Psychology Test #3

stolen from smileschu


You put a seed in the prepared ground, watered it, and waited.
Now you notice a new plant popped up. What is your first thought?

A .Hope it grows quickly.
B .Be careful. Don't step on it.
C .Yes! Will it flower?
D .Thank God! Many thanks to you, God, for its growth.
E .All right, no more waiting!


If you had an egg of unknown animal, where would you put it?

A .In a tree
B .Beside a road
C .Beside a river
D .In a cupboard



The Plant:

This question indicates your attitudes towards your parents.

A.You don't want your parents to interfere with what you are doing

B.You feel grateful to your parents for bringing you up and making you a nice person. mhm :3

C.You rely on your parents so much and want them to always be close to you

D.You offer your sincere thanks to your parents for being who they are.

E.You want to be self-sufficient as soon as possible.


The Egg:

The egg indicates your attitudes towards your relationships with others.

A.You expect so much from your relationships.

B.You don't care much in keeping your relationships.

C.You leave your relationship to fate.

D.You care so much about keeping your relationships.


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