I share to you my NURSERY RHYMES and LULLABIES. [violent twist]

It's raining its pouring,

The young girl was snoring,

she went to bed,

HE cuts off her head,

they found her dead in the morning.


Jack and Jill went up to kill 

In each of their hand a cutter,

Jack fell down and broke his neck

and Jill decided to eat him.



Humpty Dumpty sat on a wall,

Humpty Dumpty had a great fall,

Humpty Dumpty broke his skull,

His blood and brains splattered,

His body parts all scattered.


Mary had a little lamp.

it's flame was far from low.

And everywhere that Mary went.

She burned every house she saw.


Little Jack Horner,

sat in the corner,

cutting his wrist with a knife,

he cut of his thumb

and at it as a whole

and screamed,

"oh, what a good boy am I?"



To be continued. . . 





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