Regarding my fic's hiatus

Hey ho! So, as you all know it, my fic is now on its hiatus status. 


And I'm kind of sad that I have to put it up on hiatus, since asdfghjkl; Part Two is the most exciting part of this fic just yet! xDD So many twists, so many complex stuff there too...


asdiuqomwnqcpwnjqnoiwvmxq0mp *sobs in a corner*


I'm not sure how my school's work going to be (like, how many I will get, etc etc, but good thing I don't have to worry much about my scholarship ehehe), but I already got a lot for the Lebaran holiday. I'll still be writing the chapters up in Ms Word in my free time, but I'll not publish it directly in AFF so that I don't browse through other things in AFF (and I'll end up procrastinating, which is the one thing I want to avoid .__.).


The only thing I'll be updating is the Foreword part, since there are a lot of things to be fixed there, but that's only it.


Originally, I've thought of posting them one by one if I have time to do so, since I don't want to keep my readers waiting. But well, life priorities and all. Cannot neglect it after all ><


So, that's all I have to say for now. Until next time! :D


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