Guys? Help? Dx

Well, i just have a small rant here...

I'm sure you guys know Kevin from U-Kiss right?:D
Lately he has gotten himself stuck inside my brain ever since July till now and i can't seem to push him out...LOL
Yes, he is my 2nd overall bias after Yoseob and Junhyung from BEAST.

But recently, i have no idea where these things came from but apprently, there are articles of him being accused as gay? i know he's super sweet and stuffs and he looks really feminie but why are people saying that he's gay just because of that?:(


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Even if he is gay, which no one would know unless he said so himself, so what? There's gay peeps in this world, and a lot of them are the coolest people u may ever meet. If a guy dresses femenine like, it is pretty normal that people are gonna assume they're gay. I mean, my #1 bias is Baekhyun, and peeps think he's gay cuz he wears eyeliner, but even if he was, I would still LUV him. U kno wat I mean??