i HATE this!

i hate being lied to. i hate wasting my tears if later i find out that it wasn't true. I hate knowing that i care for you and everyone including our friends who means a lot to us. I hate knowing that maybe everything was just a lie or a trick on me.

I would HATE to say that i hate you if it turns out you weren't really gone from us.

I would HATE to tell my favorite dongsaengs that i hate them if they don't ever tell me whats really going on.

I would just HATE and feel disappointed in myself that i always praised you GUYS so much and how much you mean to me to my other friends who doesnt have this experience with me.


AS a NOONA/DONGSAENG to you guys, do you even realize that i have feelings and emotions too. That im not someone for you to mess around with and joke that someone i care for suddenly disappear and reappear again!

Do I look like some person you can mess with? Who makes me cry for three hours knowing how much i care for you? Who stays up late instead of studying for a big test so that i can talk to the person you love and make sure they don't do anything stupid.


Yes I'm hurt by each and everyone of you, which i wont say names. I haven't felt this much hatred and pain in a long time and now i remember the feelings.

I'm done playing this game! If you want to lie to me, then fine. Let's just say we never knew one another. Let's just say i was never your Noona and you were never my lovable dongsaeng. Let's just say i was never your dongsaeng and you were never my Oppa.

I really don't want to do this but maybe it's for the best. If you know who you are, then i'm sorry.

You can stil ltalk to me and make thing work back out  because im the type of person who knows that EVERYONE deserve a SECOND chance no matter what.

I do love you all and you'll always be an important person in my life.



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Unnie, what's wrong? O:
if it's about a boy, don't waste your tears. Boys come and go but.. FRIENDS ARE ALWAYS THERE (:
You still have lots of people to talk about problems.
Just wanted to let you know, you're not alone C:
amuto-robstar #2
Did something happen between you and a boy? Unnie....I don't like seeing you so sad. I don't want to see you like this.

WELL, I'm still here--Any minute you need me. ^^
Wait what happend? ><
If you need to talk to someone I'm here.
*big huggles*
I hope you are alright, my fren.
Awww unnie whats wrong? I care for you! If you need someone to talk to im here~
What happened??