OMG I found Korean Makeup Store in Houston, TX

Okay for those who didn't know, I live in Houston, TX.

So today I was just roaming around and suddently I went to this makeupstore and found that its a Korean Company.

It's called The Face Shop. They had Kim Hyun Joong's Face right by the door and i was soo giddy with happiness :D :D :D

good part is the things were pretty cheap, I bought 3 nailpolish and 2 facemusks in 8 dollars!!!!!!!!

Bad part is that I have a darker skin tone (I am south asian) so they didn't have any makeup my shade :'(

Ohh well here is a picture of the things i got!


So if you leave in Houston, TX or around, then the shop is at the opposite of  Hong Kong City market!!!

Check it out!


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THE ONE IN FRONT OF HK4 RIGHT?!?! I think that opened last year.. xD
Omg!!!! When I visit Texas I'll drop by therethanks soooooooooooooooooooo MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
seriously? its cheaper than in my country..
i bought a jelly tint(kind of lipgloss) by 12.5 dollar. facemask is around 3-4 dollar. soo lucky, maybe there's a promo :)