August ¦ Ahn Jinjae



Ahn Jinjae




Who Are You?

Username: ThatsTheWay
Nickname: Still TTW here.
Activeness: 9.8

Basic Information.

Birth Name: Ahn Jinjae

Other Name(s): None.


  • Jaeger is easily Jinjae's mos t popular fan nickname. It started when somebody combined Jae and Leader to form Jaeder, and then somebody misread it. Now, the rest of the members call her that in jest, as well as about 3 million fanfic writers.

Age: 23 - close to 24

Birthday: 1989 August 19th

Ethnicity:  Korean

Nationality:  Korean-Scottish

Language(s):  English and Korean (both fluent; note that her Scottish accent is incredibly heavy, and it's very, very hard to understand.)

Birthplace: Glasgow, Scotland

Hometown:  Bucheon, Gyeonggi-do, South Korea

Bloodtype: B

ual Orientation: Omniual.

The Face.


Visual Name: Ha Mirae
Gallery: Gallery + Predebut


Back-up Visual Name: Yura
Gallery: Gallery + Predebut

Height: 166 cm
Weight: 50 kg

Anything else?: She has a crapton of ear piercings; Jinjae has an incredibly high capacity for pain, and actually likes the feeling of needles in her ears. Crazy lady.

Fashion: Jinjae describes her own style as "a combination of everything". Really, she's a rummage sale reject at best, and throws together whatever's clean in the morning. No matter where she goes - Glasgow, Bucheon, or anywhere in between - Jinjae shops at thrift stores and buys whatever she thinks is cool, with no concern for what things might look like in the context of actually wearing them. If she has to make a concious effort to look good, however, she'll go y; her legs are fantastic and she likes to show them off.

More In Depth.


To the rest of the members of August, Jinjae acts like a nurturing father. She pushes the girls to do their best and to work hard - often over their personal limits - and expects them to do 100% at least when it comes to performing, but if they do well, she'll do something nice like begrudgingly paying for dinner. Jinjae expects the same for herself. If there's one member that stays back in the practice room at night, making sure she has the choreography absolutely sharp and perfect, it's Jinjae. She's incredibly serious about becoming an idol, despite the odds, and has no time to relax. Jinjae is the type of person that works towards her goals like a battering ram - that is to say, without stopping and destroying obstacles, and maybe injuring whoever's carrying the heavy thing along the way. (Read: Jinjae herself.)

The practice room is Jinjae's home, but when put into social situations, Jinjae will do what she does second-best: flirt. It doesn't matter if you're female, male, human, alien, young, old, or anything in between - she'll flash a charming smile and wink as she shakes your hand, and chances are, you'll have already fell for Jinjae's charms. Luckily (luckily?) the charisma she has with people she's flirting with translates to the stage pretty well. She is, after all, the group's leader, and has learned to adapt pretty easily. Her flirtatiousness can be pretty annoying, as you might expect, especially in more serious places. Jinjae's brain-to-mouth filter isn't check all the time, and she has no clue where it's appropriate to do what a lot of the time. For the most part, though, she manages, and lets the group's maknae do the talking.



  • John Barrowman, who she'll always list as her ideal type when asked. 
  • The practice room that August has; she's in there almost all the time, just...being there. And practicing, usually.
  • Electronic dance music.
  • Doctor Who.
  • Converse sneakers, the shoes of champions. Within her crazy personal style, they're the one thing you find constant.


  • Bad smells.
  • People telling her that she can't do something. She will do the thing, whatever it is.
  • Being challenged.
  • Being told to stop flirting - that's how she socializes, and it's hard for her to stop.
  • The rest of August not working hard. Or being told not to work hard, on, say, one of their breaks.
  • People not being able to understand her accent when she speaks English.


  • Brushing her hair out of her face.
  • Wiggling her fingers, very very quickly, when she's trying to stay awake. 
  • Touching her shoulderblades when she has to sit still.


  • Dancing, natch. 
  • Watching lots of TV shows whenever she has free time; her Netflix account is less consistant than her clothes.
  • Braiding the hair of the other members.


  • Like I said up there - huge John Barrowman fangirl. She loves him, and everything he's done, ever.
  • Doesn't know all the words to the Korean national anthem. 
  • She's been taking ballet lessons since she was around 6.
  • Her favorite song is "I Could Be the One" by Avicii.
  • She also listens to a lot of Amanda Palmer.

The Story and People.


Jinjae is the daughter of two fully Korean parents living in Glasgow, Scotland. Her parents had, before Jinjae was born, moved to Scotland because of a tricky debt her mother had to pay - or, rather, wanted to escape from paying. Long story, elaborated on below. Once her father, the member of the family that actually had a steady job, had enough money to pay off his wife's death, the Ahn family planned to move back to Korea; then Jinjae was born. Jinjae lived in Glasgow up until she was around 11; by that time, she already had five years of ballet under her belt. Moving to Korea was fast and it's not something she exactly remembers very well; what she does remember is that her ballet training continued up until she was 16, when she auditioned for Jellyfish Entertainment. At her mother's request, Jinjae transferred to CCM after two years of training. The rest, as they say, is history.



  • Father¦ Ahn Kyungjae ¦ 54 ¦ Businessman ¦ Jolly; snarky; rude ¦ Jinjae is used to Kyungjae  teasing her about every little thing - from the boys she used to take home to the  dancing she still loves so much. That does not make it okay; she's still really offended when her father make remarks about her ual open-ness. It's just strange to her.
  • Mother ¦ Kim Hayi¦ 56 ¦ Dance teacher ¦ Fragile; well-meaning; sensitive ¦ Jinjae sees her mother as something that's about to break, and tries not to bug her too much. She has no trust for her mother, though, because why would she want to interrupt Jinjae's Jellyfish training?


  • Kim Nahyun ¦ 20 ¦ Trainee ¦ Sensitive; easily overwhelmed ; positive ¦ As trainees; somebody had scolded Nahyun for her weak dancing, and sent Jinjae to help her. ¦ Jinjae interacts with Nahyun almost the same way as her mother does, but unlike her mother, Jinjae trusts Nahyun very much.
  • Cha Hakyeon/N ¦ 23 ¦ Idol (VIXX - Leader, Lead Dancer) ¦ Unfunny, despite his attempts to tell jokes;  fatherly; talkative ¦  As trainees, again, though under Jellyfish as opposed to CCM. They danced together a lot. ¦ There's just something so annoying about Hakyeon that makes him hard to befriend - probably his greasiness, or inability to tell jokes, or his extreme talkativeness. Jinjae puts up with him, for the most part.

Best Friends: (0-2 only.They may be idols, ulzzangs, actors/actresses, models etc. And even OCs. Cross out if not needed.)

  • Park Boyoung ¦ 23 ¦ Actress ¦ Kindhearted; secretly very snarky;  honest.¦ On the set of a drama, in which Jinjae will have a minor role. Eventually. ¦ They're best friends, and as such, have the liscense to be completely honest with each other without the other getting angry.


*Rival: (0-1 only.They may be an idol, ulzzang, actor/actress, model etc. And even an OC. Cross out if not needed.)

  • Name ¦ Age ¦ Occupation ¦ Three major personality traits ¦ How they met? ¦ Why are they rivals? ¦ How they interact? ¦ How they treat you? ¦ How they treat others?


So, Who's The Lucky Girl Or Guy?


Love Interest: Kim Donghyun
Relation: Best friends. Donghyun has kind of...been friendzoned by Jinjae.
Age:  24
Occupation:  Idol (Boyfriend - Leader, Lead Vocalist)
Donghyun, much like Jinjae, is the flirty type; unlike Jinjae, he's far, far less successful at getting girls. His pick-up lines just sound weird, or creepy, and have a tendency not to work. (Case in point: he's had a thing for the maknae of Boyfriend, Minwoo, for a while, but it just comes off as weird creepy creepiness.) Unlike Jinjae, Donghyun's an inherently nice person; he won't go all flirty at the first meeting, and will instead just opt to get to know whoever he's talking to. He's a father to s and a very caring friend to Jinjae. And he's funny, despite being quite forgetful. His leadership style is also very similar to Jinjae's.
How You Met?:  During the promotions of Boyfriend's Janus, Jinjae had a backup dancing gig. They met backstage.
How They Interact?:  Donghyun's a sweetheart - almost. He looks out for Jinjae and makes sure she doesn't overwork, and at night - when she's in the practice room doing her thing - he'll text her and make sure she's doing alright. Jinjae sees Donghyun as her best, best best friend, but not with any romantic interest. She just seems oblivious, and sees his flirting as friendly teasing. 


Back-up Love Interest:  Park Bo Young
Relation: Besties.
Age:  23
Occupation: Actress 
Bo Young's outward persona is that of a sweet, nice girl. She's known for playing female leads in shows, and it's...kind of accurate. She is a very nice person, but her other defining trait is her snarkiness. It only comes out to people she's very close to - like Jinjae - and it's clever and absolutely wonderful. She's also quite honest when you get to know her, and leaves out nothing when she speaks.
How You Met?:  On the set of a drama where Jinjae had a minor role, after debut.
How They Interact?: As above.

Tell Me The Reason.
The Reason: Jinjae's mother used to be a dance teacher for CCM; she quit when she met Kyungjae, and CCM's CEO wasn't very happy about that. So, the CEO made up a debt that had to do with the cost of the trainees Hayi trained that didn't get to debut. Jinjae is the Ahn family's way of paying that debut.


Your Career.
Trainee time: 5 years
Previous Company + Time Spent: 2 years under Jellyfish Entertainment
Trainee History: CCM's training style is far more rigorous than Jellyfish's is; the switch between the two companies caused a lot less sleep for Jinjae, but it also made her into the practice-all-the-time type that she is today. Jellyfish Entertainment caused a lot more fun for Jinjae - she flirted a lot and even managed to score some -but CCM was all business, no pleasure.
Pre-debut Experience: None.

Stage Name: JJ
Persona:  The Flirtatious Dancer
Position: Leader, Main dancer, vocal
Back-up Position: Main rapper, dancer, vocalist
Personal Fanclub Name: Jaegers. 
Fanclub Color(s): #08088A
Personal Twitter: @august_jae
Singing: Sooyoung - 1 2
Dancing: Nicole - 1 2 3
Solo Activities: One minor drama role.
Bye Bye... For Now.
Do you have any concerns or questions?: I don't think so?
Scene Suggetion(s): Somebody yelling at Jinjae to notice Donghyun's feelings for her already.
Anything else?: I don't know if I like Jinjae yet. I'll get back to you on that.

Goodbye Summer


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