Awesome app for an awesome student>> Jason Smith


(Smith, Jason )

Username (b2utyful374)

Activeness (8.5)





You Don't Know Me 



Character Name:  Smith, Jason


Jay: A very common name many call him. He may occasionally introduce himself with this name.

Age & Date Of Birth: 17; Feb, 19 1996

Ethnicity: Half Korean, Half Caucasian

Birthplace: Miami, Florida 

Hometown: Keywest, Florida

Languages: Korean (almost fluent) English (Fluent)

Basic Appearance:  Jason's hair is dyed a light brown w/a clean cut. It is styled very much like it is showed in the picture of him above, usually he spikes the front but lately he has been leaving it in it's normal toss. Despite living by the ocean he spends most of his time inside therefore is not as tan as he should be being more of a pale boy. Disregarding the stereotypes that Asian people are on the shorter side, Jason stands at a towering 5 feet and 9 inches taking his height from hi non-asian side of the family (Dad's btw). Even though his father is a white man, he looks more like his mom receiving the dark hair and other Asian traits such as the brown smaller eyes and slimmer build. 

Fashion Style: He likes to dress classy yet sorta casual, if that makes sense. Button up shirts are something of his favriote and he loves his boat  shoes. 1 2 3 4

EXTRAS: His ears are pierced! Regular diamond earrings.


Ulzzang: Jang Hyun Jae

Gallery:  here

Back Up Ulzzang: Lee Chi Hoon

Gallery: Here


What's Not To Like?

Persona  Courteous Gentleman
Personality :  Jason is chivalrous as he was raised by very loving parents. His father has always taught him to be thankful for the women in his life and be respectful of a girl. He is not timid like many think of a gentleman, Jason has an intimidating aurora about him that makes him seem like he is from possibly a royal family or of high class. This is probably due to the point that he talks in such a manner that you could not counter, pointing out the obvious and hidden reasons of an argument that makes him seem to always win. He is careful in what he says and  filters out the useless things thus resulting him coming off as very intelligent when in reality he is.
Because of the way he acts and talks, he is unapproachable to most because around him most feel lesser. He does not boast of course but the his confident smile and thinking speaks for what does not need to be said. Jason is humble for someone of his looks and background though most would be proud and ignorant he is not. Helping and kind is how he is introduced to many.
Once around Jason for a period of time, you begin to feel warmth and appreciate life as he has that effect on people. He is like his own ray of sunshine. 
Background: Jason was born as the only child thus resulting in him receiving all the attention from his family and relatives. It was rather awkward regarding why he was the only child, see his dad was supposedly "infertile" and so was his only brother which happens to be a fraternal twin. His grandparents desperately wanted grandchildren and his parents thoughts too. His parents tried for years and when they received the news they were shocked. His parents seriously thought of adoption until one uneventful night he appeared in her womb. 
They're was a whole controversy on his mom not being faithful but his father refused to believe it, once Jason was born it didn't help that he looked nothing like his father and so his grandparents insisted on a DNA test which they had no choice but to go through. The results came in positive and everyone rejoiced. Of course he learned of his birth story the infamous "You might not be my son"  one and oddly he wasn't fazed making his family laugh. 
  • music
  • jazz
  • warm sunny places
  • the saxophone
  • the color sky blue
  • cloudless days
  • cafes
  • liars
  • hypocrites
  • treating a woman harshly
  • getting angry
  • bitter chocolate
  • running
  • listening to jazz music
  • going to lounge cafe's
  • drawing beautiful women
  • making latte's, coffee, ect.


  • eating very late at night
  • giving brilliant smiles in awkward situations. 
  • drinking to much caffeine
  • taking long walks
  • getting lost in music
Trivia > 
  • Jazz is his favorite music 
  • only child


My Relationships Are Not Yours.        

Dimitri Smith | 46 | owns a popular beach side cafe| He is very hard working and-as he's a father-caring. He refuses to let kids fool around in his shop and is rather strict but many teenagers find him surprisingly funny and outgoing. He is everyone's friend. | It's wacky really, when you see them walking togther you don't think they're parent and child. Jason and his father have a tight bond being able to tell each other everything. They often mess around with each other always putting each other in head locks and having friendly competitions.
Lily Kim | 43 | Marine Biologist | A very petite girl in her nature she is quite timid and soft spoken. But neither the less she is what many call a lioness. She won't let anyone step on her and can be really scary. She is prideful and everyone knows it.  | No matter how much of a bond Jason might have with his father he knows to take his mother's side. He is very loving towards her and grateful to have her in his life.
Kevin | 18 | 25th November | A Do-gooder who gets on people's nerves? I suppose you can say that. Kevin is the loveable leader of the do-gooders, although very childish and goofy he is quite capable of being smart and strong when he feels the need to. However he prefers to be his childish self and not pay attention. Now you might think that he would get mocked due to his attitude but because of certain, damaging, events that were caused by him, that's not really a problem. | Kevin was the first to spot Jason and become friends with him, since they are both well versed in the English language they often speak and exchange thoughts together. When Kevin and Jason are together they tend to have weird conversations you wouldn't understand unless you were there from the beginning.
Junhyung | 17 | 16 December | Quite the player if I do say so myself, he loves to play with girls but because they know he's not serious about them they really can't hold grudge can they? Never really experiencing how it feels to fall in love he does not understand why someone will so willingly give up their life for the person they love. | Junhyung does not understand why girls are drawn to Jason so much as he does not have the "charm" of a player, which he believes every girl likes. He first approached Jason as a sign of competition but once he saw the threat was all in his head he made peace. They eventually become close friends.  
TANKS: Jason is a pretty mellow guy so almost anyone will get along with him, but because of his persona other guys may feel threatened and pick fights with him. He usually will try to talk things out but has no trouble resorting to violence. Regarding how he feels about his powers, he was rather surprised about it and never really thought much about it but once the side effects kicked he began acting strange and his loved ones worried. He felt alone in the  world as though he couldn't tell anyone, and he really couldn't they would of thought he was insane. Once he learned of the others he know what to feel except relief.

 Love among the Supers
Your Numero Uno:  [ Kim Taeyeon ]
[ Taeyeon; 16; Junior; Seoul, Korea ]
Persona: Cute, quirky girl
Personality: Taeyeon is not what many would expect from a Girly queenka. Many make assumptions that she is like the rest, stuck up know it all's but trust me she really isn't. She is actual quite humble and down to earth. She loves to run around like a little child, making people smile is what Taeyeon does naturally.Her quirky charm is what draws people to her the most though. Acting like a child is part the charm however students are surprised that she isn't mean or rude like the others. Very random, when she is in deep thought as she will speak out her thoughts to herself and try to figure it out which makes many very confused around her. She's weird and different but in a good way
Although she might be a leader she doesn't act like one others usually take on the role for her, let's put as she can't be bothered by little things as if she is the CEO/President and the others are her vice-president (if that makes sense). In tense situations her persona turns a complete 180 to become a charismatic leader who demands order in her realm.
Grade/GROUP: The Girly Queenkas 
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Fencing
Classes: Periods  1-3, Periods 11-14
Powers?: See Sprirts Seeing spirits is something that Taeyeon isn't too fond of since she had a bad experience when she saw her first ghost which happened to be her grandmother whom she was extremely close with. Since her grandma passed during an early age for Taeyeon she has been able to communicate with spirits/ghost for awhile. Even so she happened to slip under the schools radar until her sophomore year when she was recruited and somehow climbed to the top of the social pyramid. 
Past: None as of now ;)
Interactions: Being the gentleman Jason is he likes to talk and have conversations with her a lot. Taking walks and listening to music is one of the hobbies they share with each other. Many times she may fall asleep on his shoulder when they are listening to music or just hanging out. When they go to "hang out" as he calls it, to Taeyeon she feels that he doesn't acknowledge it as a date even though she does. They like each other but feel like the other does not like them back. Once Jason starts to drop very abvious hints she does also.
  • ​loves chocolate
  • prodigy chef

Crush: [ Sullie ]
[ Choi Sullie ; 16 ;| Gangnam, South Korea ] 
Persona: Music Junkie
Personality: Sullie couldn't care less about the affairs that go on in the school. She is more of a disconnected kind of person whom is sorta a bad chick. She is very wise for her age not getting into the affairs of  others. The students find her very mysterious as she doesn't speak unless spoken to and seldom do you see her participating in school events. 
Grade/GROUP: The Tough Tomboyish Queenkas, junior
Extracurricular Activities:
  • Lunch
  • Gym
Powers: Illisionist | Being very fond of this power, Sullie tends to use it quite a bit. However she likes to use it on herself pretending to to be in a music studio or in a quite place where music surrounds her. Very rarely does she use on others but of course she won't have trouble making others suffer.
Past?: No boys have ever really peaked her interest and so she does not pay much attention to the opposite .   
Interactions Because of the way Sullie is Jason can't really do anything around or with her without getting scolded about being too childish. It's this very factor that makes him like to mess and play around with her so much since oddly he finds her pretty when she is angry.  Most of the time they listen to music together and have conversations here and there all relating to music of course.
  • Fav music  is classical
  • secretly listens to music in class
  • straight a student

Crush Deux: [Suzy]
[ Bae Suzy; 16 ;| Tokyo, Japan  ] 
Persona: Lovable sweetie
Personality: A sweetie by nature is something everyone can say about Suzy. With a good head on her shoulders she is almost like a mother figure. Very caring and helpful she doesn't hesitate to help those she believes deserve it, Suzy is what everyone calls an angel. Funny, the way she acts when she's not pissed is completely different  from the way she acts when she is. Suzy has an extremely explosive temper, she has learned very well how to cope with her pet peeves and to not let her emotions get the better of her. Although she has a good hold on her patience skills it only runs so far and trust me you don't want to experience her scary side. No one can really tell how she acts when she becomes upset but rumor has it that something of a monster has come out to play......
Grade/GROUP: Tough gangster Queenkas, Junior
Extracurricular Activities:  
  • Fencing
  • Lunch
  • Gym
  • Training
Powers: Precognition | Suzy really considers this gift a curse. She hates knowing what will happen to her friends and know she probably won't  be able to help. On the other hand she feels grateful for it as it was probably given to her so she can help others. This gift is both a curse and blessing to her.
Past?: Once involved with a Do-gooder (you choose) they seemed almost perfect for each other, at first ,but it was to good to last due to the many differences to much for the similarities.
Interactions: Almost like a dream couple these two would be, able to understand each other completely they might be more suitable for each other than Taeyeon  would be. Jason can rant to her tell her anything and they would understand  each other. Yet the reason they can't be together is that they are really to similar and that wouldn't be an interesting couple, would it? Anyway getting on to the point they eventually get to  know each other like the back of their hand  and although Jason might have feelings her, she can never really forget her first love.  (Hint Hint)


  • unable to forget first love
  • gets bad grades
  • considers gift  both a curse and blessing

            Crush Number Three[Dohee]

[ Dohee ; 16 ;| London, United Kingdom ] 
Persona: Cute/adorable puppy but cunning and manipulative
Personality: Because of Dohee's  appearance of a little kid her friends often refer to her as a puppy. The name suits her as well for example:  puppies tend to put when they don't get what the want, now i know this can be applied to many people but Dohee can pout for a long time, once for a whole month. hence she is very good at getting what she wants. For a girl who looks so innocent and naive, she is actually quite cunning  being able to talk herself out of tough situations  for sure when she lies you won't be able to tell  save a select few. Because of this little talent she can be very manipulative, using words to get inside people's heads  is something she doesn't need a power for.Excusing all her bad or  different qualities  she really is adorable though.  Just like a real puppy she loves to run around in the sun, eat snacks until her stomach explodes, and take long naps. 
Grade/GROUP: Cute baby gangsters, Sophomore  
Extracurricular Activities:  
  • Hi-Fly
  • Baseball
  • Training
  • Lunch
Powers: Animated Shadow: Nothing to really say except she absolutely loves her power.
Past?: None 
Interactions: Jason finds her interesting but has never really talked to her, see though he finds her different he  doesn't like the way  she tricks people. Being one of the  few who can see her through her lies  he tries to keep her out of trouble, which in turns earns him a unfavorable partner to argue with.
  • Secretly likes  Jason
  • A puppy is her fav. animal

-Bowling For Soup (a song by this band)^^
Grade: 12; Senior 
Favorite subject(s):
  • Latin
  • Power control
Subject  You are good at:  
  • Survival
  • Forensic  sciences
Subject you at: 
  • World history
Extracurricular activities: 
  • Hi-fly  (Blue team)
  • Baseball (Black team)
  • Fencing (Blue team)
How do you wear your uniform?: Usually how it's worn but....for some reason it looks very dashing on him let it be the way he style it or what not but he looks very handsome in it.
Classes Taking: 
  • Period 1: Artifact Affinity
  • period 2: SuperNaturalTalents
  • Period 3: Survival
  • Period 4: Power control
  • Period  5: Latin
  • Period  6:  Lunch
  • Period 7:  Dark Talent
  • Period 8: Training
  • Period  9:  Discovering powers
  • Period  10:  Gym
  • Period  11:  Calculus
  • Period 12:  Language Arts
  • Period 13: Forensic Sciences
  • Period 14: World History
Powers?: Jason is  a  Energy Vampire , when first discovered  Jason didn't  pay much attention to it until it began draining those around him. His friends were becoming tired around  him almost like to be around him was like he was their souls out . He became scared of course and what's worst he almost killed his mother with this power, he hates it  wished it never happened to him. Now when his side effects kicked in he didn't know what to do, either he drained other people or he dies what choice did he have?  He was able to drain others for a while without killing them, but slowly he lost control and  killed a man. It would of been a little easier on his consience if only he couldn't feel everything the man felt while he slowly died, being an Empath was not in his favor and he never hated himself more in his entire life. When the police couldn't find the cause of death and he was in  serious trouble the man showed  up offering to help him solve his little problem, under the condition he attend  a special school.
Past Relationships: Has had maybe 1-3 girlfriends but they were never serious.


Show Me Some Gifs! tumblr_mhcgrdjyy11rsna24o1_500.gif

Comments: Again i think, no pretty sure i accidently messed  with the font.  Ummm he was a lot easier for me to make for some reason. Some parts are really short I know -.- i got lazy....  But disregarding that, I hope  you like him ^_^
Human Talents: drawing/sketching
(Scene) Requests:
  • Have a point in the scene when he gets mad a Taeyeon hahahaha  I would  Like to see how that plays out.
  • Have one of the other male students in school pick a fight with him, but have him tell them off like a boss hahahaha.


Gifs Can Go here!
*waves bye* ^^





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