Flower Girls: [Tomboy] Application




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Kwon HyeRin





Birthday: September || 1

Nickname(s) & why they call you that: Rin: During elementary school, HyeRin got sick and tired of people asking her whether the first part of her name is Hye or Hae. Due to this HyeRin requested, more like forced, everyone to just call her by the second part of her name, Rin. This nickname is used to only be used among her friends but later spread.

Place Of Birth: Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, S. Korea

Language(s): Korean (Fluent), Japanese (Conversational), & English (Very Basic)

How do you know these languages? Korean is her mother tongue which explains her fluency in the language. HyeRin's mother, who studied in Japan when she was younger, fell in love with the language. However, she had always been too busy to teach her daughter and signed her HyeRin up for after school lessons. If it wasn't for her mother, HyeRin would have never bothered with the course. As for English, HyeRin's former school had a mandatory English course and due to her lack of participation in the class, she barely picked up anything.

Height: 178cm

Weight: 64kg

Personality: Upon first sight, HyeRin seems like shy girl; but you know what they say, 'looks can be deceiving,'. The moment people get to know HyeRin, they realize their first impression was completely wrong! First of all, HyeRin is anything but shy. She might be a bit wary and slightly awkward when you first meet, but she isn't shy. When people who HyeRin doesn't consider close are around, she tends to not speak too much because she doesn't find it necessary, but when she's talking with her friends, no matter what, HyeRin is loud and boisterous. When HyeRin speaks, there is no such thing as an inside voice; at home, at the mall, in school, outside in a park, it doesn't matter. HyeRin will always be using that same loud, slightly obnoxious voice; however, when she is extremely sleepy, she tends to talk in a quieter, slightly softer tone of voice; and when she is really excited, she tends to project her voice even more than she normally would.

When she speaks, she is the type who likes to speak her mind and is most certainly not afraid of giving people a piece of it. She tends to be very straightforward when people ask for her opinion and she isn't afraid to tell someone off or call out anyone who bothered her or her friends. Since her parents raised her to be an honest soul, she finds it best to always tell the truth. I mean, who would tell their friend they look good in an outfit when they look like as if a peacock had just thrown up on them? However, she feels, if it's really needed, that it's okay to tell a little white lie, but only if it's for the greater good. HyeRin believes in constructive criticism and only wants the best for those around her. For example, if she is at basketball practice, HyeRin won't be afraid to single out a team mate if she feels that they're not on their top game. However, if it was someone she wasn't close to, she wouldn't really give a damn. 

Since HyeRin comes off as bit harsh or even rude, many people think of HyeRin as mean person (HyeRin never really cares about what people think of her so she's never scared to put on this image), when in reality, it's just a facade she puts on. Though she may act mean, she never really intends on hurting other people's feeling. HyeRin is a tomboy and she has difficulty getting close with most girls, so she uses the facade to scare off most of them. Though she may not act like it, HyeRin is actually a nice person. She likes to help people; and she especially likes to help out at home when she's not sleeping or relaxing. However, she loves to, in a joking manner, act mean towards her friends. She likes to make jokes and poke fun at them from time to time, but at the end of the day she's nice to them. If she's feeling especially nice and if she has the time, or when she's in a really good mood, she'll sometimes bake them cookies; but that might only happen once every couple of weeks.

Now, it wouldn't be a lie to say she doesn't have many fears because the truth is, she doesn't! Why live life in fear when you can go out, have fun, and explore the world; that's how she thinks. HyeRin loves adventure and anything extreme; even if it's just on a TV screen. This includes show, films, and even video games. HyeRin is never scared to try anything new and is never scared to get her hands dirty.   


  • sports
  • adventure
  • food (especially Patbinsu)
  • action & horror movies
  • video games
  • puzzles
  • music
  • cooking
  • her family
  • manga
  • cars
  • sleeping
  • cute things
  • superman
  • berries (mainly strawberries)
  • flavored milk (banana milk, strawberry milk, etc.)


  • dentists
  • dogs
  • nuts
  • doing favors for others (unless it's for a family member)
  • romantic comedies & sappy movies
  • being a burden
  • awkward situations
  • meeting new people
  • people who talk too much (this doesn't include friends)
  • carrots
  • pizza
  • hairless animals
  • people who mess with her friends or family.
  • being pranked
  • cold weather
  • shopping


  • playing video games with her younger brother
  • sleeping
  • reading manga
  • watching TV
  • quadbiking


  • drumming her fingers on any surface when she's bored or nervous
  • bites the inside of her cheek when angry
  • biting her upper lip or furrowing her eye brows when she's trying hard or when she's doing something she finds difficult (tests, homework, dealing with a tough competitor, etc.)
  • mockingly imitating someone when they nag her or when they complain about getting their hands dirty
  • biting her nails (though she's improved in trying to get rid of that, but you know what they say, old habits die hard),


  • she is allergic to peanuts
  • not the best artist
  • she once had a bad experience with dentists when she was younger so she became scared of them
  • She's not very fond of animals (especially dogs)  
  • the thought of hairless cats freaks her out
  • her favorite TV show is Top Gear
  • knows a lot about cars
  • is a fast learner
  • she has good memory and hearing
  • she thinks Superman is the coolest character ever
  • Death Note is her favorite manga
  • Even though she has a tough and strong image, she has an admiration of cute cartoon characters (ex: Pucca, Hello Kitty, Pusheen, etc.)
  • she has a soft spot for babies and little kids (except for those who pick on her brother)
  • is annoyed easily
  • she isn't the brightest, however, she isn't the dullest; HyeRin can be smart and get good grades if she tries, but we all know that she doesn't bother
  • many people don't believe it, but HyeRin is a really good cook.
  • she mainly likes cooking foreign dishes and anything baking related, but she also enjoys cooking Korean cuisine
  • Miss attitude, SungYeol, DaeYeol, and her parents are the only ones who know of her somewhat girly past and her love for cute things


They're Still Important


Mommy |Park, Minyoung |45 |Doctor |Minyoung is a very kind, generous, and easy going person. She always puts others' needs before hers and she wants nothing more than for the people around her to be happy. She is also willing to accept the outcome of anything even if it doesn't end up the way she had hoped it would

Daddy |Kwon JaeIn |48 |Businessman |JaeIn is a family man; he puts them before his work and he cares a lot about his children. He is always talking to them about making good choices and usually ends up nagging them about whatever topic that comes to mind (mainly about business and money related topics rather than school ones). JaeIn wants nothing more than the best for his kids, however, even though he is a family man, he does still pay a lot of attention and is usually very busy with his work. JaeIn works for one of Asia's top car companies; he may not be the CEO, but he certainly has a high rank (the CEO is actually HyeRin's uncle and JaeIn's older brother).

Brother ||Kwon, DaeJin ||   7  || Elementary student || DaeJin is a big ball of energy; wherever he goes, he is always energetic and is enthusiastic about doing anything. Even though at times he can be a trouble maker, he is very loyal and listens to instructions when they are given. He loves his family, he admires his mother, sees his father as his hero, and he looks up to his sister a lot.


History: HyeRin was born in Yongin, Gyeonggi Province, South Korea. It won't be a lie to say that HyeRin's parents were a little disappointed when she was born. After all, they were hoping to have a boy as their first born. During her early years, she behaved like both like a girly girl and a tomboy. She played with Barbie dolls and loved to watch anything Superman related; it wasn't until she got into video games that she let most of her girly side slip. When HyeRin wasn't playing video games or doing any of her usual hobbies, she would either be lazing around or helping her mother around the house. HyeRin would mainly help out with cooking, especially when her mother was pregnant with DaeJin. Being the fast learner that she is, HyeRin picked up the skill pretty quickly and would sometimes even offer to cook while her mother rested. Even when DaeJin was born, HyeRin's mother took some time off from working at the hospital to rest up and to take care of the new born, but HyeRin always insisted that her mother rest while she did the chores. However, in the end, HyeRin mainly assisted her mother.

After a few years, HyeRin's mother returned to work in the hospitals. Being a doctor, HyeRin's mother usually had to stay and work late and as previously stated, her father tends to be a very busy man; sometimes leaving HyeRin alone at home to take care of her younger brother, however, she never really minded. HyeRin was very caring to her brother and she would always cook him his favorite dishes when their mother was busy; and with all the eating, HyeRin's younger brother gained a bit of weight. As a result, some kids in his grade would often pick on him; he never told HyeRin but she could always see through his lies when he explained why he came home crying. When she found out the truth, she went to her brother's school and intended on seeing her brother's bullies. She planned on just talking to them and scaring the little kids, but when they began crying after she threatened to hit them, HyeRin became known around the younger kids as the scary type who likes to pick on the younger kids thus creating her mean, cold, and scary image to those in lower grades. 

HyeRin adores her mother and cares a lot about her younger brother, but she never forgets to show her father how much she loves him. It was her father who introduced her basketball and all the other sports that she loves today. HyeRin's father is a busy man and doesn't get the chance to see his children as much as he would love to and he always makes up for is absence by spending as much time as possible with the two whenever he's free. Whether it be watching or playing sports together, or even if it's just sitting on the couch and lazing around together, JaeIn always make up for his absence. When lazing around with HyeRin, JaeIn never really knows what to talk about and almost always chooses to talk about his work and ends up unintentionally nagging and lecturing HyeRin about how to run a good business and about how their family's car business started out and how it maintained its high position. HyeRn always tries to bear through those lectures for her father, but recently, she has been trying to avoid having conversations with her father and as a result they have slightly drifted apart, however they still watch and play sports together so they are only able to remain close because of that.


Wow, Beautiful Girl

Your ulzzang? Jang Chommi

Yeppeo? [1] [2] [3] [4] [5] [6]

Your back-up ulzzang? Park Sora

Yeppeo? [1] [2] [3] [4]



You My Mr. Right?

Love Interest

Lee SungYeol |INFINITE |21 |Since SungYeol's mother and HyeRin's mother are best friends; they met up a lot and would occasionally bring their children along with them. The first time HyeRin and SungYeol met was when they were kids. HyeRin's mother was heading over to the Lee household and was dragging her daughter along with her. When they arrived, HyeRin was told to go and play with the other kids while the two mothers sat together and talked. HyeRin went to go look for the two but was only able to find DaeYeol, SungYeol's younger brother. She got to know him and they soon began playing video games together. Soon, SungYeol joined them and played video games with HyeRin as well, but wasn't playing seriously. This annoyed HyeRin and she requested to only play with DaeYeol. SungYeol bugged her to let him play but she kept on refusing. At the end of the day, DaeYeol became a lot closer to HyeRin than his brother.  |There are many words that come to mind when one thinks of Lee SunngYeol. He is fun, funny, hyper, happy, immature, and, probably the biggest one of all, weird. He is the mood maker, always having his wide smile plastered on his face, cracking jokes whenever possible, and he's kind to everyone around him until he feels like pranking one of his friends. Unless he is sleepy, SungYeol is hyper 24/7; even a tiring activity would only get him pumped up even more. He knows how to always look on the brighter side of things and how to make the best of every situation. He even tries to lighten the mood when in a serious situation which makes him seem like an immature child; due to this, SungYeol is never taken seriously. |SungYeol is jealous at how his younger brother is much closer to HyeRin than he is even though SungYeol is the one who is the same age as HyeRin. He is always trying to become closer to HyeRin despite the fact that HyeRin always pushes him away. He is always nice to her and greets her with a smile, but in return, HyeRin just ignores him. At first, she didn't find it as irritating, but now, she especially hates it when he doesn't give her any space and SungYeol has the tendency to pull pranks on HyeRin even if their just accidents. He is constantly trying to get her attention and to get her to smile at him but HyeRin never budges.

Back-up Love Interest

Wu Kris |EXO |22 || Kris and HyeRin originally knew each other from being in the same class, but the first time they interacted was during a combined practice between the boys' and girls' basketball team.  || Kris almost never has an expression on his face, however, once he is around his friends and people he's close to, it's more likely to see him smiling and laughing along with them. Kris doesn't normally open up to others, but he isn't afraid to show his caring side to those he's close to. Kris is known for having his cool and aloof image, but what most people don't seem to know is that he actually has a very caring and friendly side. Though some people would be able to guess he has that kind of side to him, absolutely no one would be able to even think of Kris as the type to have a soft-spot for stuffed animals.




Back-up Girl: Leader of the Pack

Scene Requests? I originally wasn't going to make one, but I kinda got this idea when I watched INFINITE's 'Man In Love' MV. You don't have to do this but maybe SungYeol could try to cook for HyeRin. I was thinking he would annoy her to the point where she gets angry at him and he cooks for her as an apology. Or if you choose Kris as the love interest, maybe they could have a one on one basketball match or, I don't know when this scene could happen, if there's a scene where Kris stands behind HyeRin and helps her shoot a basket.

Comments? I looked over it a few times but nobody's perfect, so I'm sorry for any grammar and spelling or anyother type of mistakes and for the terrible history section (i really at those DX) ... also for the love interest, I had trouble picking between SungYeol and Kris so if you actually prefer Kris over SungYeol or find him easier to work with let me know and I'll try to do something. Speaking of love interests, again I'm sorry for making SungYeol's section so very long *bows*. I think this is the longest I've spent on an application but it was also the most fun (i find making applications fun, is that weird _ ...) it took me a  long time to finish (a week or two idk) OTL I'm very slow (darn procrastonation) DX sorry I took forever T^T  but I hope you like my application and my character!! Good luck ^_^

Questions? Is there anything else I should do for the back-up persona other than picking one? For example, do I have to change my character's last name to 'Oh' since I chose leader of the pack as my back-up?




Password One: I honestly have no idea...  ._. (am i allowed to cheat?)

Password Two:  Mind's Bias: Kim HimChan || smileschu's Bias: L.Joe

Password Three: I'm sorry~ >.< I couldn't pick one OTL




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