Im Such A Loner -_-

AHH~ well i was minding my own business while playing Desktop Racing2 in my room in the middle of the night which also means that my parents are asleep. Then i stop and notice that im in my room alone... all quiet... with my headphones on even though im not listening to anything.... playing a game that my little cousin recommended me (and i kinda like the game).... and i think to myself  *I AM SUCH A LONER!!!!!!* T^T Now i find myself admiting it on a blog >.>

Well my friends are surely still awake but i cant text them cuz my mom will get mad at me for texting at night (yes im a good girl ^_^ :P) and their moms dont let then be on facebook in the middle of the night  but my mom lets me be on fb whenever -_- Its like their mom's teamed forces so they can do the opposite of what my mom does and keep me away from my friends -_-; Oh well i guess i was meant to be lonely at night 


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You just lonely when your night time,but in a day time you're not right? So don't worry,lonely is not forever :)