Keeper's fanclub o.O


I find it weird. 

I have more than a thousand unique subscribers but I never thought of giving them a name as if they are part of some fanclub. Keeper's fanclub. 

I have seen others authors do that. 

Maybe because I remained as a reader and was never a fan of others' stories/authors that I never saw my subscribers as my fans. Even though I have received comments saying that they are my fans. I am still weirded by it.

Or maybe because I am detached. I rarely make friends with my readers. 

I mean, we are all equal here.

I am not above anyone to call you my fans, let alone give you a name, as if I was some celebrity when I'm clearly not. 




- Keeper

/yeah, I know, a random post



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Haha keeper as much as I love you, I really hate it when popular authors give their readers a fan club name. It's a bit presumptuous. I see all readers/writers/artists as equals not someone we should idolize like we do KPop groups.
I should be first in the list, I am your number one fan!! hehehehee The others can follow. heheehehe
I should be the president then harharharhar