Aa No Kioku: An Arashi Fanfiction

I've started my own series, Aa No Kioku. The title itself is based on one of Arashi's songs and I hope that it will be a good one and that many would like it.

Aa No Kioku's story mainly focuses about love and friendship, past and future, and the present. It's still brewing but I have already started publishing it. I have also written and published a one shot here but I guess that people usually only enjoy series. I do hope that YOU, the reader will appreciate my series and will subscribe to me.

I really am glad that there are a few who subscribed already. (◡‿◡✿)


Well, that's it for now guys.

Thank you for reading.

Love lots,

keshichan (●´ω●)


I will always find a way to continue to pursue the happiness that I wish to have. Love is only a word but with a little perseverance, I can survive.



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