Updates and life and stuff

I just wanted to say that updates might be a little slow in coming for my fics "Let Me Hold Your Hand" and "When Yesterday is Gone."  

There's alot of stuff going on at the moment.  My dad passed away last week on my birthday.  I had just posted another chapter to "When Yesterday is Gone" the night before, and I was happy to have the comments as a distraction that day.  So thanks to everyone that commented.  But I haven't replied to any of them yet, sorry.

So needless to say, the last week has been kind of  rough.  It was inevitable, we knew we only had months, but we weren't expecting it this soon.  And I've always been a bit of a daddy's girl, so it's rough.  However, I think I can take some solace in that he's not suffering anymore and on top of that he knew I had just gotten my job in Japan so I think he could go somewhat relieved that at 25 years old, I'm finally moving away^^

That's another thing, I only have a couple months before I move to Japan, so the planning with that is really keeping me busy as well.

HOWEVER, I'm not going to stop writing on these fanfics or my original stories. Writing is kind of the only thing that keeps me sane.  I hate to think what kind of person I would be if I didn't have my writing, most likely severely depressed.  It's just that right now, I am having a hard time making sense of anything so when I go to write its just a jumbled mess that makes no sense at all.  So what I mean to say is, I have entered poet mode.  

So if anyone likes prose poetry, I finally managed to compile most of my stuff on my LJ here at http://uruchan-love.livejournal.com/16319.html

Most of it's kind of weird stuff, some are nonfiction, a few were spoofs I did off my fanfics and off Bigbang to mess with my class (which didn't work because they actually liked them).  My advisor pretty much told me I was a better poet than I am fiction writer.  I'm pretty sure I'm not that great at either one.  I hardly use my LJ anymore, but spending all day trying to make a master list was a great distraction from all the crappy real life issues going on right now.


So anyways...I am going to be slower than usual updating.  Especially wtih "Let Me Hold Your Hand."  Just can't work on the fluff and happy stuff right now even though I desperately would love to.

~ Kabuki  <3 



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Arvena #1
Hey, it's Arvena. I know that probably you don't know me, but I really love your stories and that's why I want to show you my support. Because I know how it feels like when everything is falling into small pieces. I know what how it hurts. I really admire you for your strength and your need to move on. I really admire it, because I wasn't able to do this for such a long time...

I just wanted to say that even when you don't know me, I really pray for you and hope that you will be happy. Please, stay strong. Some day everything will be alright, I promise.

With a lot of love,
*pulls you in for a hug*
I feel so bad for you when reading this, and I really hope you'll be okay, even though right now, you're not.
Life isn't fair, I think we all know that. But the truth is, death is even less fair.
You shouldn't apologise for updating slower than usual, I'm pretty sure everyone will understand.
+ Right now, I admire you quite a lot. With what you're going through, and still manage to somewhat keep everything together, I don't think I'd be that strong.

I wish you all the comfort and strenght in the world. My thoughts go out to you, your family, and your father.
Stay strong - no matter how hard it may seem right now - you'll get through this somehow <3

PS: You're advisor's wrong; you are a great fiction writer, I absolutely love your stories :3