I'm Back ^^







Technically, only for a week and now, minus a day, there will be five-six days more left for me to enjoy these precious time. 


Anyone miss me? I miss my friends in AFF ~~ i miss you chingu-ah.. 

and, ke ke ke ...

I would like to write one shots or maybe a short strory... ke ke ke.. (maybe), if i feel -which is now I am and i deadly craving for angst fic...well, i dont know.. I will write if you wants :)




Again, Annyeong!! ^3^




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ilamarshmallow #1
oh shana! I miss you!!!!
Kyaaaaa welcome backk....
i miss youuu~~~~ xD
welcome back chingu :D
Waaahh~~~ good to have you back chingu!!! and yup, i missed you and your awesome fics!!! :DD
ricky6 #5
haha because 'hari raya ' right i also been holiday..because of that haha