*Dear Diary  Blog,

So... yeah... here I am again... filling this blog up with my fave OTP... And I even thought they were TRUE (well, I wish they were!!!) Cause, they have so much chemistry and they suit each other!!! I mean.... don't they? Cause, I think they super-duperly-absolutely-certainly DO suit each other~! And I think that they should have a relationship that leads to marriage and having a family of their own~! XD


Yeah... So... here they are:


Haha... So... Yeah... That's all for now~! But, I promise to fangirl AGAIN tomorrow~!  And Yesh. Its also gonna be about THEM~! XD (Or do you want another pair instead? SeoHun maybe? XD)



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iheartcupcakes234 #1
SeoHan! And OMG! Did you see SeoHan's new unseen moments. At the end of TTS and EXO performance, Seohyun grabbed his jacket!

the pictures are so cute i'm an ace babies fan
seoho please ! or seokris
Eycha_sk11 #4
@ilovemyself is there a new seohan unseen moment ?

Kyaaaaa my seohan <33333 i love them sooo much ! Yeah i've been think like tht too.. They're married and hav a childrens for real ! XD but i also love seokris, seokai, seohun , seolay and seoho.. But hanseokris #1 so they're competing with each other.. Lol
green_teax #5
I agree with ilovemyslf. I just can't love other seoexo pairings. ;__;

I'm not a fallen angel, just a hugggggge acebaby xD
green_teax #6


1004hyun #7
Omg Seohan, My fave ship too. Let's just stick with seohan, because their unseen moment was just revealed.a