A-Q Quiz~

Stolen from nav628 

A: Availability


B: Birthday
July 31

C: Crushing on

Does my boyfriend count? pmsl. 

D: Drink you had last

Honey black iced tea~ ^---^ 

E: Easiest person(s) to talk to

My two close friends MS and SS

F: Favourite song(s)

Oh this is a hard one... I have too many but right now I'm addicted to Close Your Eyes- Bigstar, U&I- Ailee & Bow Wow- BAP

G: Grossest memory

LOL can we not speak of this 

H: Hometown

San Jose 

I: In love with

Jiho's & Namjoon's voice sobs 

J: Jealous of

Suga's leg

K: Killed someone

Not that I know of? (; 3;)

L: Longest friendship

5 years 

M: Milkshake flavor

LOL never had one before O U O

N: # of siblings

1 annoying one. 

O: 1 wish

Can I have Namjoon as my big brother pls. 

P: Person you last called


Q: ?'s you always ask


R: Reason to smile

Why do I need a reason?

S: Song last listened to

Excuse Me- BAP ;__;  

T: Time you woke up

1...... PM LOL 

U: Underwear color

Black.. .. . .

V: Violent moment you had

I was sparring this girl that I didn't like in karate and I kept attacking her to the point where the "masters" had to stop me. 

W: Worst habit

Whining, procrastinating, and when I get into something it becomes an obsession. 

X: X-rays you had

Teeth LOL

Y: Your last time you cried

An hour ago... I was chopping onions (;__;)

Z: Zodiac sign


Wow why am I doing this lOL I'm on hiatus. Please don't hunt me down for not updating. 



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