fanmix yourself.

and as long as i'm on my suit'n'tie/ i'mma leave it on the floor tonight/ and you got fixed up to the lines/can i show you a few things

So I found this on tumblr, and I thought I could share it with you, guys. Feel free to steal!


One song that :

  • reminds you of your favourite season/day/month

Busker Busker's Cherry Blossom Ending reminds me of my favourite season and month, March and spring.

  • you prefer to listen to at night

Usually, I don't listen to music at night. The last time I did was last year, during Ramadan and it was FT Island's Severely.

  • reminds you of someone you care about

I'd say Jiyuu no Tsubasa from Linked Horizon (also the second opening of Shingeki no Kyojin), and it reminds me of my sister whom I love deeply. (The link leads to a great piano cover of it.)

  • you cannot stand

Rihanna's Diamonds in the sky. OMG.

  • makes you feel like flying

Hmm. I'd go with Lately now. I can fly and fly again~

  • makes you feel like falling

Most likely Mevcut by Mustafa Sandal. Beware: it's Turkish.

  • you listen to when you’re sad

I'm rather the type who writes, edits or reads when I'm sad. I don't listen to music, but I used to. Hm, I would say Julia.

  • one song that you’ve fallen in love with recently because of the lyrics

I'd go with the awesome ending of Shingeki no Kyojin, Utsukushii Zankoku na Sekai.

  • one instrumental song that you love

There's the good instrumental version of AOA Black's Moya, although it's kind of weird, too. There's also the wonderful instrumental version of Girl's Day's Female President I really like. And, of course, all the great covers of the SnK and Free openings and endings.

  • you want to hear live

Rage On!

  • is about something you love

It's kind of sad that the thing I love is writing, and the only song I know about writing so far is Beast's Fiction. No, the song is really good, but, I mean, it's about heartbreak and sad and... you know what I mean.

  • makes you want to run until you’re some place very far away

Since I already used Rage On, I'll take Run.

  • Two songs that always bring a vivid image of something to your mind (can be a place, an action, a person : walking under the sunshine, taking a train, climbing on your rooftop, your dog, anything)

Kinda stupid but, first of all, Splash Free because it always reminds me of Free (and a vivid image of Makoto HAHAHAHA), and the second is Jaywalking by Sung Joon. It always brings me the image of Hyunsoo up, where he shakes the guitar like that, especially at the first ten seconds.

Bonus: a song that you want to share with your followers

Because it's my favourite song, and never fails to bring a serene smile on my face, I will all present you I Need You. I know, I'm so boring.

And! Weekly Idol Infinite is out, and I will patiently wait for the subs! AND TOMORROW I WILL GET TO SEE MY PRESH HUSBAND AGAIN.

Anyways, since I'm off for two days, I guess I will call it a hiatus? Idk. I will lurk here, too. Wonderful Bayram to you all, and have a nice weekend!


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time to listen to all your songs as well as star's and sapphy's I have music /o/
milleniums #2
will steal. <3