My Life #4

Ok, soooo, I had a four day week this week, since we have a holiday tomorrow, so this weekend I'll try to update often. about I got over my writers block for Cover Generation and now I have one for Why We Are Pure, so there aren't going to be many updates for WWAP...-.- Sorry!

Like I said, this whole month is chaotic because we have to finish things up since we hit the middle six weeks of this semester and all my teachers need more grades the grade books, so fun, fun!

Listen to this: I have a three day weekend this week, a two hour early dimissal Wensday (due to parent teacher conferences!), then the week after next we have off for Thanksgiving break, so expect many updates the week after next! And possibly for this week end.

I got really bored, so I was looking at the popular artists and I was on the fourth page, at one point I was on the third, but I'm back on the fourth...

I was really busy this whole week with school, my English teacher decided to pile on tons and tons of homework with out explaining any of it during class, so no one knew what to do...Today I had a test in that class. Then in my history class I got to watch a war movie called "Saving Private Ryan." I really like that movie since my dad and I watch it together all the time (I'm more of a introvert, video game, war-movie, history/science/math type of girl...I am only 14, but I'm a sophmore in Senior high because I moved up a grade.)

I need an idea for a product that hasn't been invented can not involve violence or adult content...because it's for a school project, which I have to get approved before we go onto thinkgiving break because all of that stuff is due the Monday we come back to school. Have any ideas? Please feel freet to tell! :D

There is only about seven weeks left in this semester, which means...exams...However, when those four exams are up, I'm in all my really easy classes... (coughcoughmyelectivescoughcough) those being Foods(you get to cook!), Compter Art, Geometry, and GYM (required).

So...This is my wonderful life right now! :D

I shall see you all later,



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