幻影学院 // Ahn Kyung Joo。

Ahn Kyung Joo



Hey You

Username: Skatpree
Activeness: 10
What should I call you?: Skatpree


The Archives

Name: Ahn Kyung Joo (Korean), Ai Kou Yi (Chinese)

Nicknames: Joo - basically everyone calls her that to the point that some people don't know her real name.
Age: 18
Birthday: October 8th
Ethnicity: Korean (1/4 Chinese)
Birthplace: Busan
Hometown: Seoul
Languages: Korean (fluent), Chinese (fluent), English (conversational)


Princess Perfect

Ulzzang: Byun Seo Eun 
Back-Up Ulzzang: Jang Chom Mi
Height: 168 cm
Weight: 52 kg
Blood Type: B
Her style is quite laid back and casual, especially at home where she would just wear sweat pants and a hoodie; jeans and a large top at the most. However, for special occasions she tries more, sometimes wearing skirts or shorts and if she's in a good mood she'll wear dresses. As long as she is comfortable in what she wears, she doesn't care even if she goes down to the convenience stores even in her pajamas!


Live Like You


Cunning, smart and sarcastic. She's also completely independent and sees no need for anyone to try and interfere with her life; especially when all they do is mess it up and try to force their own opinions on her. Friends are people you can rely on? Utter bull. Love? Romance? Happiness? Stories you tell to little children to make them happier in the cruel and messed up world, so they can't see the hardships coming towards then; unlike Joo.

If she just stands around with her poker face -and maybe sometimes offering fake smiles to random people- you'll think she's a young, sweet and pretty girl. She tends to keep herself to herself and prefers to be an onlooker instead of getting involved in things, but even she has some humanity. If she sees there's someone in trouble or being bullied, she'll speak to the offending person with a tongue as sharp as a knife and fire at them with brilliant comebacks that would leave them speechless. But that is only if she's in a...neutral mood. No one truly knows what she's like when she's in a good mood, but it's probably no different from the usual. She'll walk around with a confident air around her, but will keep her poker face no matter what; she shows weakness to no one. People who know her call her an 'ice princess' and she rolls her eyes on how -yet again- the people around her start judging her and making assumptions. She feels likes she's alone in the world where everyone just wants fairytale endings and everlasting happiness, but she knows better. Everyone judges you for what you are on the outside and never take the time to find out how you are on the inside. Whether it be because you're pretty, ugly, fat, thin. tall, short...or maybe because you have abnormal abilities. 

She won't do anything bad to someone -such as firing her blunt insults at them- unless provoked and generally just wants to be a wallflower that nobody sees; but that's slightly hard when people keep picking on her, thinking that they can win against her if they keep throwing profanities and mockery at her because she's a 'monster', but of course she doesn't care but won't back down from a fight. If you rub her the wrong way -due to her nasty temper- she'll completely lose her cool and yell -maybe even beat you up- until you're so frightened of her that you keep a mile away from her shadow. She just wants to be left alone. She doesn't want people to judge her. She just wants the world to accept people who are different instead of labeling them as 'monsters' or 's' or whatever else you they could think of. She wants people to accept her and understand her. But they don't seem to cooperate well. It doesn't matter since she's gotten used to the fact that everyone thinks she's a freak and isolated herself from the world before they could outcast her. 

Important Traits: 

  • independent
  • secretive
  • ice princess
  • pessimistic
  • sarcastic

Superpower: Precognition
Backup Power: Clairvoyance

  • being alone
  • feeling understood
  • listening to music
  • reading
  • animals


  • people who judge her
  • discrimination 
  • seafood
  • being disturbed
  • ice cream


  • reading
  • writing
  • horse riding


  • abusing her lips (biting, peeling, chewing etc)
  • going straight to the toilet after she wakes up
  • putting her seatbelt on as soon as she sits down in a car


  • death


  • she hated the fact that everybody called her a 'monster' or a 'freak' because of her powers
  • she loves animals, especially puppies and hamsters
  • when she looks into someone's eyes she can instantly see how their life is going to turn out, and some of the bad things she saw was what made her so pessimistic
  • she hates seeing people dying in her visions
  • she prefers reading a book over her phone and computer


Look At Your Files


Kyung Joo can't remember a time when she didn't have her powers. As soon as she could talk, she would say things such as 'mummy, I think it's going to rain today', and her presumptions would come true. Her mother was single parent and she pampered Joo since she was born, but she also couldn't help but be slightly cautious because of all her correct predictions. Kyung Joo had no idea what was happening but secretly loved having her powers because she felt special and different from everyone else. That was only at first, though. Later, people began out casting her because they thought she was a freak. During that time she started getting longer visions and continuous headaches. As soon as she saw a person, their entire future and life would unfold in front of her very eyes, some of things she saw would haunt her forever and gave her a more pessimistic view of the world. She saw terrible things such as murder, heartbreak etc. She tried to push her powers away and isolate herself from society, she hated her powers to the point where she wished one day she would wake and not have them anymore.

Out of all the darkness, she only had one friend...that friend was her grandmother who would believe in her no matter what and shower her with love. Her grandmother was Chinese and from a young age Joo had learnt it off her and that would be the only language they communicated in together. But when she got her powers she saw her grandmother on her death bed and felt disgusted with herself because she foretold that. On the day of her grandmothers death, she started hating her powers and thought she was a monster. 


mother | ahn mi young | 32 | fashion editor | kind, caring, funny | alive

grandmother | sheng xiao xun | 87 | retired | caring, supportive, loving | dead




Super Lovers

Love Interest: Park Chanyeol
Superpower: Fire

Cheerful, outgoing and fun there's never a moment when a smile isn't on Chanyeol's face! He's always cheerful and hyper, it's like he has an endless supply of energy! He can tire people out easily, but it doesn't mean he doesn't have a calm side to him either, when he's focused on something he'll give it his all and never backs down from a challenge! He has a gift for understanding people's feelings and comforting them when they're sad. 

Chanyeol hardly gets sad or upset and it takes a lot for him to be angry...but when he does lose his cool you'll know you've gone too far. He won't yell like Joo, but he'll stay quiet and look at you with a deadly gaze which would be enough make you shake in fright! But if it's his fault he'll feel extra guilty and leave you to cool off for a few minutes -or days- but he's never been the type of person to say sorry or thank you during these types of situations. When he does you'll know it's because you're special to him and he values your relationship with him.

Important Traits: cheerful, loud, hyper, patient

How Do You Meet?: Chanyeol was just playing with his friends, when Joo first walks through the door, Chanyeol is getting a little angry with them and suddenly his fists burst into fire and almost kill Joo! Luckily  -because of her precognition- she dodged it in the nick of time. But when she looks at Chanyeol...she can't see his future like she does with everyone else. 

How Do You Treat Each Other?:

Ever since almost killing her, Chanyeol always felt guilty and when he feels guilty...it basically eats her away from the inside. He sees her around school: independent, confident and always alone. He wonders how she could be so content with being alone unlike him who needs someone to play with every second of the day! From just looking at her from afar, he takes a liking to her and one day he gets the courage to talk to her.  He was surprised at her sharp and blunt way of talking and how quickly she got annoyed at him, but instead of getting intimidated by her yelling he finds it funny and enjoys it when she gets pissed. After that they became 'somewhat like friends'. He seemed to follow her everywhere and watch her carefully. Many people thought she was like a robot, but Chanyeol wanted to know more about her. Pretty soon, he's with her nearly every second of the day and whenever he's not with her, Joo feels lonely. Though she treated him coldly at first and kept telling him to leave her alone, when he got more persistent she got annoyed but soon she warmed up to him. She saw he didn't mean to annoy her on purpose -well, he didn't then. He got to know her weaknesses -thanks to some serious nosiness- and wanted her to rely on him more. He became her rock that she could lean on and tell anything to. But if someone were to take that rock away now, she'd fall over without it. She hates how she became so reliant on him, but Chanyeol likes the fact that finally someone gives him some responsibility instead of treating him like a baby.

Back-Up Love Interest: Byun Baekhyun


Thrown To Your Cell

Comments: N/A
Suggestions: N/A
Scene Requests: 

  • Joo sees a vision about Chanyeol, he's going to get attacked by someone but she doesn't know the details because she could never really read Chanyeol's future -which kind of comforted her- she freaks out and runs to find him but in the end all that happens is he gets hit in the head with a football. 

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©sapphirefox - used with permission.


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