Swaggah Girlz Application


AFF user name:Kpopaddictus95

AFF link: http://www.asianfanfics.com/profile/view/57533

Name : Rin


ur name in the story : Kim Seorin

nickname:Rin/ Rinnie

age/birthday:16 yrs old, March 5, 1995

etnicity:Half Korean half filipino

where were you born?:Hoengseong, Gangwon, South Korea

Ur personality :

 I’m a little bit Eccentic just like my brothers, I also have a 4D personality, I can sometimes act sarcastic if I hate or if I’m really annoyed. I’m a bit childlike or childish but I sometimes act mature. I’m sociable ,approachable and friendly, I’m a little bit Bipolar, I change moods but I’m trying to suppress it. I’m very protective to my friends and brother. I’m witty like my brothers & humorous. I’m also good at both verbal & non verbal fights. I’m also good at sports. I act a bit girly but not too much. I’m a little bit hard headed at times & I’m really Hyper Active. I also do aegyo if I want something,,XD


what languages you speak: English(fluent), Korean (fluent), Japanese(Basic), Chinese(fluent), Tagalog(fluent)


Positions : Main vocalist 3, Main Dancer 2,Sub Rapper 1

Rival :Lee Kikwang

talents :

·         Playing the piano, violin, guitar,& drums

·         Modeling

·         Acting

·         Cooking

·         Dancing, Rapping, singing

·         Plays Basketball. Soccer, & Lawn Tennis



·         Singing

·         Music

·         Dancing

·         Chocolates(lots and lots of chocolates)

·         Sweet things

·         Sports

·         Movies

·         Shoes

·         Books

·         Composing

·         Ipod

·         Cellphone

·         Laptop

·         selcas

·         Spicy foods

·         Shopping

what u dont like or hate:

·         Fake friends

·         Brutality

·         Showing off

·         Bets

·         Rudeness

·         Girls who wear a lot of make up

·         Cheaters

·         Flirts



·         singing

·         playing the piano, violin and guitar

·         dancing

·         playing games

·         hanging out with friends

·         surfing the internet

·         Cooking

·         Composing songs

·         Fashion designing

whyd u wanna become an idol: it has always been my dream, and I don’t want my talent to be wasted…hahaha

howd you get here?:

I was discovered when I joined a singing contest when I was 11 years old. It was one fine snowy day, I think it was Valentine’s day that time when I joined the contest, I haven’t practiced and I was late that time so I just went up the stage very unprepared, I sang the song “Catch me I’m Falling for you” *this is originally sung by Toni Gonzaga but please pretend that I was the first one to sing it*the song was composed by my mom for my dad. I didn’t win but the CEO from Cube ent approached me and asked me if I want to train with them. Well that time I was so happy so I decided to say yes, my mom & dad did not object but they just made me promise that I can handle everything even the pressure.

But way before I was discovered I was encouraged by my brother’s to join or enter the industry.


Family life:

It was in the year 1985 when my mom met my dad, well you can really say that they fell love at first sight with each other. *well that’s what my parents told me*

They married at the year 1990, my mom already knew that my dad had a family back in Korea, and that he has a son (heechul) but Heechul’s mother passed away after she gave birth to him. At the year 1993 my mom gave birth to my older brother (Tae joon) well he was born in Korea but my mom brought him to the Philippines so that he can learn Filipino culture & English there, My father pays us a visit 4 times per year. After 2 years my mom gave birth to me, their one and only daughter. I was born in the Philippines, and I was basically raised with both Filipino & Korean culture just like Tae joon.

            Me and TJ are inseparable, we have the same blood type, so basically we have the same attitude and outlooks in life, but at a young age he already started to take good care of me and spoil me at everything that I want. *I’m really amazed on how my mother handled 3 blood type AB children..hahaha*At the age of 6 I was scouted to be a young commercial model for a certain clothing line for kids along with TJ who was 8 years old by that time. After a year my mom decided to bring us back to Korea so that we can meet with my Half brother.

            When I was 7 years old we already live in Korea together with my father & half brother, it really took almost a year so that TJ & I can be close with Heechul because even though our personalities are quite the same we still have some differences. TJ is a little bit silent but once he’s hyper he can’t be stopped in what he is doing, but he is mindful with his actions & words, which is the complete opposite of Heechul, while I’m like the combination of my brothers, sometimes I can be as quiet as a pea, but mostly I’m as hyper as Heechul. But we settled & put our differences aside and started being close. And since then the three of us are quite inseparable.

            Years later *I can’t remember what year,hahaha*Heechul entered SM ent & TJ entered the modeling world where he became famous,*and yes he was scouted because he has the height, the looks, the body ,talent, brains & attitude, and he is an ulzzang*. And well because all three of us has the same dream *to become famous or known* I also entered the industry.

            Well my family is in the Higher Middle class if you are going to rank, so basically because of my Parents countless money my brothers & I had everything that we want.

*well I think it’s time to introduce my parents personalities*

Kim Han Ni (Annie Kim) My mom, is a cool type of mom, who always supports us and makes us her number 1 priority, she took care of us with tons of love and spoiled us with it, she is Caring, loving, Funny, understanding, and is a great voice teacher.

Kim Jae Dong (Jake Kim) My father, is a Caring type of dad, he always listens to us, he is very open minded even though he is also a AB blood type, he is Humorous and always makes us laugh, he brings out the best in us, he supports us, & loves us. He also spoiled all of us and gave us everything that we need.

But even though both of my parents spoiled me and my brothers we did not grow up as spoiled brats.


ur fangroup name:Eccentrics

fangroup color:Silver



- u can choose any ulzzang. j-pop singer, or kpop group (exept anyone from 4minute and G,Na unnie) give me 3 links and their name

name:Choi Seo Hee






1.    http://dailykpopsongs.com/wp-content/uploads/2011/06/yuri21.jpg

2.    http://cdn2.mixrmedia.com/wp-uploads/ningin/blog/2011/10/snsd-the-boys-concept-pictures-1.jpg



1.      http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/46/072/L_p0017907246.jpg

·         http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/93/101/L_p0016810193.jpg

·         http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/10/638/L_p0018263810.jpg



1.     http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/67/071/L_p0018107167.jpg

·         http://i.ysi.bz/Assets/43/117/L_p0017911743.jpg


practice clothes:

1. ·



what do u think about Beast? Hmm..they are good, but we are much more amazing than them..XD


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