You and Your Bias - Quiz 1 from E_magine

1. Name your bias.

TVXQ's U-know Yunho

2. A body part


3. A place you regularly visit.


4. A term you call someone (e.g. dork)

Freak XD (This is in a nice way, though. :P Let's face it, we're all freaks once in a while! XD)

5. A number.


6. The most romantic thing you've heard

I'll always be here for you. :)

7. Ok another number?



8. A favourite pastime


9. A precious stone


10. Do you like your parents yes or no?

Yes, of course! :) Love mom and dad. :)

11. Name a season.

Spring (But there's no spring where I come from! -__- How ironic is this?)

Ok here are the answers: note you will have to hi-light the text to read it

1. Your bias is the one you like

2. The body part you named is what attracted them to you

3. Is where you two first met

4. Is his/her pet name for you

5. The number of dates you go on before your first kiss

6. Is what he/she says to confess their love to you

7. The number of months you two are together for before you get engaged

9. Is the stone on your engagement ring.

10. Whether you said yes or no determines whether or not they asked your parents permission to marry you.

11. The season in which you got engaged


Haha! He's going to call me a freak! :P Oh, well. At least I know I am one sometimes. XD


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JojoHendrix53974 #1
He got attracted to your hands? kekeke
OMG must steal this off you brb filling this in xD