The Epitome of my Vanity

As my seemingly close friends already know - I'm vain

In the extreme.

So tonight I decided to make a GIF (s) of my various hairstyles that I've had over the past year.


These GIFs (well the second two do) have more than 100 photos so it may look dizzying (I don't even know if that's a word...)  people with photo-epilepsy or similar disorders please refrain from scrolling down because I don't want any of you guys to have an epileptic fit because of my GIFs


*cough* Carrying on~

Yes, all of the colours that you will see are all in the period of less than one year.



Now this first GIF is just taken from webcam photos that I did at 3 in the morning last year when I still had long brunette hair


That was before I started full-on dyeing my hair which brings us to this GIF

This is all taken on my laptop webcam... which I brought halfway through semester 2 last year. around about october



Which leads me to my final one which is the selca's I've taken with my cellphone.

This one kind of loops with the colours, The actual first photo in this GIF is the one where I have wet blonde, pink and blue hair. I took that photo last year and everything else is after that.



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