a-z quiz (stolen)

A: Availability


B: Birthday
April 22

C: Crushing on

my biases + my schoolmate

D: Drink you had last


E: Easiest person(s) to talk to

myself + my cousin

F: Favourite song(s)

too many but now, EXO - Lucky

G: Grossest memory

cannot say 

H: Hometown

Nanchang, China

I: In love with

my crush and baekhyun's light dance switch

J: Jealous of

Luhan's beauty & others' freedom

K: Killed someone

killed my keyboard for spazzing

L: Longest friendship

3 years

M: Milkshake flavor


N: # of siblings


O: 1 wish

my wish is that i can have 5 wishes; be a kpop idol, live with my biases, marry one, let my friends come with me, have a cool house

P: Person you last called

my friend

Q: ?'s you always ask


R: Reason to smile

my bias is ASDFGHJKL

S: Song last listened to

Love is Slow - GNA

T: Time you woke up


U: Underwear color

its too y

V: Violent moment you had

watching bap's badman, walling, throwing things on the screen, crying, screaming at my new dog

W: Worst habit


X: X-rays you had


Y: Your last time you cried

yesterday, watching exo's mama again

Z: Zodiac sign

Taurus, same as Baekhyun, sogogi!


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versxce #1
steaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaling c;
u are chinese??? o.o