weak. Im scared. People judge me, everyone hurts me, but I dont do anything. I always have to show an emotionless face and move. Even when tears are at the brim of my eyes I cant let them fall! I wont ever let my tears out. Making a promise like this since before I can remember, feeling like a liar because people dont know the real me. It hurts. I can never tell anyone how i feel even the person i am closest to. I put on a mask and Im too afraid to take it off. Call me a coward, yes I admit it. Say I'm a weakiling, yes I am. Hit me, go ahead. That's how I always thought of my life. It hurts, it hurts so much. I'm a natural outcast but putting on that mask makes me feel happy, but taking it off and remembering the day with it on just hurts. It hurts how much of a coward I am. It hurts how hard I have to try and be happy. But what hurts the most is not being able to face people with my real personality. Thats why I'm thankful for having all of you as my friends.


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HanKeLaMaHan #1
i'm exactly lie you so i understand what u feel
Awhhhhh!!!! I would be honored for you to call me a friend! This was touching. And I hope that no matter where you are (public or online) you will one day be able to express your emotions. I am the same as you, I am afraid to tell people my true problems. Even my best friend doesn't know my true emotions. And that is why my friends on here make me happy.
and I hope one day we can make you happy. Or heck I just want you to be happy, it doesn't matter how!. I will never call you a weakling, you are stronger and A LOT of people. Bye Bye girly :)
Don't worry! I'm kind of the same.
I always show a smile on my face although I'm really hurt inside. I never show anyone my grief.
'Cause they'll just eventually sympathize me. And that's something I hate.
I just can't help but smile. Even at my hardest times.
I try to be strong even though I know I'm about to break down inside. It hurts.
But I don't show it.
Even today. When I saw the person I love, I could feel tears form at the brim of my eyes. But I fought them back.
I cry myself to sleep every night. Every single night.
It's hard. But you'll get used to it eventually...
You'll get used to how people judge you.
Things will be alright in the end. If it's not alright, it's not the end. (:
So I guess there's nothing more than carrying on with a smile. (:
I hope this kinda cheered you up? c: /hugs/
aww.. this definitely gave me goosebumps.. >_< knowing that i am not the only one like this.. ut just showed me that what i am acting hust hurts me more..

what ever ur reason that ur not able to open wht u feel to other people.. it just makes u feel hurt.. i sometimes ipen feeling to my friends and it really made feel so light.. soo.. as concern as i am.. though i dont know u personally.. i just wanna try suggesting for u to open to a VERY trust worthy person.. FAMILY.. or friends?? it will really make u feel nice.. and there are times.. they would help u..

hmm.. just suggesting..

and.. hwaiting!
Everyone sees my outer appearance as someone who's strong. Someone who's tough.
But I'm not.
Deep inside, I'm hurt.
I'm lonely and I put up a front.
I never let anyone know I'm sad.
I don't want them to worry.
Everyone asks "Are you okay?"
I answer with, "Yeah, I'm fine."
But I'm not.
I'm really not.
Ever since the worst day of my life happened,
I've been dying inside.
Nothing makes me happy.
I put on a fake smile and muscle through the day, hoping tomorrow will be better.
But it never is.
I always keep my feelings to myself.
They're always bottle up.
I never let anyone know that I'm hurt.
I don't want them to be worried about me.
I don't want their pity.
I feel like it's the best thing to do.
Is it really?
I know exactly how you feel. If you ever need anyone to talk to, I'm always available.
exo_baozi #6
Athena... I may not be able to do much to help but just always remember I love you will always be here to support you ^_^ (ewww i just said I love you >~<)