Just My Size, Platinum Record, and random rambling

Just My Size
I'm still working on it! I've finally made progress on the next chapter, so I hope to have that out soon. I have lots more ideas for it, it's all just a matter of writing them down. ^^
I also need to learn to edit myself; I don't need to describe what happens every single moment of every day! >o< But I waaaaant to! XD
What do you guys think of my OCs anyways? I haven't gotten any feedback on them whatsoever, and I'd love to hear! Good or bad, anything helps! (Actually, the bad helps more. XD)

Platinum Record
You know, that fantasy AU one I started. XD I have ideas for it, but it's hard for me to write. For some reason, I have a hard time keeping their 5 personalities straight when they're all together. @@; It's a bit overwhelming! But I'll get through it! I already know how it's going to end, so it's - once again - just a matter of writing it all out. XD

Other Stuff
So, I got a new idea for yet another Onew-centric fic (sorry but the guy just inspires me! XD). It'll be a 2 chapter story, with a separate mature-rated chapter. So the main story with be for general audiences. ^^
I've already got more than half of the first chapter done, and the notes for chapter 2 written up, whoo-hoo! *flails*

Thank you all again SSSSOOOO much for following me and my stories! It means so much to me every time I get a comment or a new subscriber! I can't help but smile knowing that other people are enjoying my writing. <3
Take care all! :D



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