Free, Sungyeol and a note to the judges (short ver.)

See that man? He and I will get engaged soon. And if Free would be a Korean drama, Makoto has to be Sungyeol, because they're same height. Period.

This should be actually longer. But I gotta go in fifteen minutes, and I'd like to make a new profile page.


A short note to the dear judges, since Bluu brought it up.

It would be a good idea to have a judge profile, I thought. So the thing I'm going to ask you guys is this: Could you write me a pm, containing some words about you or Infinite or the contest, and telling me your bias? (Although I do know the biases of my friends, aka Bluu - Yixing, Jen - Hoya Myungsoo and Star - Sungyeol - same as me. I don't know the one from Hannah though.). That would be pretty cool, since I think not everybody knows who we are.


Onto Free! I'd like to say that this anime isn't just girl fanservice. At least, I didn't kept looking at biceps and triceps like Kou does (SERIOUSLY GIRL WHY DON'T YOU JUST LOOK AT SIXPACKS OMG INNOCENT LITTLE THING). It's really a nice anime, and not like Shingeki no Kyojin, where you have to deal with feels worse than Infinite. Or Myungsoo. Or WooYeol feels. WAY WORSE. Free, on the other side, is rather nice, and light-hearted, and has a nice summer feel to it. (And Makoto and I get engaged soon. We prepare the wedding rn.) However, the fandom is a bit weird, I guess? I mean, they are worse than MyungYeol/MyungJong shippers. The fanwar between RinHaru and HaruMako is really stupid, when we all know that Haru x Water is the OTP forever, and Rin likes Haru, and Makoto is mine.


And onto the one who dethroned Myungsoo from the ultimate bias-spot was Sungyeol. Heck I even changed my url to wangjanyeol (a mix of Prince and Yeol.). I realized this when I listened to the hidden messages in Infinitize (also added in my profile page.) Sunggyu's made me smile, Dongwoo's made me grin widely (man this guy has the voice of a Radio MC I mean it!) Woohyun's made me laugh, Hoya's made me go all like "and there are reasons why I like you darling", Myungsoo's made my head shake no, Sungjong's made me honestly chuckle, but Sungyeol's made me almost cry. I realized, then, that this man is someone whom I'd like to have as an elder brother, or best friend, or even boyfriend. And then he dethroned Myungsoo and put him to the second spot. HA YOU JUST DESERVED THIS STUPID.


Okay, that was it. Have a nice day, guys! And be sure to drop by to our contest!


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