I know this is a little late...

But, Happy New Years everyone. = ] So my resolution this year is to procrastinate less. That way, I can't really fail at it unless I set out to purposely fail. I have an idea for another story. That involves vampires. But no, not in the Twilight sense, god forbid. It'll be an interesting twist on the usual view of vampires. ^^

So, for those who actually read this, I'm currently searching for new music. I've been rediscovering old music, and it has been wonderful. And though it has all been very pleasing, I do need new songs for some new influences. Lately, my laptop has been blasting Panic! and My Chemical Romance. Their stuff really gets you thinking.

But before I start that new story, I will finish my old ones! (That was my other resolution) Though I'm not sure where I want to go with the two that I created but haven't touched... I guess we'll see.

Anyways, hope you all have a wonderful year. I know I will. (One more step closer to graduation!)



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