〔 CutieMonsta 。The Fierce Kogura || Zhang Meixing




The Monster are coming out!!!







Zhang Mei Xing

                                All aboutYOU.
»Username: thewolves
»Activness: 9

                                 This  is  ME.
                                        » Name:  Meixing Zhang
                                        » Nickname(s)*:    

                                                                         »Polly Pocket|| Her boyfriend. Because she is short and adorable, just like the famous doll, Polly Pocket.
»Porcelain Doll|| Band members. Because of her beautiful white skin.

                                       » Age: 21
                                       » D.O.B: 12.10.1990
                                       » Birthtown: Beijing, China
                                       » Hometown: Beijing, China
                                       » Ethnicity: Chinese
                                       » Languages: Chinese {Mother Tongue}, English {Fluent}, Japanese {Basic}, Korean {Basic}

» Living arrangments: Shares an apartment with her bestfriend.


  ★What´s INSIDE.

           » Personality: You know how vanilla ice cream is sweet and simple yet popular enough that everyone likes it? That’s how you can describe Mei Xing. She likes to keep to herself and when people try talking to her she occasionally will shy away from them because she had built a shell around herself, although she has a shy personality she does have the occasional times where she’d have the soft burst of confidence and she’ll go up to someone and introduce herself to get to know them and make friends. Her social skills aren’t the best and occasionally she might just seem so meek it’s a bit off putting and annoying which she doesn’t try to be, she just has her fear of someone trying to hurt her that she’s scared of the most. The anger she shows to certain people is nothing more than a defense mechanism. It’s become hard for her to be close to more than a few people, and she decides to argue with the ones she doesn’t exactly care about.

She’s extremely sarcastic, but never does it to hurt anyone unless she feels as if they’re coming at her. Naturally, she’s a very cheeky girl and uses that to her advantage in conversation, even if people don’t see it that way. She’s very loyal to her friends, and will do anything to protect them, there is no way she’ll let anyone get hurt on her watch. She plays the mother role in everything she does, because she likes to act like the leader. She might even be called foolish at times for her kindness and clumsinessShe’s the type of girl who’s never fully dressed without her attitude. Being the only child in her family, Mei Xing was practically born with the quality of being a leader. She likes to be the one in charge pulling the ropes rather than the one following behind. Although at times she may seem to be one of those well brought up, pureblood, polite girl, in reality she’s still a kid wanting to have fun. Sometimes acting like she’s in her own world, a great word to describe Mei Xing would be odd. Others might find it offensive, but she doesn’t mind - she thinks it fits her quite well actually. 


  ★Gotta  dis/likeTHIS.

           » Likes: 

  • waking up early
  • sunset
  • rainy days
  • snow
  • ballet
  • Cartoons
  • horses
  • milk
  • swimming
  • blue
  • bride dresses
  • holding hands
  • skinship

          » Dislike: 

  • loud noises
  • violence
  • backstabbers
  • drugs
  • smoke
  • bugs
  • horror movies
  • ghost stories
  • sand
  • piercings
  • tattoos

          » Hobbies: 

  • going to the teatre
  • modeling
  • nail art
  • shopping
  • running
  • studying
  • hang out with friends
  • practice

         » Personal Talents: Freestyle Rap, flexibility.

         » Fears: clowns (that's her biggest fear, because when she was little she saw a movie where a clown was the main role, and his job was killing little girls. She also thinks they are really scary).

          » Habbits: 

  • biting her bottom lip.
  • making weird sounds when she is bored
  • hiding her face when she laughs.

          » Trivia: 

  • her style is vintage
  • people say she really is a living doll
  • her hair is black and straight, reaching her waist
  • many people asks if she is related to Zhang Yixing from EXO, because of their names
  • was a kid model
  • is really good in freestyle rap
  • doesn't eat meat
  • supports the Green Peace
  • Owns a MacBook and two Samsung Galaxy
  • She has a wild imagination
  • Is a ert, deep down
  • Friends with Kris Wufan and Baekhyun from EXO
  • Is the leader of the band



                             The PAST.

                                     » Background: Mei Xing was born in Beijing China, in the year of 1990, in a healthy family. She couldn't say that was rich, but she couldn't say that she was poor either. She lived happily, in a family that cared enough about her happiness and comfort. Her mother is a teacher and his father is a photographer. At the age of two, her mother began taking pictures of her and sending them to modeling agencies, insisting that her daughter would be a fabulous model.

By the time Mei Xing was five years old, she was already booking jobs with GAP and JC Penny for their catalogs. Over the years, her parents stopped caring about what she wanted to do and what made her comfortable. Mei Xing had always wanted to go home and had a normal life, go to public school. With two stage parents, it was a difficult to get what she wanted, even if they were the most basic of wants.

By the time she was thirteen years old, she was walking runways in Paris and making more money than her parents would have made combined in an entire year. It was an ego rush for her parents, who ended up taking more than seventy-five percent of her earnings.


 ★They keep me GOING.

         » THE FAMILY
         » Father | Zhang Hong Hui | 45 | Photographer | 7 | caring, talented, hardworking, funny
» Mother| Huang Xi Fei | 45 | teacher| 7 | intelligent, harsh (sometimes), talkactive, workaholic

        » THE BESTFRIEND(s)
        » Song Ji Ao (OC) | 24| University Student | this girl is amazing. Meixing says Ji Ao is the sister she never had. She is very friendly and talented in her area {interior design}, likes to go to parties and make friends. She is also really sincere and can come out as rude sometimes, but she is really a sweetheart. | they know each other since they are kids. When Mei Xing decided to do an audition under SM, Ji Ao was the only person that knew about it, and went along with Mei Xing | 10/10

       » THE FRIEND(S) 
       »  Kris Wufan| 22 | EXO, Idol |9 | weird, cocky, talented, handsome | They met through a mutual friend of them, in a birthday party
»  Hangeng | 29 | Solo Singer/Ex Super Junior Member | 10 | caring, talented, self-confident, perfectionist | Mei Xing met Hangeng during a trip to Hong Kong. They sat next to each other in the plane, and Hangeng invited her to be part of a music video of his, because of her beautiful looks and career as a part-time model.
»  Amber Liu | 20 | F(x), Idol | 10 | unique, talented, wise, cool | She was one of the first girls to approach Mei Xing during her trip to Korea to settle contract with SM. It was hard to find any chinese fluent speakers there, and Amber helped her in everything during the times she was there in Korea.
»  Byun Baekhyun | 21| EXO, Idol | 8 | handsome, talented, funny, eyeliner prince| It looked like love at first sight but it was really far from being love. When Baekhyun first saw Meixing in SM Building, he called SuHo right away because she really was his ideal type. But Baekhyun ended up being the one attracted to Mei Xing. He tried really hard to talk with her in Chinese and she thought that it was adorable. She is now his chinese tutor (when she has the time).






                         Try to keep UP!!!
                                    » Name: Krystal Jung
» Age: 18 
» Occupation: Idol, F(X)
» Reason: Krystal seemed to hate Mei Xing without reason. Or it was because she had all the attention of boys and girls when she became a trainee, or because of her friendship with Amber. Krystal seemed to be rude to Mei Xing all the time, sometimes insulting her in English and Korean, thinking that she wouldn't understand, but in fact she understood every single word. The only reason Mei Xing could find was: jealousy. She doesn't hates Krsytal, but she doesn't pretend that wants to be friends with her, because in fact, she really doesn't.
                                    » Personality: Krystal is not a bad girl, she just wants attention. She is still really young, talented, hardworking and self-centered. She wants to be number one in everything and doesn't thinks twice when it comes to do everything she can to stay always in number one position. She has a warm side, but she just shows it to the ones she feels comfortable with.
» Ho you act around each other: Normal. Krystal tries to ignore Mei Xing and Mei Xing does the same. When it comes to work together, they will put their rivality aside and work hard on it. Job is job, inside the SM Building we are all fighting for the same gold, outside those walls....the story is different.





You´re my heart you´re my  Soul.

                                   » Name: Lu Han
» Age: 23
» Occupation: EXO, Idol
» Status: Dating

                                   » Personality : Luhan is very kind. He likes to protect everyone around him, he would even give his life to save someone elses life. Talented and very hardworking, smiles a lot no matter what. Has a voice to die for. His eyes and lips are his special feature. He is a good friend, a person you could easily trust your secrets. Talented, adorkable, byuntae, sincere, caring and manly (cofcof).

He is very shy, his biggest problem is having a weak heart, he can't say no. Luhan plays the 'mother' role in everything he does, making everyone loving him. He normally is quiet around people he is not comfortable with, but turns into an adorkable boy around those he loves and trusts. Gentle, kind, humble and honest, he is the boy of every girls dreams.

                                   » How you met/will meet each other: He became a trainee under SM Entertainment before Mei Xing, they found each other again in Korea, but they know each other for about 10 years now. They went to the same school and were really close. Luhan used to be very popular among girls in school, every single girl wanted to know him, touch him, at least be friends with him, and Mei Xing was just a normal girl, not really caring about who LuHan was, and it was what pushed him to her. She simply didn't care about him in that time, and it was what LuHan liked the most. He started to call her Poly Pocket, because of her small height, at first it was in a teasing manner, but became his favourite name for her. He reached the limit where he couldn't hide the feelings anymore.

                                   » How do you act around each other: They don't admit they are dating, still everyone can see it. But they can't deny the fact that the feeling is there, they act like boyfriend and girlfriend, they get jealous, they protect each other as they life depended on it. Around each other, they are the cutest thing ever, they show emotions that can't show in front of other people, and when they are together, people can clearly say that they are in love, 100% of skinship, smiles and the way they look at each other, as if they were talking in some kind of code. LuHan does everything for Mei Xing, even if it means giving his own life, because everybody can see how crazy she is about him and how madly he is in love with her.





Snow White

Showtime Baby.
      » Stage name: Mei
» Persona: Snow White
» Plotline: The Fierce Kogura
» Position: Leader, Main Rapper, Vocalist

» Personal Fanclub name: Arcadians
» Fanservice: Throwing kisses and hearts to the fans, also skinship with a certain member I know they ship me with.
      » Trainee years: 5 years

      » How did you get into SM: Global Audition in Beijing, China. When Mei Xing auditioned, she was six years old. The SM staff and judges said she was still really young, so would be best if she could comeback a few years later. And so she did. With Sixteen years old, SM saw a different Mei Xing, but still the girl with the same sparkle in her eyes. Ten years later, she was back, and back to stay. She did a freestyle rap and danced to H.O.T - We are the future. She got in.

      » Trainee life: It was really hard at first. Her Korean was horrible, she just knew how to say 'Hello', 'Goodbye', 'Thank You' and nothig eslse. In the company, everybody knew that she was talented, with 16 years old, Mei Xing already had amazing rapping skills. She had a hard time at first, because there wasn't many people that were chinese native speakers, so she felt that was alone most of the time, because nobody would approach her first. But that's when she meets Amber and became friends with her right away. Slowly, in those 5 years she was a trainee under the company of her dreams, Mei Xing became very famous among the other trainees. 
      » Past experiences: In predebut times, she appeared in EXO's 'Wolf' Drama Version, TRAX's 'My Goddess', DBSK's 'Why Did I Fall in Love with You' and Hangeng's 'Wild Cursive' MV
      » Singing twin:  HERE.     ⇒ Narsha
      » Rapping twin: HERE   ⇒ Miryo
This is thenEnd.
      » Passwort: klick
      » Anything else*: I hope you like her! I had fun doing this <3



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