Awkward Moment #2

That moment when a random person you have never seen in your life ever comes up to you and talks and you're like "who they fugde is this person" then later on your parents tell you they're your relative then you're confused to the point where you can't think anymore. yup that happened to me. I had 6 different ppl come to me and say they are my uncle/aunt. 

Gosh I can't think right....


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this also happened to me yesterday lol
when you have a big family, it happens ALL the time (like me) lol
HellYeahInfinite #3
Lol that happened to me and I was like 'What the...?'
kkkkkk~ :D
omg that happened to me a whole bunch of times XD
littlemisses #5
omg I was like
I'm calling the cops
That happened to me before. I was like confused and thought I wouldn't have a relative in this place like wow. lol.
Haha I had that happen to me and another time when my parents told me I was an aunt and another time when I was told that I had Chinese relatives.
exo_baozi #8
I usually call that a family reunion :p