나비 소녀 ♧ BUTTERFLY GIRL ♧ (Park Chaeeun)

 butterfly girl

application form

 It's Me

Username: Melonies

Name: Hans

Nivel of Activity: 9


That One Person You:

Name박채은| Park Chaeeun

Nickname: Chaeri (very often; means cherry in Korean; because her face earns a cherry-like reddish colour when she laughs)

Busan sonyeo (oftentimes; means Busan girl in Korean; because of her dialect)

Age: 18-19

Date of Birth: 09/27/1994

Nationality: Korean

Place of Birth: Busan, South Korea

Hometown: Seoul, South Korea

Languages: Korean (fluent), English (medium, but very Engrish), Japanese (semi-fluent)

Blood Type: O


Angel/Into Your World

Height: 168 cm

Weight: 48 kg

Faceclaim: Park Hwanhui (Hana)

Appearence links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 6 | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10

Backup faceclaim: Song Ahri

Backup links: 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5

Style: Chaeeun owns a typically Busan girl's style. She uses to wear baggy but somehow stylish clothes. Her style is comfortable, natural and a bit simple, but with an elegant touch. Her favorite piece of clothing is a dress, which is the fastest and simplest to wear. She also appreciates a pair of dinky denim shorts with a t-shirt, preferrably large, or fluffy sweaters/knits. Chaeeun's sense of style is rustic but still lively, for she prefers light-coloured garments. She usually wears All Star converse shoes or shoe boots, like Timberland. The part Chaeeun adores the most is her hairstyle: whether she goes out or stays at home, she loves to brush her hair in a lovely way. She makes various hairstyles, such as different braids, a bun, a ponytail or even a french twist oftentime, for she has an elegant side of her style too. Chaeeun is, sometimes, feminine when it comes to fashion, but her demeanour definitely breaks this girly image. Whatever she wears must be comfortable, but this is what makes Chaeeun's fashion style charmingly different.

At home: 


Dress (formal/informal): 

Hairstyles/Accesories:   (the necklace which her grandmother gave her)


You are the Best

Personality: Chaeeun was, since her arrival to the world to afterwards, a typical girl from Busan. Yes, it means she was always a bumpkin, more or less. Despite her early arrival to the modern city of Seoul, Chaeeun could never quite let go of her typically peasant habits. She still drank beet root juice, she still mantained kimchi as her only decently cooked dish, she still used large rustic gloves to cook kimchi, she still used baggy rustic trousers. Not to tell how her Busan dialect was still left in her veins, despite her numerous efforts to make it vanish. Eventually, she ended up growing fond of her rural nature and even trying hard keep it. That's why Chaeeun ends up getting quite huffy when someone insults her for being kinda bumpkin-like. Her prideful and stubborn nature doesn't allow her to change her way of acting, as she simply ignores what others say...when she's really happy. Because if she in her normal mood (ir worsens when she's angry) she'd just rant about how being a Seoul-modern-chic would be considered prejudiced in Busan or she'd scold that folk for being impudent and stupidly racist to people of its own nation (this is her mere human opinion).

Chaeeun's character is naturally a yokel one. Her temper is quite hot, as she gets too blunt very often. She doesn't hesistate to give everyone a piece of her mind (people would get surprised if I said piece, but it is indeed a piece). She's not nifty neither elegant, but that doesn't take her different charm away. Speaking truthfully, Chaeeun is quite clumsy and her brain is not the best, I dare say. Because of her moron-like attitude, Chaeeun ends up being easily pranked and scared. She is quite a stubborn girl, she doesn't give up, never. Giving up is not in her dictionary, maybe because of her bold demeanour. Chaeeun can be quite impudent, speaking her mind as if she was saying the abc. She's so open-minded that she would argue even at strangers, sometimes at objects, plants or animals. When she's angered (which happens very often, I dare say) she would talk with an amazing speech speed, incorporating the Busan dialect better than never. Chaeeun's talkative nature is well palpable, because she doesn't hesitate to talk at anything. She doesn't stop launching arguments, as if it was some kind of tribunal, even if she's discussing with someone about the weather. Her peasant attitude is even better noticeable.

Chaeeun, despite her numerous peasant remarks, is a good friend, someone quite agreeable as a friend. She is protective in her own way, as she doesn't like to see her closed ones suffering. She'd immediately open her huge mouth to rant just for her friends. Chaeeun has got a strong heart, which products her stubborness. She would keep her weak side until it disappears. Chaeeun is quite positive and smiles a lot, she doesn't like to view life as a dark hole which is going to absorb her. She thinks everything will end up being okay. She'd immediately want to cheer everyone up with her corny rustic jokes, which would make everyone laugh by being so corny. She'd hang out with people who are depressed, even offer to buy them a meal or a drink. When she's depressed she wouldn't try to show it to people because she's not very selfish, as she'd try to outline her charming eyesmile, to fake everything is okay. After all, Chaeeun is a peasant but very interesting girl.


  • Chaeeun loves molang and kawaii things, which would remark her childish self;
  • She loves ice skating, despite being much clumsy;
  • Her favorite animals are horses, she even has a horse, Heemang (희망; means Hope), which she loves to ride;
  • She's crazy for eating, and, when she eats, she's quite gross and gets easily dirtied (especially with Jjajangmyun);
  • Chaeeun, as a Busan natural, is fond of nature, mainly landscapes;
  • Chaeeun can't stand people with many aegyo or hypocrites and she has a dislike for people with too many muscles;
  • She hates philosophy (mainly books) with all her might and dislikes running as well;
  • She dislikes contemporary art or tedious museums;
  • She talks often in Gyeongsang dialect (which is similiar to the Busan dialect)
  • When she laughs, she gets quite reddish in her face, she often claps her hands and hits someone's back really hard, she also bangs her fist on the table;
  • Whenever she's angered, she would talk in the Busan dialect with an amazingly fast speech speed, which no one would understand;
  • She uses to sing loudly in the bath, which turns out to be really annoying;
  • Chaeeun sleeps in weird positions with open;
  • She knows how to play the cello very well;
  • She loves to cook for everyone, despite her horrible cooking skills, which she insists that are very nice;
  • She has a fondness for watching historical k-dramas;
  • She loves to buy socks with cute animated cartoons, like Molang, Rilakkuma, Pororo, Angry Birds, etc, and to use them;
  • She's unable to whistle;
  • Chaeeun is an Evangelical Christian;
  • She often wanders by the streets, eating Korean food, which she purchases in the food carts;
  • Her birthday is in the same day as her friend, Chanyeol;
  • She's a beginner actress, with a bright future ahead.


Back in Time

Life Background: Chaeeun was born twin to a boy, in 1994. She lived with her family in the countryside of Busan (the other side is the well-known boomtown of Busan). She befriended a royal horse of hers, Heemang, since young, as she loved horses, spending quite time with him, as her house was quite big. Chaeeun used to have a close bond with her maternal widowed grandmother, who was a half-Korean, half-Japanese cellist, evidently her influence to play the cello. She always adored to play that elegant instrument. She was influenced by her mother with dramatic skills, as she made her debut as an actress at age 6 and afterwards she moved to Seoul. There, she had a lot of difficulty to acquire the local accent, however she decided she should keep that Busan dialect as a natural dialect. After becoming a child actress, Chaeeun remembered her love for music, as she started attending Sunhwa Arts Middle School 3 years later. Besides cello, she was taught to sing, as she had discovered a fresh new passion. So, she decided she would be a singer and, despite reluctancy from her mother, she was supported in her decision as she got an audition for SM.


Park Junho | 44 | Father | Dentist | Alive: Chaeeun's father is a highly skilled man as a dentist of the best dental hospital in Busan. He has a quite nice relationship with his daughter and highly cares about his family. Junho is frinky, laughs quite often and has a generous personality, which causes him to seldom get angry. He does not hesitate to support Chaeeun in her genuine dreams, as well as Chaejin.

Jo Yumi | 42 | Mother | Professor of Dramatic Arts | Alive: Yumi works at Seoul Arts High School, as a highly talented dramatic arts' teacher. She has quite passion for dramatic arts and eventually influenced Chaeeun, who inherited her talent for dramatic arts. She's a spry, spunky and often moody woman, titled to perfectionism. Despite often exploding and getting angry frequently, she loves her family more than anything.

Park Chaejin | 19 | Twin brother | Student | Alive: Chaejin is the perfect son: he is quite intelligent, trustful and positively confident and owns a soft heart. He and Chaeeun have a good relationship, despite discussing sometimes and despite Chaeeun teasing him that he's a nerd with no life, due to his great intelligence, compared to her.

Yoon Shinhye | 70 | Maternal grandmother | Cellist | Dead: Shinhye was half-Korean, half-Japanese and eventually taught Chaeeun Japanese, which caused her extreme talent for that language. She was a cellist with great passion (and sometimes, perfectionism) for her instrument. Chaeeun inherited her love for the cello. Shinhye was kind, passionate and calm. She shared a great bond with Chaeeun.

Trainee Background: She was scouted by SM near her arts school, in 2006. Their hawk eyes immediately viewed potential in that rustic girl. So, the hugest hardship between the ocean of harships she faced was her natural Busan dialect. Mastering the Seoul dialect took years and still the Busan dialect was well stuck to her veins. However, Chaeeun, despite being sometimes jeered by the fellow trainees, endured all the hardships with a positive smile drawn on her face, as she never gave room to the dark view of life. Life is not a black hole, she always thought. She was known amongst the trainees as the 'Busan sonyeo', as well as for her talkative and clumsy demeanour.

Trainee Years: 6

Pre-debut activitesCf of roast chicken, TV ad of Busan; cameo as a cellist in KBS Drama "*Melody from your heart-   너의 마음의 멜로디", small appearence in Star King as a gifted child playing the cello, lead child in MBC Drama "My love Patzzi"; small appearance in few episodes of SBS Drama "Bad Girls".


You're a Star

Stage Name: Chaeeun

Position: Main Rapper, Lead Dancer, Sub-Vocal

Back-Up Position: Main Dancer, Lead Rapper, Vocalist, Visual

Persona: The Nation's Best Friend

Fanclub name: CHAEries

Singing Voice Mix: Jiyeon's voice + Naeun's voice = Chaeeun's voice

Dancing Machine Mix: Yuri's moves + Yoona's moves = Chaeeun's moves

Rapper Voice Mix: Kahi's rapper voice + Chorong's rapper voice = Chaeeun's rapper voice


Introduction to Love

Love Interest: Park Chanyeol | 21 | EXO(K)

Personality: Chanyeol is not called EXO's Happy Virus for any random reason. It's the most perfect adjectif to describe him. Chanyeol is hyperactive, maybe too much. He's bright, positive and cheerful, sometimes it goes overboard. He turns out to look creepy or derpy sometimes, as well as dumb or kind of air-headed. Chanyeol has no fear in showing his creepy smile, as his extremely positive view of life and non-ending energic behaviour won him the title of Happy Virus. He can be greatly nosy, coming to the point of annoying, or, saying this in a positive point of view, cares too much about his friends. This obviously leads to lack of giving private space to others (notably his friends) and selfishness comes as a later consequence. He detests to be left outside from a talk and gets all sullen if it happens. He wants to be assured that his closest friends remain his closest friends, and this obviously leads to trouble. However, Chanyeol is positively cheerful and quite friendly and outgoing, as he has no trouble in befriending everyone. As spoken before, Chanyeol is quite clingy to his friends and does not appreciate being alone, as he pulls his closed ones into his Happy Virus' creepy grip. He's obviously a stubborn person, as he wont give up to have what he wants (or, as he classifies it, what he needs). When too happy (or too drunken) the Happy Virus becomes so cheery that it makes him look like a lunatic.

Describe your story: Chanyeol and Chaeeun met in 2012, in SM's 2012 World Tour. As a favoured trainee, Chaeeun had the chance of going to follow her seniors and watch their performances (so she could learn how to behave later). What happens is that she went in the same plane than Chanyeol, as for then she didn't have quite mastered the Seoul accent. At the airport, the friendly Chanyeol went to speak to some trainees and one of them happened to be Chaeeun. As her Busan dialect was well noticeable, Chanyeol couldn't contain his laugh and a creepy smile was plastered onto his face. Chaeeun, as being always defensive to her Busan side, immediately rebutted him and ignored him. However, as they were picking their tickets one behind the other, they happened to be seatmates. For that, Chaeeun had to bear with the Happy Virus' annoying behaviour, pulling his nose to every corner of Chaeeun's personal life. As he wasn't giving up and she was starting to get all boiled of annoyance, Chaeeun ended up accepting the friendly request. But poor Chaeeun. She didn't know that things would only end up getting worse. Chanyeol, excited for his newly made friendship and his new entertainment, started nosing even more into Chaeeun's personal life, stuff which wasn't 'of his business'. Chaeeun was getting really annoyed at his behaviour, she even yelled at him sometimes in the Busan dialect, which he didn't understand so it wasn't a great deal for him. She ended up warming up at Chanyeol, when he helped her with her heavy luggage (her trainee friends had taken another plane). So, she tried to endure his nosy demeanour, despite snapping back at him several times. The taxi which took them and another SM artists (Baekhyun, author-nim's OC (;)) and Sulli) got lost after following wrong informations, as they had to pass the night at a small cottage, which was offered by a friend of the motorist (he was kind of a peasant). Chaeeun, who was habituated to rustic stuff, didn't get all worked up, however everyone else was having some trouble. She, with resignation, helped everyone out with the bees, the old washroom and tne bedrooms, as well as the bugs. After passing that troublesome night in the miserably tiny cottage, she grew closer to the whole crew, especially with Chanyeol. As they started sticking together a lot of times. The two often act like partners-in-crime and form a dumby gang. They constantly prank and tease each other, accompanied with lots of bickering and another dose of malicious pranks. The two, bogglingly used to each other's personality, end up being the closest friends. However, something went wrong in the note that they should be friends. The word 'friends' was crossed out and replaced as 'lovers'. That to summarize how they ended up developping feelings for each other. Chanyeol, despite initial trouble in admitting it truly, was the first of the two to fully realize and accept that what he felt for Chaeeun was more than mere friendship. As for Chaeeun, she started avoiding him and always tried to divert her thoughts from him. However, this was obviously impossible. First, she couldn't evict thinking about Chanyeol. Second, everyone else (including her best friends Baekhyun and Sulli and her members and the EXO members) was trying to help them indirectly, as it was irksome for Chaeeun and extremely aidful for Chanyeol (despite not being aware that he was being aided). As fate would not losen the grab of the both, they would always end up meeting (it was like a soft horror film for Chaeeun, which made Chanyeol even creepier than he was, as he was always appearing everywhere she went) and, as usual, Chaeeun would get all bothered. However, it was set for everyone aside from them: Chaeeun and Chanyeol would be together. End of story.

Back-up Love Interest: Do Kyungsoo (D.O) | 20 | EXO(K)

Personality: D.O owns a cool, chilly and mature personality. He is neat, clean and perfectionist and is moody quite often. As being responsible, he scolds others for not being as responsible as him (especially dumbs like Chanyeol). He acts as if he is kind of cold-hearted, despite owning quite a caring personality, at least for the ones who he's really close to. D.O is highly obsessed for cooking and cleaning. In his room, everything is tidied by colour, size or brand. Whenever his room is messy, he freaks out and whenever someone has its room not so cleaned, he'd immediately clean it, if it is someone whom he is close to. Despite showing great signs of short-temper, D.O deeply cares about s, friends and family and it is obvious because he always cleans the mess the others cause (literally and psychologically), despite quite scolding at others by being cluttered. He's kind of a motherly figure, because of the tons of childish people surrounding him (which makes him really responsible in comparison). He doesn't hesitate to be aidful whenever someone needs it, despite grumpy at first, sometimes.

Describe your story: It was all about Chaeeun's inability to cook and D.O's inclination to correct the mess others caused. That day, Chaeeun and some other trainees she had befriended (including Saehee, author-nim's character ;) ) were practicing dancing and she offered to cook lunch, despite the others' reluctance, due to her obviously horrible cooking skills. She decided she was to cook black noodles. As such, she started. Meanwhile, D.O was passing by the trainee building and felt a slight burning smell and headed to its origin and ended up in the room where Chaeeun was cooking: she had already burnt the whole noodles. D.O nagged her, teasingly, as he, as usually he did, decided to clean up the whole mess and teach her how black noodles were supposed to be cooked. So, he told her he was about to show her his 'skills'. As so, despite some stubborness from Chaeeun at first, D.O ended up turning things right and Chaeeun, a bit sullen, accepted that he had indeed helped her. Since that day, they met again sometimes and Chaeeun was embarrassed dead. However, she ended up being friends with EXO-K's umma. Despite the quite noticeable clash of personalities, the two were always good friends and D.O never hesitated to aid her when she needed. If he's chosen instead of Chanyeol for the love interest: D.O and Chaeeun obviously suffered the opposites-attract little annoying thing, which quite irked them. This actually means that the bumpkin and the EXO-K's umma started noticing their attachment to each other, which turned out to be romantic feelings. They began to feel awkward around each other and have a lot of awkward moments, which was all result of fate grasping them. Eventually, they learned to accept what they felt for each other. If Chanyeol gets chosen as expected: D.O and Chaeeun end up being great friends and great support to each other. D.O understands what Chanyeol feels for her and what Chaeeun feels for him as well, as he rolls up his sleeves and decides to help them. I know D.O is chosen as best friend, so could you just make him close to Chaeeun instead? *wink*


Choi Jinri (Sulli) | 19 | f(x): Sulli is one of those bubbly, cheerful and cute girls whom everyone has for best friends in TV series. Obviously, that is the case with Chaeeun. Sulli is Chaeeun's best friend. Chaeeun was born in Busan and Sulli spent her childhood there. They met in SM Town's 2012 World Tour, when the said driving incident happened. Since then, as it happens to everyone who shares a small cottage during some nights, they became quite close friends. Sulli is quite friendly and open up to everyone, being the type of Aegyo Queen every guy would want. Despite quite headstrong and nosy sometimes, Sulli is the type of girl who'd show her care for her friends daily.

Lee Hyukjae (Eunhyuk) | 27 | Super Junior: Eunhyuk is a nice guy, except for when someone takes his food. He's kind of a bumpkin like Chaeeun, despite not having any countryside origins. He's comically piggish and quite outgoing, especially when someone treats him to eat. He can be funnily stubborn and grumpy. He's obsessed for food and frequently gets sullen (especially because he is hungry). His hilariously is natural. He has a big heart and a warm personality, being completly friendly and considerate of others. He and Chaeeun are good friends, because he's one of the few to fully accept her bumpkin attitude, seldom teasing. Chaeeun always takes him, when she wants to drink.

Byun Baekhyun | 21 | EXO(K): Baekhyun is bright and somehow childish. He's playful and his love for jokes exceeds sometimes. He's badly influenced by Chanyeol quite a lot, therefore, his creepy and derpy demeanour pops out. Baekhyun is warm-hearted, but selfish, sometimes, and frequently sullen when he doesn't get what he wants. He's quite headstrong and confident and he is quite outgoing and air-headed sometimes. However, he's not nosy neither he adores excessively annoying people like Chanyeol does. Whenever he sees someone is going overboard, he tells it to stop, because he is respectful many times. He and Chaeeun are close friends as he doesn't like it when Chanyeol annoys her too much.

Rival: Han Sunhwa | 23 | Secret: Sunhwa is sweet and quite confident. Her confidence often goes overboard and causes her to judge herself better than others who debuted later or even before. She is syrupy and quite supercilious, sometimes rash. She can be quite a cheerful and nice friend to those who she loves, which are limited to her members, long-life friends and family, but to others she acts like she's superior. She judges herself radiantly talented. However, when she met this girl who resisted her charms and caught her fake personality, she had set a target. Park Chaeeun. She detests Chaeeun. They met when Sunhwa bumped on Chaeeun and, not admitting her lack of caution, she told Chaeeun to be rather careful, despite being she the one who bumped in Chaeeun. Chaeeun immediately rebutted her, for they were both trainees at the time. When Sunhwa debuted first, she went immediately to meet Chaeeun and to cackle about her victory. However, Chaeeun walked past her. Also, she targeted her close friendship with Chanyeol, as she made herself sweety and cute to the Happy Virus, however was always dumped in return. She became more determinated in destroying Chaeeun since then, feeling inferior for the first time.


Spread its Wings

Password: don't be too late~

Requests: 1st: Chaeeun is all happy drinking beet juice (*typical from Busan) when Chanyeol appears from nowhere and starts mocking at Chaeeun's taste. Feeling insulted, she decides take revenge- she says: "Ya, Chanyeol-a look over there. It's a panda!" she shouts with excitement and making and evil look. Then, Chaeeun shoots some juice to Chanyeol's pants and melts into big laughs. "It looks like i peed my pants! Noo, they're my favourite...Park Chaeeun, you're dead!" And Chaeeun runs quickly in her weird way, while Chanyeol goes after her trying to catch her; but Chaeeun who's not a good runner, ends up falling on the floor, which makes Chanyeol laugh at her with his creepy laughs.

2nd: Chanyeol is obliging Chaeeun to be in his piggyback, but Chaeeun rejects it with no waver. Seeing there is no other solution, Chan puts her in his back, giggling. Then, Chaeeun grabs his hair and pulls it hard. At that moment, Baekhyun appears and takes a photo of the Derp and dorky Chanyeol, threatning him to stop annoying Chaeeun. But the fact is Chanyeol knows Baekyeon's weak points...continues.

Suggestions: none

Any last word?: The concept is really interesting and applying to this story was tiring but quite fun! I look forwards the members!


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