P.Y.T Application


{Mei Lin Huang}



Username: -kenaya-

Activeness: 4

What can i call you?: Kenny


It's You

Full Name: Huang Mei Lin


  • Hwang Mae Lyn : this is her Korean name.
  • Mailey Huang : this is her English name.
  • Mei Mei : her dad gave her this nickname.
  • Ruby: the first part of her name "Mei" means red stone, Kai calls her this.
  • Coookie Monster: the members call her this name because of her love for choc chip cookies.

Birthdate: 04 Nov 1994

Age: 19 

Ethnicity:  Chinese.

Birthplace: Beijing, China.

Hometown: Beijing, China.


  • Mandarin [Fluent] Her native tongue, she also has a faint accent.
  • Korean [Fluent] She learned during training.
  • English [Basic] she also learned during training.

Height: 171 cm

Weight: 53 kg

Bloodtype: B



Ulzzang Face: Angela Yeung

Gallery: 1 | 2

Back up Up Ulzang Face:  Yiyi

Gallery: 1


Mei Lin likes to express her personality through her clothing.

To bring out her rebel side she has a y biker chick type of style. She will wear ripped jeans or shorts, leather jackets, combat boots complete with aviators. Basically anything that would bring out her inner rock star. She tries not to over do it by putting items that would clash, so she could wear a leather jacket (with a simple black dress or jumpsuit inside) or ripped shorts (with a plain black or white shirt). She sometimes wears bright clothing when necessary but it doesn't happen that often. The one item she can't live without are her boots. She has all sorts of boots from combat boots, to winter boots and even ankle boots.

​Extras prior to debut: None.

Extras after debut: She got a tattoo to celebrate her debut.





“Mature” Mei is very emotionally stable and it will take a lot to get any real emotion out of her.  If she is hurt she will not acknowledge it much less cry about it. She is very realistic person. She has a clear sense of who she wants to be and is determined enough to make it happen.

“Rebel” Mei is a bit on the wild side. She likes doing daring and unexpected things like riding motorcycles. She is a bad girl.  This is where her rebel persona comes from. Not because she behaves like a rebel but because she refuses to conform to the stereotypical label of a woman just how a rebel refuses to conform to the law ergo she is a rebel in a sense.

While men are allowed to go off and have a fine time and be truly alive, women are expected to uphold a certain idealized standard, even if they want to drop the image and just go off on their own. Mei refuses to stand by that standard so she sets her own rules.

“Intimidating” At first glance many people will find Mei very intimidating. Not just because of her height but there is just an aura about her. She can be scary when she wants to be but she’s all bark and no bite.  She is pretty harmless.

“Bossy” Mei can be very controlling. She likes to tell people what to do but hates it when she is told what to do. She has a authoritative personality, this is due to her family background. She comes from a family of dominating people and if you did not stand your ground you would be trampled on. She still has a hard time with this.

“Weaknesses” Mei is defenseless against aegyo. Throw something cute in front of her and she instantly melts. She will automatically take care of those younger than her. She really has a warm heart but rarely shows it on the risk that she will be seen as vulnerable.


Personality On Stage:

During interviews or variety shows Mei Lin plays the cold mysterious card. She will seat still with a blank expression and only speak when spoken to. When people watch her on tv for the first time they wold think she is being rude but the fans know her as a "rebel" or "bad girl"  so they are not put off by her cold persona.

She is know as the second black pearl because of her dark skin and curvy body like Girls' generation's Kwon Yuri so it is only natural that during performances she plays the y vixen. When performing she likes putting on a show (sometimes over doing it) making the fan boys droll. She only does this on live  performing.


  • Sea food.
  • Alternative rock.
  • Zombie movies.
  • Nikki Minaj.
  • Choc chip cookies.
  • Blue berry milk shake.
  • Peanut butter.
  • Motorcycles.
  • Cold Play.
  • Eye liner.


  • Math.
  • Creepy dolls.
  • People who smoke in public places.
  • Making lists.
  • Being told what to do.
  • The smell of lavender.  
  • Awkward silences.
  • Hard labor.


  • Heights.
  • Dolphins.
  • Small places.


  • She gets very silent when she is nervous.
  • She grits her teeth when she is angry.
  • She never laughs, she will smile  when something is funny or say "that's funny" when it's hilarious.

Bad Habits:

  • She eats peanut butter with a spoon straight from the jar.
  • She has no table manners.
  • She drinks OJ/Milk straight from the bottle.
  • She makes a noise with a straw when the cup is almost empty.

Pet Peeves:

  • People who read out loud.
  • Couples who make out in public places.
  • People who walk around in ridiculous "fashionable shoes" that are clearly hurting their feet.
  • Finding only one shoe or Sock. 

Major flaws:

  • She has weird looking toes.


  • Yoga.
  • Midnight walks around Seoul.
  • Sketching the other members.


  • She has been playing the drums for four years now. She
  • Her favorite color is purple.
  • She is a big fan of alternative rock and her favorite bands are Cold play, Paramore and Linken park.
  • She has a white cat named Qui.
  • Social networks :
    • Twitter @Beijing_Rebel
    • Instagram @StormRebel.
  • Electronics:
  • She is currently doing her first year at Seoul Institute of Arts (SeoulArts).
  • She attended at Hanlim performing arts high school while she was training.
  • In 2012 Mei and some of her classmates created an alternative rock band to celebrate their final year of school. The band was named eternal and she was the drummer.
  • She is very creative and is good and sketching, graffiti and painting.
  • Her favorite author is Dan Brown and she has read all his books.
  • She is not a sporty person but she has incredible aim.



My All Is In You


Mei Lin comes from a family of intellects. Her father studied medicine and became a neural surgeon, her mother studied psychology and became a marriage counselor even her younger sister is showing early signs of excellence. Mei on the other couldn't be any different. She has always been more of the artistic type as a pose to the rest of her family. Her father had always been against this.

He was a young prodigy so it is no suprise that he expected the same from his children. When she was born Mei Lin's father had everything planned out for her. She would go to law or med school and pursue a career in one of the two. Mei however grew up differently. Instead of being an intellect like the rest of her family she was more of an art person. This aggravated her father. He knew Mei Lin was smart all she needed to do was apply herself.

When she was 13 years old Mei Lin came across the music video for forever by Drake and immediately fell in love wit the sound of rap. It was different, something she had never heard before and she loved the idea of expression her emotions through a different form of art. Mei Lin started hanging out with other kids who were also into rap music and her little group of friends used to get together to express themselves. Then later on she also got into alternative rock and J-rock too.

Her love for music became strong and that same years she also became a k-pop fan thanks to big bang. That only increased her desire to become a performing artist and then it hit her,  Mei lin wanted to became an idol. Of course her father was against her perusing a career in the performing arts so he banned her from meeting up with her friends saying they were a bad influence. Her  only resolution was to sneak out to meet up with her friends. That was how the rebel was born. She began dressing differently and stopped hiding her true self.

Then in  2009 her family was vacationing in Korea when she was scouted by SM at a shopping mall. Her father was against her joining the trainee program but she agreed to be good and never get into trouble if he let her. After some thought her father finally agreed to let her join and in 2010 she moved to Korea by herself to begin training. She always kept in contact with her family and would visit them when ever she had the chance. She trained for three years and is finally selected to debut with SM's new girl group.


  • Dad | Huang Wang Gui | 50 | Neural Surgeon | Arrogant, hard working, conservative, perfectionist & controlling
  • Mom | Huang Qui Yue| 46 | Marriage concealer | Sweet, caring, selfless, responsible & attentive
  • Sister | Huang Pei Zhi | 14 | Student | Shy, smart, clingy, emotional & childish

Best Friend:

  • Kwon So Hyun | 19 | member of 4MINUTE |  Arrogant, strong willed, tough, out gong & bossy | They met back stage at a music program | They are very close friends. They tell each other everything and go do everything together. Although Sohyun is one year older that her, Sohyun prefers Mei not to address her formally.


  • Lee Hye Ri| 19 | Idol/girls' Day | Soft, emotional, easily hurt, lovable & caring | They went to the same school but they graduated in 2012. After graduation they still  remained friends.
  • Lee Soon Kyu (Sunny) | 24 | Idol/Girls Generation| Loud, outgoing, social, chatty & optimistic | They met through the company.
  • Zhang Yixing (Lay) | 22 | Idol/EXO | Laid back, quiet, interpersonal, responsible & selfless  | They trained together.
  • Lee Jae Kyung | 16 | Student/ YG trainee | Playful, outgoing, flirty, funny & charming | They go to the same school he was also part of the band she created in 2012.
  • Im Jin Ah (Nana) |22 |Cold, mature, distant, straight forward & attentive | They go to the same college (SeoulArts).


Rock Star

How Many years did she train for?: She joined in 2009 when she was 15 years old. She trained for four years.

How Did She Get In?: Scouted.

Any Previous companies?: No.

Trainee life:

Most international trainees are bullied but not Mei. On the first day of training she  established her bad girl status so no one would mess with her.  At first it was hard for her to communicate with the other trainees due to the language barrio but after some time she got used to it and even made some friends. She enjoyed going to her rap sessions and just expressing herself through rap. She worked really hard because she had a point to prove to her father. Also because this was her opportunity to do what she loved and she was determined to put everything she had it.

Stage Name: STORM [This was the stage name she used in her temporary rock made in high school. Her friend Jae Kyung gave her this name because he said that a trouble maker like her deserves a bad name. At first it was a joke but she ended up liking the name and stuck with it]

Persona: Beijing Rebel.

Position: Vocalist, Lead Rapper

  • Vocal twin: 4minute Gayoon
  • Rapping twin: After School Bekah
  • Dancing twin: Girls Day Hyeri

Back Up position: Vocalist,  Rapper, Visual

  • back up Vocal twin: 4Minute Gayoon
  • Back up Rapping twin: After School Lizzy
  • Back up Dancing twin: 4Minute Sohyun

Special skills: She can speak using different accents like, Korean accent, Japanese accent, British accent and even an Australian accent. Her best though is when she imitates how other idols and celebrities speak. Like she can do a perfect Tiffany with the American accent and everything.

Before debut:

  • SHINees Dream girl and Why so serious MV.
  • Henry Trap MV.

Solo activities:

  • Cover of Ceci magazine.
  • New face of Etude House.
  • Etude House CF.
  • Later on she can do a drama.


Cant Get You Off My Mind


{Kim Jong In}

Love Interest: Kim Jong In (Kai).

Age&Group: 19 & EXO


Kai is not the easiest person to get along with. He has a blunt expression that most people take it as being mean. However once you get to know him Kai is a very nice guy especially around people he knows and trusts. He can be very cocky and self centred but he is also a hard worker and has determined nature. He can be very bossy when he wants to be especially around his close friends. He has a cute side and likes to use a lot of aygeo especially around Mei.

How You met:

They first met as trainees. Mei was walking down the hallways of SM building when she bumped into someone. The person was strong so the impact landed her on the floor.She didn't stay down for long though as  a pair of strong arms picked her off the ground. "Sorry" said a husky voice.  After recovering from the fall she looked up at her Saviour and came into contact with a tanned gorgeous guys. She was stuck for a moment just staring at him. Kai chuckled then said "is this the part where you fall in love with me" snapping her out of her trans. Without sating anything she slip out of his arms and walked away as fast as she could.

How you interact:

Mei is afraid of him. Every time she is around Kai her heart rate quickens, she becomes nervous and can't form normal sentences. She is very confused by her reaction towards  Kai so she just avoids him at all costs. She will dodge him in hallways or just simple ignore him. There is nothing she hates more than being vulnerable and the only person that can make this Bad girl feel like a this way is Kai.

Kai on the other hand finds pleasure in tormenting Mei.  He is aware that she avoids him but he always runs after. He likes to get incredibly close to her and whisper "why are you so nervous" with an evil smirk on his face. At the most random moments  he will blow air into her ear and watch her  turn red. When ever she tries to run away from him, Kai will pull her by the waist and throw her over his shoulder and say "where are you going let me take you". 

He knows she has a thing for him and he likes her too, Mei however is clueless. She thinks Kai loves to see her miserable.

Relationship: He is her arch nemesis.

Are you dating?: No.

Do you wanna date?: Yes.

Who started liking who first?: Kai. He had noticed her long before they bumped into each other.


{Oh Sehun}

Back Up Love Interest: Oh Sehun.

Age&Group: 19 & EXO

Personality: Same as above.

How You met: Same as above.

How you interact: Same as above.

Relationship: Same as above.

Are you dating?:  Same as above.

Do you wanna date?:Same as above.

Who started liking who first?: Same as above.


Rival: Kwon Yuri

Age&Group: 25 & Girls' generation.


Yuri is a bright and cheerful girl. She very hyperactive and she loves to have fun. Yuri is know as the prankster of girls' generation so she is always pulling pranks her fellow members. She can be quite blunt and straight forward at times but that is just because she its too naive. She is not trying to be mean. She can be very childish and tends to talk a lot sometimes straying from her initial point.

Reason for rivalry:

In Seoul they did a poll  asking  kpop fans which female idol they would like to see in Bikini the most. Yuri had always been first on this poll but this this Mei had the most votes  pushing Yuri down to second. Although this was not the reason for their rivalry it was the spark that had ignited the flame.

Yuri feels threatened by Mei. Here is this young girl fresh from the training program and people are already calling her the young black pearl. She hates how popular Mei is getting when it took her quite some time to gain her that type of popularity. She is afraid that Mei will take her place. 



  • She gets criticized by netizens for looking uninterested during a variety show.
  • A picture of Mei and Kai kissing is linked to the public. From the  angle the picture is taken it looks like they are kissing but they were actually in a room full of people just sitting next to each other.


A Good Bye


  • Hello Baby.
  • Horror Movie Factory.
  • Variety shows like weekly idol.
  • Radio shows like kiss the radio.

Scene request:

  • On a variety show the MC asks Kai about the picture of him and Mei kissing he also asks if they are going out. Kai simple states that it was a fake and the other members confirm that the picture was taken with some EXO and P.Y.T members present. Kai goes on by saying he would never kiss or go out with a girl like Mei because she has a lot of baggage . He only says that to protect her from the crazy fan girls buts Mei is genuinely hurt by it. She turns cold towards him and when he tries explain she shuts him down.
  • Kai gets one of the members to trick her into going to the roof of the SM building saying it is some kind of emergency. Whe she gets there she find Kai standing next to a table of food decorated by candles and roses. He had prepared a private romantic dinner for them, an apology for what he had said.
  • Back stage at a music program Kai starts annoying her. Having had enough she punches him in the shoulder and asks "Why do you like irritating me". Rubbing his aching shoulder Kai says  "because I like you"  and before she could react he leans forward and gives Mei her first kiss.

Anything else you wanna tell me?: Nope.





Is there a hair style you want for debut?: Ombre hair where the color is dark at the roots but gradually gets lighter as you move towards the tips. Like Lauren Conrad in these pictures 1 | 2 | 3

What is you're ideal type: An adventurous guy who isn't afraid to take risks.

Who is the celebrity closest to you're ideal type?: Lee Minho.

Amongst the members of PYT who are you closest with?: The main vocalist or the memeber with the most aeygo.

Amongst the members of PYT who are you most awkward with?: The memeber who is the exact opposite of her in terms of personality.

Who do you want to room with?: The leader (someone needs to control her).

What do you think the best part of you're body is?: The curves.

Message to fans: Anyeongseo, P.Y.T Storm imida. Please support us as we begin our journey. Saranghae <3

Message to family: To my family, thank you so much for supporting while I was busy training in Korea. Your love and support is what kept me going especially when I felt like giving up.  I couldn't have done it without you. Wo Ai Ni <3

What is your favorite Kpop group and which member?: Big Bang/ Taeyang.

What is your relationship with your manager?: She is very playful with the manager. They like teasing her and when ever she does something stupid he will call her "pabo" before before playfully flicking her forehead. She doesn't use formal language with the manager so he is always telling her to give him some respect.

Who is the most intimidating sunbae?: Boa.

Who is the sunbae you look up to most?: Girls Generation.

Have you been in past relationship prior to debut?: No.

Have you had your first kiss?: No.



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hommage #1
heyy!! i see that you're defenseless to aegyo XD i'll give you some aegyo then! :3 nice to meet you!! thank you for applying!!
Oh 2 more things:

1: You used a korean ulzzang when you're character is Chinese so....

2: Can you please tell me an idol similar to Mei's personality so i can understand her personality better.

[Please just answer #2 by replying to this post or the first post, thank you. Everything else can be changed on the app]
First starting with her personality....I felt like s he belonged in a Juvenal hall rather than on stage. Things like defacing public property is a bit...to much i mean to totally love the diversity of her personality, but its a bit to...rebellious, if shes an idol she'll have a lot of eyes on her, its not really a good thing if shes known for being a bad girl in the group.

Her tattoo, again i understand shes the rebellious type but honestly the tattoo at that young is again kind of too much she would probably get into a lot of trouble with press when they see it. If she got it like when she WAS 18 and as like a "im going to debut!" gift to herself then i can understand that.

Wow i actually really like the first scene request, but quick question at this part: "Kai goes on by saying he would never kiss or go out with a girl like Mei because she has a lot of baggage" what do you mean by baggage???

For the questions at the end where it ask's: "Who is the most intimidating sunbae/sunbae you look up to most" can you please use sunbaes from SM?

Thats all thank you!
so far this is one of my favorite apps(: i really like Mei! Plus shes a foreigner, and sorry im not big on mixes.