|| 99 truths || stolen from Cherry1900 ||



♥♥ 99 Truths ♥♥

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1. real name: Idallis

2. nicknames: Peachy || by my mother ||    Kit Kat  (short for kitty cat)  ||  Friends at school ||   "Yukai"   "Yeon Hyo"  "Tan Yi"

3. zodiac sign: Gemini 

4. male or female: Female 

5. elementary school:    Trinity Academy for the performing arts

7. college:  I  would really like to go to RISD  or  Kyoto Seika

8. hair color: Dark Brown

9. tall or short:   Short

10. im or email:  Email

11. sweats or jeans: Jeans

13. health freak: 아니 . . .

14. orange or apple:  Apple♥♥


15. do you have a secret crush on someone: Do my biases count?  If not, no. not really.

16. eat or drink: Both

17. piercings: my ears?  TT _  TT

18. pepsi or coke: Pepsi?  Coke?  Depends on what I'm eating.  wwww

19. been in an airplane: Yesh

20. been in a relationship: No.

21. been in a car accident: いいえ 

22. been in a fist fight:  No.

23. first piercing: Yes, when I was like 8; I think.

24. current best friend(s): I don't have a best friend, unfortunately.

25. first award: Homework award?  If I can recall.

26. first crush: I've never had one. I suppose you mean at school. No.  If you mean like celebrity crushes, since I was four.

27. first word: Am I supposed to remember that? Does anyone remember that?

28. last person you talked to in person: My mother

29. last person you texted: My friend.

30. last person you watched a movie with: my mother.

31. last movie you watched: "The Gate"

32. last song you listened to: B.A.P- It's All Lies

33. last thing you bought: あの。。groceries ?

34. last person you hugged: My pillow? I haven't hugged anyone today.

35. favorite food: Apple cider doughnuts & frozen yogurt ~~

36. favorite drink: Apple cider, Boba, Bubble Tea ♥♥♥

37. bottoms: Shorts or Skinny Jeans!

38. flower: Cherry Blossoms ♥  とても美しい~

39. animal: Bunnies & Pandas.  

40. color: so many.. they are really specific :  Cherry blossom pink, Cherry red, Sax, Mint, Pastel Pink & Lavender.

41. favorite movie: memoirs of a geisha, insidious, the purge, sophie's revenge & The breakfast club~

42. favorite subject: Drama, English, Math & Art.


have you ever: (put an x in the brackets if you have)

43. [] gotten baptized.

44. [x] celebrated halloween.

45. [x] had your heart broken.

46. [] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.

47. [x] had someone question your ual orientation. 

48. [] got pregnant.

49. [] had an abortion.

50. [x] did something you regret.

51. [x] broke a promise.

52. [x] hid a secret.

53. [x] pretended to be happy.

54. [] met someone who changed your life.

55. [x] pretended to be sick.

56. [x] left the country.

57. [x] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it.

58. [x] cried over the silliest thing.

59. [x] ran a mile. (i ran 0.9 miles if that counts)

60. [] went to the beach with your best friend.

61. [x] got into an argument with your friends.

62. [x] hated someone.

63. [x] stayed single for a whole year.



64. eating: nothing

65. drinking: nothing

66. listening to: Kana Hanazawa- Inochi Mijikashi Koi se yo Otome ♥♥

67. sitting/laying: Sitting 

68. plans for today: Chill & Watch Movies~ possibly read ♥♥

69. waiting for: Dinner!


your future:

70. want kids: They are really cute and endearing but, I don't see myself as a parent. .  

71. want to get married: Yesh

72. career: Actress, Writer, Character Developer & Idol --


which one in a significant other:

73. lips or eyes: eyes

74. shorter or taller: Taller. .  or the same height~

75. romantic or spontaneous: both!

76. hook-up or relationship: Relationship♥♥

77. looks or personality: To be honest, Both . . .  but, I look for personality more; It leads me to believe that you're attractive, If already aren't.


have you ever:

78. lost glasses/contacts: 아니。

79. snuck out of the house: いいえ!

80. held a gun/knife for self-defense: 不. . .

81. killed somebody: No.

82. Broken someone's heart:  Nope. I hope not.

83. cried when someone died: Yes.


do you believe in:

84. yourself:  Not a lot of the times.

85. miracles: I suppose.

86. love at first sight: Yes. 

87. heaven: Yeah. . .

88. santa claus: No.

89. sex on the first date?: No.  Gods!

90. kiss on the first date: Maybe, If I'd known that person for a long time and I really liked them. Something cliche like that.

91. is there one person you want to be with right now: Yesh.

92. do you know who your real friends are:  No, I really don't.

93. do you believe in god: Yes . . .

94. post as 99 truths?: なに?



95: quote a famous person: 

  • "Why only see the bad things and not the things that make me a human being? Why do they hate me? What have I done?  These people hate me so much, They probably have more in common with me than they think" - HyunA  (4minute) ♥♥

96- say something funny: The Loof Is On Fire!  If you're a B.A.P fan, you'll understand.

97- laugh at yourself: Why?

98- last message: Bye Bye **

99- a picture of you:  KK~  aegyo fail  (- _ - +)



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