Cool questions for cool people!!

im sorry i just LOVE doing these hehe


  • 1: If you were of the opposite gender, what name would you want to have? idk something like David!
  • 2: If you could witness any historical event in person, which one would it be and why? The Civil War b/c i loved learning about it in class and it was really interesting!!
  • 3: What kind of sandwich best describes your personality? Nutella and banana B)
  • 4: If your crush or significant other were to turn in to a ferret, what would you do? Would you still like/love them? Even if Zico commited murder I would still love him so yeeaahh
  • 5: If you became dictator of your country, and you can enact one law that could not be repealed once you are forcibly removed from office, what would that law be? Why would I be forcibly removed though? thats the real question
  • 6: What is your opinion of Canada? Its beautiful... aye. x)
  • 7: What is your spirit animal? Annie form bridesmaids ._.
  • 8: If you could change your skin color to anything outside of the natural palette of skin colors, what color would you choose? I'D BE TAN LIKE DAEHYUN BUT THAT MIGHT NOT WORK OUT?? idk i'm kinda tan??
  • 9: What was the last movie you chose not to watch? Nightmare on Elm Street .-.
  • 10: If you were a farmer, what would you grow? CORN AND PUMPKIN AND CARROTS BECAUSE THEYRE ALL REALLY GOOD
  • 11: What do you miss the most? My dog mocha ._.
  • 12: What is your favorite sequel film? Iron Man 2&3 :D
  • 13: Rural area, small town, suburb, or big city? small town
  • 14: What's your favorite branch of the military? I want to get into the marines when I graduate so, the navy!!
  • 15: What year of school was best for you? idk but so far its 7th grade
  • 16: What is your favorite month, excluding whichever month contains your birthday? December is pretty cool B)
  • 17: What is your favorite type of pie? pEACH
  • 18: Do you enjoy being single? HECK YEAH
  • 19: Do you prefer rivers, lakes, or oceans? Rivers
  • 20: If you had to have one feature on your body changed to a canine version of said feature, what would you choose? ahahaha noooo
  • 21: What is your favorite font? Trebuchet ms
  • 22: What is the highest number of cats you can imagine yourself owning? NONE I IN HATE CATS
  • 23: What was your last date like? pretty cool!
  • 24: Who are you? the definition of me cant be put into words
  • 25: What is your least favorite illicit substance? I dont do drugs???
  • 26: What is your opinion on 80's music? nnoooooo
  • 27: If you could add something to the high school curriculum, what would you add? i'd rather just not because i dont even like school
  • 28: What is your favorite album artwork? THE ONE ON SHINEE'S NEEW ALBUM THAT S COOL
  • 29: What is your favorite non-social networking website? idk??
  • 30: What is your favorite boy band? BAPPPPPPPP
  • 31: What is your least favorite casual dining establishment? Burger king
  • 32: You are allowed one beverage and one candy for the rest of your life. What would you choose? cOCONUT JUICE AND GUSHERSS
  • 33: If you had to be stranded somewhere on Earth, miles from civilization, what biome would you choose and why? Idk some kinda forest because forests have plants and some plants have food
  • 34: What is your preferred projectile? whats up with the big words? just say fire arm or something. And a 49 caliber
  • 35: You have inherited a nightclub in a major city. What modifications would you make to it? Kpop all day errday
  • 36: What have you done recently to dismantle the patriarchy? sON OF A JUST SAY "In what ways have you been a feminist" OR SOMETHING AND IN NO WAY BECAUSE MY DAD LEFT WOW OK
  • 37: What song did you most recently get tired of due to its overplaying? That one song about that wealthy city in korea. Yeah. Yall know what im talking about
  • 38: What is your favorite piece of clothing? sWEATERS OWO
  • 39: What was the most awkward moment of your romantic history? I dont remember!
  • 40: What brought you to AFF? Idk i was browsing some hit on google and i read a very disturbing 2min fanfic and not im here
  • 41: What product or service do you find ridiculously overpriced? Apple ._.
  • 42: Why did you send the last anonymous Tumblr message you sent? I love u
  • 43: Who is your favorite one-hit wonder of the last twenty years? none bc they all balls
  • 44: How many people, outside of your immediate family, do you know the birthdays of by heart? Seejung's and brandon's and wow thats it.
  • 45: What is your favorite speech? Its not really a speech but the declaration of independance and the Constitution hahfoed
  • 46: What is your least favorite song from your favorite musical? I DONT LIKE MUSICALS, JESUS.
  • 47: How do you feel about dating exes?
  • 48: What is your favorite vegetable? Corn!
  • 49: Who is your favorite fictional villain? THOR'S BROTHER, LOKI
  • 50: What is your favorite police procedural? I dont know i dont like the ing police bye


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